The wall??????????? How quaint........... That's about (what?) 3rd century technology??? That's about par for the level of intelligence of our Whiner-in-Chief. Those morons supporting millions of taxpayer dollars spent on a wall NEED to come visit the desert SW!! In places there is a wall already.......... in most places there is/was a fence. Problem is, you're talking about a simple ancient technology that has NEVER succeeded in the terrain involved (Desert borderlands). Build a good fence/wall and then watch as successive desert rainstorms create natural pathways under or around it. Or some nosepicker who wants into the U.S.chooses a nicely secluded spot of fencing (at night perhaps, miles from the nearest road or light) and uses a taller ladder or a pole or a drone to render the wall useless.
A wall is stupid and a waste of time IF you're really trying to stop illegal immigration. PLUS it's technologically impracticable, interferes with wildlife movement (some of which are endangered species), water courses, etc.
USE the intellect and intelligence we SHOULD possess and erect a "border-eye" of some sort wherein some (FEW) BP officers can sit in an air-conditioned office with a PC monitor and the ability to instruct other ground BP officers and direct them to apprehend illegal penetration of OUR Country!
The rest is a subterfuge to KEEP allowing illegal immigration even while railing against it.
The Repugnicans have done this for decades!!