TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by cccp1014 on 1/5/2018 10:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 9:58:00 AM (view original):
Tang, I feel like you completely ignore personally responsibility. I have heard you blame institutional racism, white priviledge, and poor funding in schools along with a few other things, but you have yet to realize that people make their own choices and often times CHOOSE poorly.

tangplay blames the Govt not the actual people. LOL

As I said 20% of blacks were single parent in the 60s and today its 70%. I doubt we are more "racist" now. It is a cultural issue. Period. Personal responsibility 101.
Divorce rates are up in general. Rich and poor.
1/5/2018 10:31 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/5/2018 10:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 9:58:00 AM (view original):
Tang, I feel like you completely ignore personally responsibility. I have heard you blame institutional racism, white priviledge, and poor funding in schools along with a few other things, but you have yet to realize that people make their own choices and often times CHOOSE poorly.

tangplay blames the Govt not the actual people. LOL

As I said 20% of blacks were single parent in the 60s and today its 70%. I doubt we are more "racist" now. It is a cultural issue. Period. Personal responsibility 101.
Divorce rates are up in general. Rich and poor.
1/5/2018 10:31 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 10:05:00 AM (view original):
Tang, I disagree with cccp in one area. I think you're pretty smart. I am going to wager that you're young, 27 or younger, and have been heavily influenced by someone who is very liberal; either a parent or a teacher. You said earlier that you're logical, which you are not in the slightest. That's okay. Because you are emotion driven, you are a very compassionate person who wants to help people. The problem is that you don't understand what true "help" is. Sometimes doing less is better for people. I have an aunt who is in her mid-60's. She is single and my grandparents have subsidized her her whole life. Because she wasn't forced to stand on her own two feet, she has a fiscal maturity level of a teenager. Our government has created a whole generation of these people.
You are correct on all of your assumptions about me. I do really want to help people, and I am heavily influenced by my progressive father who helps run a nonprofit poverty help place called Circles of Hope. It literally does exactly what I said to do, and it works. It teaches people financial and life skills and helps them think big picture. Long term success. We need more of this.
1/5/2018 10:36 AM (edited)
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 10:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/5/2018 10:16:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 9:58:00 AM (view original):
Tang, I feel like you completely ignore personally responsibility. I have heard you blame institutional racism, white priviledge, and poor funding in schools along with a few other things, but you have yet to realize that people make their own choices and often times CHOOSE poorly.
Yes, to go into poverty, not to get out.
It all works the same way. The statistics are skewed because higher percentages in some cultures are making poor choices.
I believe tjat all people can make choices too. That's why it does not make sense that generational poverty exists. There isn't a lazy gene.
1/5/2018 10:35 AM
Lazy people exist dude
1/5/2018 10:36 AM
Old saying fish for a man and feed him for a day. Teach the man to fish and feed him for life. Your dad is fishing for the man. Noble. We need to teach to fish.
1/5/2018 10:47 AM

"Lazy people exist dude"

So does blind bias. We are a completely divided nation BECAUSE we listen to sources that re-enforce our basic viewpoint. The politicians know this. They use this to divide us further to appeal to the zealots with money! For donations. Simple thing to find the evidence of this.

The answer is to STOP believing in the system. REFUSE to vote for the party you favor (personal bias) and certainly don't vote for the party you oppose. That leaves you few choices. Either the non ruling parties (Libertarian, Green, etc), or joining in with your neighbors and friends and forming a NEW Independent party.

Rise up! Make clear WE ARE the Gov't! THEY must do as WE wish (within Constitutional limits!)
I'm very embarrassed to say that these 3 nut-jobs are my 3 State (of Arizona) Representatives from my district. (I did NOT vote for any of them)
Bob Thorpe (R) (from Flagstaff), Brenda Barton (R) (Rim Country), and Sylvia Allen (R) (Mormon Country and Charter schools owner)

Do a google search on these three if you care to learn WHY former Reagan voters like me can no longer vote Republican.
Obviously I didn't do enough to stand up for sanity in State government and it allowed the Repugnicans to run wild and totally forget WHO they represent in their zeal to fatten their own interests!

My bad, I guess. What to do? Eliminate them? How? Can't use violence, Revolution is now Terrorism.
We must rise up via the ballot box. Stop voting for the two parties!
Those that insist that they are are only choices are completely (and dictionary defined as) insane!
Just say NO to the governing junta!
1/5/2018 11:00 AM (edited)
I did that. I voted for the most disruptive force ever. Arguably. DJT
1/5/2018 11:01 AM
Arguably is correct! Wait and see what you actually got.
1/5/2018 11:03 AM
Exactly. A vote for Trump WAS a vote against the established system. Instead of using that as a start to vote against the system in other elections, people would rather whine, b*tch and complain that Trump isn't what they want either. I guess these people think some massive overhaul is magically going to happen overnight. Instead, their constant BS is driving more and more people further and further into the two major Parties' corners. They're too busy opening their mouths as wide as possible that they can't open their eyes.
1/5/2018 11:07 AM
A vote for Trump was a vote for the richest fool in the history of the globe........... and maybe a traitor to THIS Country! You fool!
1/5/2018 11:14 AM
Yeah but it got people talking and the hatred the two sides have for one another has come out in the open. I am enjoying it.
1/5/2018 11:16 AM
Can't say I like all the hatred and division amongst Americans. I will say as long as it accomplishes something I'll be all for it in the end. Could be the sheep end up learning to not be so blindly sheep-like! Depends on what the truth is. It will come out. Always does. I'm waiting to see what blind fools like All3 say then.......... IF they're even real voters and not internet Russkie trolls LOL.
1/5/2018 11:21 AM
The hatred was always there but hidden. Really was exacerbated under BHO. At least for me and people that I work with, etc. And stop insulting my russkie folks. Remember Bob, we were allies in WWII. He he.

BTW Bob, despite our obvious political differences I think you're a good dude. I'd buy you a beer or a coffee if you don't imbibe alcoholic beverages any day! I'd even buy bad_luck a beer. I enjoy these debates.
1/5/2018 11:25 AM
I drink beer some. Particularly like DeChuttes Red Chair Northwest Pale Ale lately. Internet debates are dangerous because (these days) there are trolls out there lurking to do nothing but stir our (cultural and political) divisions for their own purposes........... and when we ultimately find out that (maybe!) the Russian government has serious "goods" on DJT thru their knowledge of his participation in money laundering and election shenanigans with foreign governments we'll know the real extent of such trolls. Mindless support of the unsupportable (which I do see on these threads by some here) is a decent indicator of such!
1/5/2018 11:34 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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