Ferguson Police should be outlawed Topic

Posted by moy23 on 12/6/2014 1:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 12/6/2014 1:09:00 PM (view original):
And, you know, don't kill people.
Don't kill 'criminals'. FTFY. Another common theme amongst all these cases that no one seems to care about.
That works too. Cops aren't in charge of sentencing. Killing people suspected of very minor crimes (selling cigarettes) for mildly resisting arrest is not acceptable.
12/6/2014 1:58 PM
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Both? I'm only talking about Garner right now. Killing him was unacceptable.
12/6/2014 2:36 PM
The real criminals are the liberals who set the table with their policy and created the situation in the first place.  Liberals make policy and block or create law that kills people.  Every damn policy the liberal anti-Constitutional anti-American anti-Bill of Rights anti-Capitalist anti-jobs anti-Conservative anti-Religious anti-Family anti-Middleclass leftists have created and forced upon the great unwashed have crashed and burned.  From the southern border to the Middle East to your wallet and your doctor.  This not ready for primetime  never vetted community organizer and his clueless cabal of pointy heads in academia and the union thugs fronted by the drive by media slugs throwing gas on the fire are the ones responsible.

How much does a pack of cigarettes cost in New York?  Why?  Who taxed the **** out of it to make it unaffordable?  Who created a black market?   Why does it pay to sell out of state cigarettes?  Why can you walk down the street smoking a joint but you can't smoke a cigarette and if you try to sell one we'll arrest you?

WAKE UP!  It's not about the cops.  It's not about race or some black guy.  It's about the law.  The liberal law.  It's about liberal policy.  

The real criminal is high taxes.  Instituted and championed by the criminals listed above.  Obscene taxation across the board to support the welfare state of politics and politicians.  Money gets power gets money.  And you pay for it and some black guy in New York dies because of it.  And by the time you figure out you can't afford it anymore it will be too late and you'll be the black guy standing on the corner  dying because of policy and law being forced upon you by big brother.  

You wanna stop murder and support law and order?  Kill liberalism.
12/6/2014 3:46 PM (edited)
Posted by tecwrg on 12/12/2014 2:00:00 PM (view original):
Are you really too stupid to see the difference or are you just being contrary?
12/12/2014 3:27 PM (edited)
He's probably too stupid. Surprisingly the lone comment on that article was coherent.

"It doesn't really matter where you come down on the grand jury decision on the Michael Brown case; comparing it to this case makes very little sense. Those who are angry about the Brown case--or the Eric Garner case, or the Tamar Rice case, or the Akai Gurley case are angry not simply because those people were killed, but because they died at the hands of people who are sworn to serve and protect the public, and work for the public. In the cases of Brown and Garner, they also believe that the people who did it were not held accountable by the justice system. They further believe that protesting will make a difference. Do you really expect criminal gangs to be responsive to public opinion in the way that our government (supposedly) is?

In this case, the killing was not carried out by someone we are asked to admire and obey, but by people who society agrees are thugs. And they were not only indicted, but will doubtless go to prison for their crime. Two people involved in the killing have already pled guilty."

12/12/2014 3:14 PM
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BTW - where does a completely innocent cop that was labeled a racist and lost his job go to get his reputation back?
1/22/2015 6:22 PM
Posted by DougOut on 12/6/2014 3:46:00 PM (view original):
The real criminals are the liberals who set the table with their policy and created the situation in the first place.  Liberals make policy and block or create law that kills people.  Every damn policy the liberal anti-Constitutional anti-American anti-Bill of Rights anti-Capitalist anti-jobs anti-Conservative anti-Religious anti-Family anti-Middleclass leftists have created and forced upon the great unwashed have crashed and burned.  From the southern border to the Middle East to your wallet and your doctor.  This not ready for primetime  never vetted community organizer and his clueless cabal of pointy heads in academia and the union thugs fronted by the drive by media slugs throwing gas on the fire are the ones responsible.

How much does a pack of cigarettes cost in New York?  Why?  Who taxed the **** out of it to make it unaffordable?  Who created a black market?   Why does it pay to sell out of state cigarettes?  Why can you walk down the street smoking a joint but you can't smoke a cigarette and if you try to sell one we'll arrest you?

WAKE UP!  It's not about the cops.  It's not about race or some black guy.  It's about the law.  The liberal law.  It's about liberal policy.  

The real criminal is high taxes.  Instituted and championed by the criminals listed above.  Obscene taxation across the board to support the welfare state of politics and politicians.  Money gets power gets money.  And you pay for it and some black guy in New York dies because of it.  And by the time you figure out you can't afford it anymore it will be too late and you'll be the black guy standing on the corner  dying because of policy and law being forced upon you by big brother.  

You wanna stop murder and support law and order?  Kill liberalism.
 Sorry can't minimize the quote.

I am Canadian and couldn't agree with you more.

THOU SHALT NOT KILL ... Write THAT on the walls of your schools. OH WAIT.. yes they had that there once upon a time. Silly me.

No problem with the cops in Ferguson. I have a HUGE problems with the BLACK racists who are milking this for all it's worth. also a problem with the morons who burn cars and loot. America has turned it's back on God. and is beginning to reap the harvest. The media milks this like a cow. Does everything it can to MANIPULATE public opinion.

I do believe the biggest problem America has is the breakdown of the family unit. The rest of the junk we have are symptoms of the first one. and.. I think it's time to dissolve the judicial dictatorship aka the US Supreme Court. They are killing us (you)

HEY.. US Re-elected B.Obama. Kind of says it all, doesn't it.

Subsidized Health care is a good thing IF properly administrated, and USA needs it. Number one cause of bankruptcy is unpaid medical bills. Get with a program, and this is from a Republican in Canadian's clothing. OH YEAH.. Next time there's an election, Repub's need to RUN A GOD FEARING CANDIDATE, not a fence sitter, or a Mormon. Huckaby would have been my choice.

End of rant and all this chatter solves nothing

1/25/2015 12:25 AM

1/25/2015 3:07 AM


1/29/2015 9:12 PM
Just kidding.

What we should do is carpet bombing and massive assault in order to kill the most and innocent peoples instead of picking out one bad guy.

Liberal logic.  
1/29/2015 9:18 PM

Federal officials concluded there was no evidence to disprove former officer Darren Wilson's testimony that he feared for his safety, nor were there reliable witness accounts to establish that Michael Brown had his hands up in surrender when he was shot.

Imagine that.

3/4/2015 9:31 PM
3/4/2015 9:48 PM
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Ferguson Police should be outlawed Topic

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