TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

"I'm thankful to possess the knowledge and wisdom and wherewithal to prepare and the assurance of the one true and living Gods promise to those who follow his Son."

Sorry Charlie. I only read a tad bit of your schtick and I'm calling a big BullSHEIT on you having what you're claiming.
Your posts.
All the proof necessary.
1/20/2021 2:58 PM
Thank you! We will be back!
1/20/2021 3:00 PM
I'm not gonna quote post 'cause they get too long.

2. Copy Trumps model
3. You are SO wrong. NO COMPROMISE.
4. We will see. Adding States is end of Republic. Ending Electoral College is end of Republic. You want simple majority in Senate....Pass Constitutional amendment.
5. Colleges are a business. Many would be better off in a trade school. Many courses are useless. BIG EDUCATION is LOADED FILTHY RICH!!! Tenure is stupid. BIG EDUCATION CAN STAY OUT OF MY BACK POCKET. NO TENURE. I GOT ALOT OF PROBLEMS WITH BIG ED. Also no reason not to allow creationism and intelligent design in public school as an elective.
1/20/2021 3:06 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/20/2021 2:58:00 PM (view original):
Also, I asked for bench markers, not policies. What OUTCOMES would you like to see, not what policies?
Policies determine outcome.
1/20/2021 3:06 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 1/20/2021 2:58:00 PM (view original):
"I'm thankful to possess the knowledge and wisdom and wherewithal to prepare and the assurance of the one true and living Gods promise to those who follow his Son."

Sorry Charlie. I only read a tad bit of your schtick and I'm calling a big BullSHEIT on you having what you're claiming.
Your posts.
All the proof necessary.
Firm but fair. I'm not here to change your mind. I'm not here to suppress free speech. We have Google and Facebook and Twitter for that.
1/20/2021 3:08 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/20/2021 2:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 1/20/2021 2:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/20/2021 1:54:00 PM (view original):
Doug, what would economic indicators have to look like by 2024 for the Biden term to be a success?

What about foreign/domestic policy generally?

Just trying to set some realistic goalposts that we won't move.
Balanced budget
Fair trade CHINA
50 States 9 Justice 60 vote Senate
Strict border enforcement - Protect middle class. Fix Big Education. No handouts.
Self-sufficient energy
A balanced budget didn't happen under Trump and won't happen under Biden.

Not sure what Fair trade CHINA means, seems very vague.

The Iran Deal was fine already - if Biden's able to get back into it and resurrect a relationship with their government, it'll be a win.

There's about a 0 percent chance Democrats add states, expand justices, or end the filibuster. Adding states and ending the filibuster would be OK though. Ending the electoral college would be more important.

All of your other points are very vague. No handouts? There were handouts under Trump. He was a failure, then?
This was an excellent response and please let me add
that it is going to be rather impossible to balance the budget under the current tax structure and pandemic circumstances. Even fiscal hawks know this.
and IMO the Iran deal was great.
it took stupid idiots to dismantle it.
1/20/2021 3:25 PM
Fair trade didn't happen under Trump; I'm guessing that Biden won't want to risk the livelihood of millions of American workers and farmers just to balance a deficit that most people acknowledge isn't a big deal anyway.

As for the Iran deal, yeah in a perfect world we would give up absolutely nothing and get everything in return. Unfortunately, we live in reality. We gave Iran money that already belonged to them, and ended sanctions. In return, we effectively prevented Iran from developing nuclear weapons, got agreements to allow inspectors in (you can't just hide a nuclear facility) and perhaps most importantly, normalized diplomatic relations with them, allowing for long-term collaboration. That's a pretty good deal.

I would love to hear about what negative outcomes would result from ending the electoral college.

Not sure what your rant about "big ed" has to do with anything, considering that you have no policies or goals in that area. Sad.

Yes, policies determine outcome. However, while we probably have similar outcomes, we disagree on what policies could get us there. I'm asking you to set benchmarks so that we can evaluate, objectively, whether the Biden presidency was a failure in four years. He's not going to pass the policies that you want, but that won't make his Presidency a failure. You might be wrong on what policies are best for the country.
1/20/2021 3:26 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 1/20/2021 2:58:00 PM (view original):
"I'm thankful to possess the knowledge and wisdom and wherewithal to prepare and the assurance of the one true and living Gods promise to those who follow his Son."

Sorry Charlie. I only read a tad bit of your schtick and I'm calling a big BullSHEIT on you having what you're claiming.
Your posts.
All the proof necessary.
I’ll follow the sun.
1/20/2021 3:26 PM
Posted by DougOut on 1/20/2021 3:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 1/20/2021 2:58:00 PM (view original):
"I'm thankful to possess the knowledge and wisdom and wherewithal to prepare and the assurance of the one true and living Gods promise to those who follow his Son."

Sorry Charlie. I only read a tad bit of your schtick and I'm calling a big BullSHEIT on you having what you're claiming.
Your posts.
All the proof necessary.
Firm but fair. I'm not here to change your mind. I'm not here to suppress free speech. We have Google and Facebook and Twitter for that.
They suppress hate speech as is their right and moral obligation and in litigious times their legal duty and obligation to shareholders.
and the same re misleading or false or fabricated information of great national consequence.

and that is the answer to your purely rhetorical anguish over the necessary squashing of certain right wing and trump related “material”.
1/20/2021 3:32 PM
Of course where there is a lacking of insight into right from wrong what I said will of course fall upon deaf ears.
1/20/2021 3:34 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/20/2021 3:26:00 PM (view original):
Fair trade didn't happen under Trump; I'm guessing that Biden won't want to risk the livelihood of millions of American workers and farmers just to balance a deficit that most people acknowledge isn't a big deal anyway.

As for the Iran deal, yeah in a perfect world we would give up absolutely nothing and get everything in return. Unfortunately, we live in reality. We gave Iran money that already belonged to them, and ended sanctions. In return, we effectively prevented Iran from developing nuclear weapons, got agreements to allow inspectors in (you can't just hide a nuclear facility) and perhaps most importantly, normalized diplomatic relations with them, allowing for long-term collaboration. That's a pretty good deal.

I would love to hear about what negative outcomes would result from ending the electoral college.

Not sure what your rant about "big ed" has to do with anything, considering that you have no policies or goals in that area. Sad.

Yes, policies determine outcome. However, while we probably have similar outcomes, we disagree on what policies could get us there. I'm asking you to set benchmarks so that we can evaluate, objectively, whether the Biden presidency was a failure in four years. He's not going to pass the policies that you want, but that won't make his Presidency a failure. You might be wrong on what policies are best for the country.
1. Trump reversed the trend with China. They're happy to have Biden. One day you will get a first hand education on National Debt. Your lifetime is replete with examples.
2. You didn't prevent anything. They are making nukes right under your nose.
3. Small states and rural populations get no effective representation.
4. I'm sorry you don't understand corporate institutionalized education.
5. WE are going to find out.
1/20/2021 3:40 PM
They are making Nukes NOW because of Trump and the moron Republican goons.
who think the earth is flat and up is down and east is west.
we have so many existential crises BECAUSE of their deranged judgement and very inferior intellect.

Biden will do much better against China because of his approach. He has the height and the reach and the mentality and the team.
trump was just a sweaty swarmer without a plan.
1/20/2021 3:53 PM
Ahh, I love good old fashioned falsehoods. I was referring to the trade deficit, not the national debt. Trump failed to reduce that deficit, despite promises to the contrary. Even if he did, it wouldn't necessarily be a positive development. The best way to counteract China is to use our soft power through trade deals with Asian nations and other countries around the world. Kind of like the TPP.

Damn, if only there were a way to find out whether they were making nukes under the Iran deal. OH WAIT, we were allowed to send in inspectors! You realize that you can't just hide a nuclear facility, right? You know absolutely nothing.

Why should small states and rural populations get more representation than large states and populations? I live in Kansas. Wylie lives in California. Why should my vote count more than his? Shouldn't we all have an equal say? Even if your argument were true, we already have an equalizer, called the Senate, where California has the same amount of representation as Wyoming. If you next argument is going to be "politicians would only campaign in big cities," OK, that's fine because that's where the people are. But even now, are politicians going to rural areas in the middle of the country? Why would I even bother to vote for President in Kansas? In fact, why do any of us bother to vote that don't live in one of the 5 states that politicians actually care about?

Education - damn, sorry that you have absolutely no working solutions and are doomed to eternally complain about problems that either don't exist, or won't be solved through conservative politics.

Again, I'm asking you to set goalposts for what OUTCOMES you would like to see. If you don't want to do that, maybe set some negative outcomes that you think might happen under a Biden presidency. Some predictions. For example, I'd like to see less US presence on the ground abroad. I'd like to see real reductions in the number of troops in Afghanistan. I don't want Biden to attempt a coup in Venezuela. In climate policy, I'd like the US to take the lead in reducing global emissions and focus heavily on reducing our own. I want the US to distribute the vaccine effectively and have the virus under control by the summer. There's a couple.
1/20/2021 4:01 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/20/2021 3:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/20/2021 2:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 1/20/2021 2:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/20/2021 1:54:00 PM (view original):
Doug, what would economic indicators have to look like by 2024 for the Biden term to be a success?

What about foreign/domestic policy generally?

Just trying to set some realistic goalposts that we won't move.
Balanced budget
Fair trade CHINA
50 States 9 Justice 60 vote Senate
Strict border enforcement - Protect middle class. Fix Big Education. No handouts.
Self-sufficient energy
A balanced budget didn't happen under Trump and won't happen under Biden.

Not sure what Fair trade CHINA means, seems very vague.

The Iran Deal was fine already - if Biden's able to get back into it and resurrect a relationship with their government, it'll be a win.

There's about a 0 percent chance Democrats add states, expand justices, or end the filibuster. Adding states and ending the filibuster would be OK though. Ending the electoral college would be more important.

All of your other points are very vague. No handouts? There were handouts under Trump. He was a failure, then?
This was an excellent response and please let me add
that it is going to be rather impossible to balance the budget under the current tax structure and pandemic circumstances. Even fiscal hawks know this.
and IMO the Iran deal was great.
it took stupid idiots to dismantle it.
Took a lot to not laugh at a Trump supporter calling for self sufficient energy.
1/20/2021 4:21 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/20/2021 4:01:00 PM (view original):
Ahh, I love good old fashioned falsehoods. I was referring to the trade deficit, not the national debt. Trump failed to reduce that deficit, despite promises to the contrary. Even if he did, it wouldn't necessarily be a positive development. The best way to counteract China is to use our soft power through trade deals with Asian nations and other countries around the world. Kind of like the TPP.

Damn, if only there were a way to find out whether they were making nukes under the Iran deal. OH WAIT, we were allowed to send in inspectors! You realize that you can't just hide a nuclear facility, right? You know absolutely nothing.

Why should small states and rural populations get more representation than large states and populations? I live in Kansas. Wylie lives in California. Why should my vote count more than his? Shouldn't we all have an equal say? Even if your argument were true, we already have an equalizer, called the Senate, where California has the same amount of representation as Wyoming. If you next argument is going to be "politicians would only campaign in big cities," OK, that's fine because that's where the people are. But even now, are politicians going to rural areas in the middle of the country? Why would I even bother to vote for President in Kansas? In fact, why do any of us bother to vote that don't live in one of the 5 states that politicians actually care about?

Education - damn, sorry that you have absolutely no working solutions and are doomed to eternally complain about problems that either don't exist, or won't be solved through conservative politics.

Again, I'm asking you to set goalposts for what OUTCOMES you would like to see. If you don't want to do that, maybe set some negative outcomes that you think might happen under a Biden presidency. Some predictions. For example, I'd like to see less US presence on the ground abroad. I'd like to see real reductions in the number of troops in Afghanistan. I don't want Biden to attempt a coup in Venezuela. In climate policy, I'd like the US to take the lead in reducing global emissions and focus heavily on reducing our own. I want the US to distribute the vaccine effectively and have the virus under control by the summer. There's a couple.
1. I like your first line. Did you read it? The rest of your post confirms it.
2. Top Nuke scientist just got knocked off. Blew up one of their Nuke sites. Couldn't send in an inspector until they said it was ok.
3. No one said more. did.
4. Careful. That's 4 in a row you're being more than a little dismissive. Temper Temper.
5. Agree except climate.
1/20/2021 4:21 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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