Hyperlinks and pictures Topic

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the pictures I can answer but I too am interested on hyperlinks
for pictures just google it, click on see full size image, right click and copy then paste... that's how it works for me
9/4/2006 3:15 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By fencer024 on 9/02/2006

redwings you have to provide a link using the camera icon. pasting doesn't work.
apologies if you already knew this and were having other difficulties.
9/4/2006 4:22 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By redwingscup on 9/01/2006

doggie, that's what I tried to do, but could not paste. any advice?
fencer024 has good advice, copy and paste works some of the time, getting the link from the properties works close to all the time.

Posting pictures in your WhatifSports Messages

When you find a picture you want to post, you can right-click the photo, the bottom term on the drop down list will be properties.
When you click the properties you will want to highlight the URL address

Right Click the highlighted address e.g


In the message posting box, choose where you want to post your picture, click the Add Image button, ,14th of 15th button to right.

Explorer User Prompt will pop up - Script Prompt: Enter the web address of the image
The space will already have http:// , you will paste the address you copied from the properties http:// can be deleted, or you can just copy adresses without the http://


click ok, that should do it.

9/4/2006 4:22 PM
for the Hyperlinks, say I want to go to a Theme league trade thread, and I want people to click on - HPL 31/54 Trade Thread to take them there

HPL 31/54 Trade Thread - title
you will want to highlight - HPL 31/54 Trade Thread, then click on the hyperlink button, 13th of 15 buttons above the message box, you can leave the top box as http for type, then in the URL line paste the www.whatifsports.com/forums/threads.asp?ForumID=2&TopicID=125301&PagePosition=1
then click ok, the HPL 31/54 Trade Thread will be the color of an active link
and will take people to
when clicked.
Hope that works, not difficult after you do it a couple of times.
9/4/2006 4:49 PM
i just click the thingy that looks like a camera and paste the picture web address there.
9/4/2006 4:54 PM
9/4/2006 4:55 PM
first time I ever used the AddImage button. My Pit Toolbox is complete.
9/4/2006 6:49 PM
Thanks, guys. I'll try your suggestions soon.
9/4/2006 10:49 PM
9/5/2006 12:45 AM
Lemay siting...
9/5/2006 1:25 AM
9/5/2006 10:01 AM
9/5/2006 10:07 AM
By George, I think I've got it:
9/5/2006 10:13 AM
Thanks for your help, guys.
9/5/2006 10:14 AM
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Hyperlinks and pictures Topic

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