Posted by RCBracco on 2/8/2017 1:01:00 PM (view original):
If Donald Trump had campaigned for president by promising to make bankers richer, boost real-estate speculation and put Goldman Sachs in charge of the economy, would he have won?
Maybe not, yet these types of moves are among Trump’s first major actions as president. Trump, in fact, may be nation’s first ironist-in-chief, given that he ran a populist campaign focused on helping the “forgotten men and women of America,” but has greatly aided elites since winning last November. Eventually, Trump seems to think, the help will trickle down to the little guy.
You think business leaders are "elites" more so than career politicians (of which there really should be no such thing)?
More humor from the disillusioned losing Party.
Please tell us that kind of whiny gibberish isn't going to go on (along with the hate rallies) for 4 whole years.