TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

8/5/2024 6:55 PM
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Journalists Confused By Presidential Candidate Standing In Front Of Cameras And Answering Questions
MEDIA· Aug 8, 2024 ·

PALM BEACH, FL — Members of the media were caught off guard today and expressed confusion after seeing a presidential candidate standing in front of cameras and answering questions.

The incident occurred today at the Mar-a-Lago resort estate of former President Donald Trump, where the media gathered in dumbfounded silence and stared in bewilderment at an actual presidential candidate standing right in front of them and answering their questions.

"What… what strange practice is this?" one journalist was heard asking as he observed the surreal event of Trump answering a reporter's question. "Let me get this straight… this guy is running for president, and he's actually standing there in front of cameras and he's… fielding questions from the media? And he wasn't given the questions in advance? And he's not reciting scripted answers from a teleprompter? Are we sure this is ok? It feels like we're doing something wrong."

Trump captivated the media as they sat in stunned amazement at the sight of a presidential candidate opening his mouth and saying words he thought of himself while nearby news cameras recorded the entire exchange for the rest of the world to see. "Look at him up there," another reporter marveled. "He's just… letting people ask stuff. And he's giving answers from his brain! I heard about stuff like this in journalism classes at college, but I never thought I'd actually see it with my own eyes. Does this guy even know how to be a presidential candidate? He's not supposed to be doing this. Kamala doesn't do it."

At publishing time, journalists left in shock following the Trump press conference were seen booking flights back to Washington, D.C., where they could return to the safety and comfort of never having to ask a hard question or receiving an honest answer from their democrat friends at White House press briefings. That is if they ever get around to actually having one.

8/8/2024 7:15 PM
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8/9/2024 8:35 AM
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Posted by bagchucker4 on 8/12/2024 10:20:00 AM (view original):
your pig *** trump

what did he ever do for his country

not a goddam

not one goddam thing

not one goddam

did he ever or ever will he

Unemployed below 4%, crime was down, markets rallied. Pulled the Us out of the Paris Accord, and started building that wall.You were free

In comes Biden. now you have 20 million illegals. . many of them HUMAN traffickers, and drug dealers..and the ones who are not into the crime thing are Stealing YOUR jobs.

You have hate speech laws that violate the very thing America stands for. Biden administration doesn't know a man from a woman. About the hate speech laws: They are only for the right wing. OOpsie bolgberg can say "Too bad the shooter missed' with impunity.. but a girl who was raped wen on soc 'media and called the rapist a bad name and SHE is facing charges of uttering 'hate speech' This is Insane. Do you get this at all??

. Men can compete in women's sports. HOW DUMB Is THAT?? Dunno? Ask Riley Gains, who got her medal stolen from her. i said STOLEN, but you lefties are all in for this kind of crap.

The dem's get in again, you can kiss America goodbye. You will be a nation run by sex perverts and anarchists. and the US will collapse within 3 years, and take the rest of the free world down with it.

Hey, I am describing Communism. The takeover is almost complete, but Trump is still in the way

You should be exceedingly glad

So what has the Biden Admin done that makes them so hot??

TRUMP: America first

Biden: 'Pi$$ on AMERICA, I work for the W.E.F.' do you geniuses even know that their plans are for us? You should care

Suicides rates in the 16 to 30 age group; TRIPLED. Billions spent on a war that is not ever yours. Et cetera. How you like those high taxes? Gas with Trump $2 a gallon. Now over $4.

Trump has more brains than anyone since Eisenhower, and everyone knows it.. and he will NOT sell the country out to the Euros.

I have heard Harris speak and she is downright stupid!

If you hate the truth, you will pee on my reply
8/12/2024 10:47 AM (edited)
Posted by bagchucker4 on 8/12/2024 10:36:00 AM (view original):
so what did you ever do for your country besides post and blather

what is your military record

Read my post and reply to IT. Don't try to put ME on the sport re military record and etc .. ANSWER THE REPLY

You lefties always dodge the question like this. You
hate the truth
8/12/2024 10:50 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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