TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Wait LET'S NOT FORGET that according to CCCP's own logic Bush and the Pope are terrorists. OK let's continue now.
1/22/2018 11:09 AM
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 11:04:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/22/2018 11:02:00 AM (view original):
Tang, you have yet to tell me how he has hurt America. You have forecasted that some of his actions will have negative implications, but you have to show anything that has hurt America to date.

By the way, someone who is a Christian should understand the positive importance of the Jerusalem decision. Don't let you political views blind your faith.
As a Christian I should hate Arabs? I seem to be missing your point. Explain.

Cutting Net Neutrality hurt America.
Government Shutdown hurt America
Arguing for deportation and the wall Hurts America
Inciting Racial Violence hurts America

It's been one year.
My internet still works the same. My bill is the same. My internet worked the same before net neutrality. My bill went up after net neutrality started. Nobody has felt any impact from this. The libs have lied to you.

Gov't shutdowns don't hurt. Essential spending goes on. This is a political ploy that both parties use, but very, very few people feel any effect of a gov't shutdown. The libs have lied to you.

Ensuring people follow proper channels to come to America does not hurt America. The libs have lied to you.

Havent seen any racial violence since he took office. Don't know what kind of crazy **** is going on in Kansas, but race relations seem pretty mild here in rural GA.
1/22/2018 11:11 AM
I also care very deeply about the environment and on education. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Trump's stances on both of these things.
1/22/2018 11:11 AM
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 11:11:00 AM (view original):
I also care very deeply about the environment and on education. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Trump's stances on both of these things.
I'm not asking about his stance. I'm asking about his actions. I can't stand the guy. I think he's a swindler and a cheat and makes comments well beneath the dignity of his position, but I also am not going to jump to judgement about how he is doing as president when times are on the rise and nothing he has done has proven to have a negative consequence on the country.
1/22/2018 11:15 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/22/2018 11:15:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 11:11:00 AM (view original):
I also care very deeply about the environment and on education. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Trump's stances on both of these things.
I'm not asking about his stance. I'm asking about his actions. I can't stand the guy. I think he's a swindler and a cheat and makes comments well beneath the dignity of his position, but I also am not going to jump to judgement about how he is doing as president when times are on the rise and nothing he has done has proven to have a negative consequence on the country.
We are on different wavelengths here. After 1 year most presidents going to have terrible effects on the country. I am thinking in the future. His reliance on oil and fossil fuels and his disregard for science sets a dangerous precedent. While Obama failed to actually get stuff done and divided the country on the issue, at the VERY LEAST he knew the difference between climate and weather.
1/22/2018 11:17 AM
We're not on different wavelengths. I've already said that your forecasting. But that proves my point that he has done nothing so far that has hurt America and America has continued to grow stronger with him in office. I might come back in a few years and retract this statement, but right now I am going to give him a fair shot.
1/22/2018 11:20 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/22/2018 11:20:00 AM (view original):
We're not on different wavelengths. I've already said that your forecasting. But that proves my point that he has done nothing so far that has hurt America and America has continued to grow stronger with him in office. I might come back in a few years and retract this statement, but right now I am going to give him a fair shot.
Fair enough. I have said that it is too early to judge things but in MY OPINION it will go downhill. I have also said that he will be impeached, but not removed, and stagger across the finish line a la Bush - then get reelected because Dems don't know what the hell they are doing.
1/22/2018 11:22 AM
Posted by all3 on 1/22/2018 11:07:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 10:55:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/22/2018 10:51:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 10:49:00 AM (view original):
If you want, we can debate on what he has actually done. I believe that his words have consequences but his actual actions suck for the most part too.
That's what I am asking. What actions have sucked?
Moving US embassy to Jerusalem.
Some important regulations got cut
Government shutdown
That's what I can think of right now.
Why do you ignore the FACT that many people think the 1st two things on your list are good things, and that given the option of continuing "as is", so is the 3rd one?
Saying someone is doing a s*ck job just because your personal agenda is not being applied to the Country seems pretty misguided, doesn't it. Oh, never mind, that's exactly what young Liberals live for.
why do YOU ignore the fact that many people don't think the 1st two things on his list are good things?
1/22/2018 12:10 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 11:11:00 AM (view original):
I also care very deeply about the environment and on education. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Trump's stances on both of these things.
I am Glad I finally broke you. And exposed you for the hate filled and terrible human being that you are. Thank you. See I was wrong. Initially I thought you meant well but you are just an ignorant and lying hate monger.
1/22/2018 12:19 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/22/2018 12:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 11:11:00 AM (view original):
I also care very deeply about the environment and on education. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Trump's stances on both of these things.
I am Glad I finally broke you. And exposed you for the hate filled and terrible human being that you are. Thank you. See I was wrong. Initially I thought you meant well but you are just an ignorant and lying hate monger.
How dare I say that I hate raising an agenda to make the president and his friends money while simultaneously risking the long term future of the planet and ignoring science!
1/22/2018 12:26 PM
Nope you called me a racist. Find one racist post by me. You lying snowflake.
1/22/2018 12:29 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/22/2018 12:29:00 PM (view original):
Nope you called me a racist. Find one racist post by me. You lying snowflake.
I said that saying that the confederate flag is equal to the palestinian one is a racist statement in my opinion.
1/22/2018 12:43 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 1/22/2018 12:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 1/22/2018 11:07:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 10:55:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/22/2018 10:51:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 10:49:00 AM (view original):
If you want, we can debate on what he has actually done. I believe that his words have consequences but his actual actions suck for the most part too.
That's what I am asking. What actions have sucked?
Moving US embassy to Jerusalem.
Some important regulations got cut
Government shutdown
That's what I can think of right now.
Why do you ignore the FACT that many people think the 1st two things on your list are good things, and that given the option of continuing "as is", so is the 3rd one?
Saying someone is doing a s*ck job just because your personal agenda is not being applied to the Country seems pretty misguided, doesn't it. Oh, never mind, that's exactly what young Liberals live for.
why do YOU ignore the fact that many people don't think the 1st two things on his list are good things?
Thank you for that creative, informative insight.
Still so anxious to simply be heard that you couldn't help but post something so worthless?
For a guy who loves to give-out grammar and semantics lessons, you still haven't learned how to Capitalize. - SAD!
Get back to us when you're finally capable of forming a thought or opinion of your own to post, instead of worthless crap, or defending someone else who doesn't need your "help".
1/22/2018 3:55 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/22/2018 12:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/22/2018 11:11:00 AM (view original):
I also care very deeply about the environment and on education. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Trump's stances on both of these things.
I am Glad I finally broke you. And exposed you for the hate filled and terrible human being that you are. Thank you. See I was wrong. Initially I thought you meant well but you are just an ignorant and lying hate monger.
Who talks like that?

“I am Glad I finally broke you???????”

I’m not a fan of tang, but your act is getting old.
1/22/2018 4:39 PM
Then feel free not to respond to my posts. While I think you are a terrible person, I do think you have a modicum of smarts. As you can clearly see, tangy is broken. Typing the word "HATE" five times in a row clearly proves it. Also stating that all true Christians are pacifists is hilarious.

Again, feel free not to respond but that dude is 100% loco. I guess "broke" may be too hard. Exposed is better.

Exposed for being utterly insane.
1/22/2018 5:22 PM (edited)
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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