Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

Dinner time. Eat **** Doug!
3/6/2018 8:19 PM
Now Stormy Daniels is suing Trump and the Russia investigation has expanded to include Erik Prince and the UAE.

Just another day in the life.
3/6/2018 8:45 PM
uh oh, someone has been leaking House Intel information to Michael Cohen. CoughNunesCough.

I'm sure Trump will call for the head of the leaker.
3/6/2018 8:51 PM
3/6/2018 8:59 PM (edited)

RUSH: How many Sam Nunbergs are there out there that the Drive-By Media relied on for a year and a half to present this ****-and-bull story about Trump colluding with Russia? Here’s Devin Nunes, by the way, last night on Fox. The question: “A report says that there’s a stream of illicit communications between the Trump team and Moscow that had been intercepted.” Oh, you know what this is?

Folks, does the name Jane Mayer ring a bell? Well, let me tell you who Jane Mayer is. Jane Mayer wrote a book with the former New York Times editor Jill Abramson on Clarence Thomas after the Anita Hill hearings. Jane Mayer is a — I want to be accurate here. I mean, she’s a communist. She is an uber-left-wing media hack who has taken it upon herself to destroy those people and things that irritate her.

So she and Jill Abramson write this book that takes out after Clarence Thomas. Prior to that, she did a series of stories in The New Yorker which essentially blamed the TV show 24 and its creators for all of the U.S. torture at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. She set out to destroy the TV show 24, claiming that it either was a leader in giving Americans ideas on how to torture or that it popularized torture and made it look cool or whatever. So she had that show in her sights.

3/6/2018 9:03 PM
Where did Michael Cohen get his Law Degree? Trump University?

Comrade Donny with yet another alias! John Miller, John Barron, and now, David Dennison!
3/7/2018 5:49 AM
Posted by moy23 on 3/6/2018 6:07:00 PM (view original):
I find it quite humorous that libs actually think anyone cares about who's resigning from the trump administration. Newsflash... We don't give a **** about anything other than Trump's agenda getting pushed and all that requires is Trump and anyone that will follow his orders.
LOL not even moy thinks things are going well for Trump.
3/7/2018 3:40 PM
Trump is just fine. The Democrats and media are a bunch of lying creeps.
3/7/2018 7:58 PM

RUSH: CNN has become an ongoing joke. And their numbers in February tanked even further. They don’t even have at any point of the day an audience that’s in total a million people. I do sit here as I watch them. It’s like watching a car wreck every day. It literally is, folks. It has become predictable from CNN host, anchor, guest. It is entirely, totally predictable. And I find myself asking myself, what must the people that go to work there every day think?

Are they really this off their rocker? Every one of them, from Jake Tapper to Anderson Cooper to John Berman to take your pick of anybody there, Fredo Cuomo. Are they really off their rockers, or are they really now so detached from reality that they could be committed along with Nunberg? What is the difference in a CNN and Sam Nunberg day to day? And the answer is very little. The CNN anchors might be sober while Nunberg wasn’t, but other than that you can’t tell ’em apart.

They’re hysterical, they’re senseless, they’re wandering aimlessly, they’re throwing things up against the wall and hoping they stick. CNN is a network of Sam Nunbergs. And so is MSNBC. I wonder do these people, when they get up and contemplate their day, do they rub their hands together with glee and say, “Man, I can’t wait to get to work today where I get to once again devote myself to destroying Trump over things that didn’t happen”? Or do they get up with drudgery say, “Ah, jeez. I gotta do this again” because it’s what the network is ordering them today. And the answer is it’s probably a combination of the two.

I stare at it like it’s a museum exhibit that is out of this world and unbelievable and incomprehensible. An organization professing to be populated by a bunch of professionals. And they’ve literally been reduced to what looks like an insane asylum with cameras on the walls. It’s become an absolute joke. And I just wonder, the people that work there, are they in the on the joke, are they doing it because they’re ordered to, or have they all collectively lost their minds? Not that it matters.

I’m just curious.

3/7/2018 8:05 PM

RUSH: You know Samantha Power who was Obama’s last ambassador to the United Nations? She was very much involved in unmasking Americans, along with Susan Rice, toward the tail end of the Obama administration. Anyway, they had a big election in Italy this week, and it was almost a repeat of what happened in our elections in 2016.

A coalition of, quote-unquote, “conservatives and nationalists” just swept everybody out of the way, and it was a major, major win for center-right people in Italy and the added bonus was that it contains a great threat to the solvency of the European Union. One of the issues, one of the primary issues that determine turnout and vote was Italians are fed up with immigration. They’re fed up with their culture being diluted and wiped out. They’re fed up with their government caring more about migrants and illegals than about the native population.

Sound familiar?

Anyway, Samantha Power blamed it on the Russians!

The Russians stole the Italian elections, too — and this is where you just pull your hair out. Because now we’ve got an ongoing narrative and meme that anything that goes wrong for the Democrats, the Russians did it. And they take to the media and they seriously say this stuff. It is deranged. It’s beyond my ability to describe how literally insane and deranged, unhinged whatever this is. I ask myself — I really do — do they really believe this, or is this just something that they know or they think they can convince people is true just by saying it over and over?

You know, the jury is out. There’s a big part of me that thinks people have lost it so much that they really believe it. There’s a big part of me that believes they have been so poisoned by the hate that they contain within themselves each and every day that they have been rendered completely irrational. And the other part of me says, “They’re not this stupid! They can’t really believe the Russians stole our election and now the elections in Italy and they’re preparing to steal the elections in China…”

Oh, wait. There aren’t any. The elections wherever they are, the Russians are there? Folks, Russia… There’s another thing wrong. Russia is being portrayed as this gigantically powerful, omnivorous presence that is just dominating and swallowing and swarming everything, that the Russians are running the world. I’m here to tell you, the Russians still remain a Third World country, at best, with a First World military and intelligence operation. The Russians are not an economic superpower. They’re in no… They’re in no way.

3/7/2018 8:11 PM

RUSH: And what’s really ironic about it is the Democrats and the left used to love them!

They used to want to be them.

When they were the Soviets, the Democrats in this country looked up to them. The Democrats thought the Soviets had the answer. When the Soviets wanted to build a client state in Nicaragua, the Democrat Party helped them do it! But now all of a sudden they’re best buddies, the Russians, the former Soviets have become this great, gigantic monster of an enemy? It just isn’t true. Well, anyway, Tucker brought on Brit Hume, the commentator/analyst emeritus, to analyze this seeming insanity, irrationality and lunacy that has overtaken Washington, D.C.

Now, you have heard what Hume is gonna say here, as I’ve been saying it myself in my own way for years now. But I still wanted you to hear this. The question that Tucker asks Brit Hume, “You have somebody who’s under the influence of alcohol” — this is Nunberg — “jump around the set, humiliate himself, but not only that, degrade the person that is interviewing him, I wonder if there is a cost long-term.” He’s asking Brit Hume if these networks are actually in the long term wiping themselves out, harming themselves reputationally, business-wise with incidents like Nunberg yesterday and here is the answer.

HUME: There’s been a belief for the longest time that the Trump election was illegitimate and there’s been a sense in the media that his election constitutes a kind of national emergency because he’s such an unqualified character and so likely to lead us off a cliff that it is a job of the media to join the resistance and to find out what must be behind his election and what scandals must lurk there to take him down. That’s plainly what this is all about. The media clearly joined the resistance. It borders on hysteria. It’s just so over the top. I mean, you don’t have to be a Trump admirer to realize that the things that are being said are just wildly out of proportion.

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3/7/2018 8:16 PM
Did you listen to CNN today? OF COURSE NOT! NOBODY DOES! But if you did, you would have been led to believe there was a BLUE WAVE in the Texas primaries last night. Some GIGANTIC BLUE WAVE set to grow into a tsunami in 2020, wiping Conservatives and Independents out of government and retaking the House, Senate and Presidency.

IF you were smart enough to get the full picture, you would wonder at the idiocy of Americas Leftist Media. The fact of the matter is the left just got their ***** handed to them...AGAIN. There is no Blue Wave in Texas. There are, however, solid numbers on Cruz. The bigger number is deeper and more telling. And it is absolutely devastating to the left.

But I won't tell. Not just yet. Allow them to live in their fantasy a bit longer. Wednesday comes soon enough. RIGHT HILLARY?
3/7/2018 9:05 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 3/7/2018 3:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 3/6/2018 6:07:00 PM (view original):
I find it quite humorous that libs actually think anyone cares about who's resigning from the trump administration. Newsflash... We don't give a **** about anything other than Trump's agenda getting pushed and all that requires is Trump and anyone that will follow his orders.
LOL not even moy thinks things are going well for Trump.
Moy watching Libs lose lose and lose even more:

What have Libs won in the last year? 1 senate seat in Alabama. Thats it.
3/7/2018 11:46 PM (edited)
Posted by moy23 on 3/7/2018 11:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 3/7/2018 3:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 3/6/2018 6:07:00 PM (view original):
I find it quite humorous that libs actually think anyone cares about who's resigning from the trump administration. Newsflash... We don't give a **** about anything other than Trump's agenda getting pushed and all that requires is Trump and anyone that will follow his orders.
LOL not even moy thinks things are going well for Trump.
Moy watching Libs lose lose and lose even more:

What have Libs won in the last year? 1 senate seat in Alabama. Thats it.
28/35 special elections.
3/7/2018 11:55 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 3/7/2018 3:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 3/6/2018 6:07:00 PM (view original):
I find it quite humorous that libs actually think anyone cares about who's resigning from the trump administration. Newsflash... We don't give a **** about anything other than Trump's agenda getting pushed and all that requires is Trump and anyone that will follow his orders.
LOL not even moy thinks things are going well for Trump.
you could have ended that sentence after thinks.
3/8/2018 1:11 AM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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