Posted by wylie715 on 4/10/2018 6:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 4/9/2018 2:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 4/9/2018 2:37:00 PM (view original):
I hope you're right about less than 3 years, but the American public was stupid enough to elect a lying, con artist, sexists bully once. Why would you think they won't do it again? Did they get smarter all of the sudden?
Honestly? 2016 was a fluke.
It took a perfect storm of an unpopular Dem candidate, sour grapes/Bernie non-voters (or 3rd party protest voters), and an FBI letter from Comey right before he election to swing it to Trump and he still almost lost.
Those things (probably) won’t happen again and now people have been able to experience the actual Trump presidency instead of the Trump presidency in theory.
There’s no way he wins again.
I hope you're right, but I'm not going to overestimate the intelligence of the general public again.
RUSH: Yeah, do we have time here? We do. Grab sound bite number 27. We have another montage. This goes back to November 2015 through October of 2016. And this is so many Washington establishment smart people, Drive-By Media experts, Republican establishment elites, think tank specialists, Never Trumpers, all saying that Trump would never win, all predicting a Hillary landslide.
TIM MILLER: (8/18/16) Trump is gonna get killed in the general election.
ALEX CONANT: (8/18/16) Trump is gonna suffer an embarrassing loss this fall.
RACHEL MADDOW: (7/29/16) Unless this election happens on Mars, Donald Trump will lose.
KARL ROVE: (11/2015) Republicans are not going to win this next election.
MARK CUBAN: (8/1/16) It’s a landslide for Hillary. No question.
EVAN MCMULLIN: (8/14/16) Donald Trump will lose.
JEB BUSH: (12/15/15) You’re not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency.
RYAN LIZZA: (8/17/16) Trump is on his way to lose in the biggest loss since 1984.
JORGE RAMOS: (9/1/16) His strategy is to win the White House without Latinos. I don’t think he can do it.
LINDSEY GRAHAM: (8/16/16) Donald Trump is destroying the Republican Party’s chance.
TED CRUZ: (2/28/16) If we nominate Donald, Hillary beats him.
DAVID AXELROD: (10/23/16) I don’t know any consultant who privately
believes that Donald Trump’s going to win.
DANA PERINO: (8/18/16) Trump would very much be able to get 35-40% of the vote and not win.
MIKE MURPHY: (8/8/16) He’s a demagogue and a neo-racist and I hope he loses. He deserves to lose.
DIANE MACEDO: (8/15/16) A landslide defeat is very possible.
LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: (8/15/16) Could be headed for a landslide defeat.
BILL KRISTOL: (9/23/16) Donald Trump will just choke.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: (05/ 2016) I don’t see how he can win.
BARACK OBAMA: (2/16/16) I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president.
RUSH: So you had a lot of luminaries in there. You had Rachel Maddow, Karl Rove, Alex Conant, Mark Cuban, Jeb Bush, Jorge Ramos, Lindsey Grahamnesty, David Axelrod, Dana Perino, Mike Murphy, Republican consultant extraordinaire. He’s the guy that got three delegates with a hundred million dollars, three delegates for Jeb. Lawrence O’Donnell, Dr. Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, and of course Barack Hussein O.
And once again, you have what? You have conventional wisdom, you had rat-a-tat type thinking and utterances. You basically had people who Jimmy Kimmel described as what? Parroting talking points. All saying the same thing. These are the people we’re supposed to listen to. These are the people that haven’t been normal since Trump won. These are the people that have been discombobulated and driven one or two degrees of insane. And they have yet to recover.