Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

why is Trump a despicable human being? Let me count the ways;
1. Trump has been accused of numerous sexual assaults and found liable for one.
2. Trump is a convicted felon with 34 felonies to his name. Biden has zero
3. Trump has talked about how he'd like to date his daughter. Biden has never talked like that.
4.Trump instigated an insurrection. Biden never di.
5. Trump flew on Jeffrey Epstein's plane at least 7 times. Biden never did.
6. Trump continually insults and belittles anyone who disagrees with him.
7. Trump cheated on all 3 of the wives he has had.
6/19/2024 11:27 PM
Next Thursday is the so called debate. Wouldn’t it be something if the opinion gets handed down next Thursday during the day and it is bad for Trumpler. He might be more unhinged then usual and who knows what will happen.
6/20/2024 12:03 AM
Posted by DougOut on 6/19/2024 8:53:00 PM (view original):
Taint sez: Honest question: You think Biden wrote that speech? Do you think Melania wrote the speech that clearly plagarized from Michelle Obama? They read **** from what their speech writers wrote. Nothing more, nothing less.

Doug sez: So....the writers put in the speech he graduated at the top of his class when he actually graduated 76th out of 85? Sorry Charlie, that was all Biden. Here's a quote from JOE himself: In his 2008 memoir Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics, he wrote that the plagiarism scandal was his own fault. “When I stopped trying to explain to everybody and thought it through, the blame fell totally on me,” he wrote.

Thank you and have a pleasant evening.

Whoa. Imagine owning up to some thing. What a novel concept
6/20/2024 2:22 AM
If only a few kids had given Trumpler a nice Hawaiian Punch a few times when he was growing up then maybe he would not have become a hateful racist xenophobic race baiting misogynistic lying dishonest sociopathic dairy intolerant thieving blasphemous sexual assaulting covid spreading Russia loving-dictator admiring authoritarian Satan worshiping narcissistic dumbing downer give to the rich but take from the poor loudmouth never read a book except Mein Kamph voting rights denier cattle prodding anti-social truth manipulating conspiracy starter violence initiating insecure Big Mac eating defaming disclaiming profane insane country destroying messianic believing bully, then maybe the country would not be living in American gangster times.
6/20/2024 2:02 PM (edited)
The 10 commandments thing

I just looked at the 10 commandments and I double and triple down what I said before.
The first 4 are totally religious and should not not not not not be displayed in a public school.
The 5th is honor your father and your mother which is dicey - what if your parents are Bonnie and Clyde. Do they get honored because there is a commandment?

And of the remaining 5 only 3 have anything to do with a penal code.

These blasted fear mongering fundamentalists are dangerous kooks who spit on the principle of keeping religious endorsements away from public schools.

BTW - I am not not not not not saying all fundamentalists are dangerous kooks. There are a lot who agree that religious endorsements should not be in public schools. A lot do believe that!!!!!
6/20/2024 11:36 AM (edited)
Some folks believe in Santa Claus.................. and the trickle down economic Theory..............and that Jesus was white. Go figure.
6/20/2024 11:13 AM
Important Supreme Court decision today upholding a prohibition on domestic abusers owning guns.

8-1. Thomas dissents.

Bottom line takeaway - This decision chips away at the originalist decision making process and expands the way that historical “analogs “ or historical underpinnings are analyzed.

Loss for mindless decision making methodology.
Victory for pragmatism and common sense approach which changes methodology in this clear cut set of facts and law .
6/21/2024 11:15 AM (edited)
Naturally I don’t read all of these pop up articles about illegal immigrants.

To whoever reads all the crappy posts - everyone’s including my own this capsulizes what I have to say.

On all issues the Dems are almost always correct and the republicans not. But on immigration the republicans have been more right then wrong on certain aspects - I don’t disagree.

That being said there was a comprehensive bill written by Dems and the most conservative Republican senator. The bill would have done a lot of great things, including make it more difficult to enter United States. It would have added more than 1500 additional border, security, officers and drug detecting machines and drug sniffing Republicans.

The cowardly incompetent and dishonest R leadership refused the widely supported senate bill to be voted on.
They complain that it does not go far enough..maybe thats right but they could have always later on amended it or changed or modified it or added on.

now they are responsible for the bad things happening...1500 + customs officers was a game changer and they refused to vote on the bill.

So thats where i stand and i will go back to ignoring the story links.
6/21/2024 8:06 PM (edited)
The United States of the last 10 years would have been fertile ground for the prime Robert Ludlum.
6/23/2024 10:40 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/21/2024 8:06:00 PM (view original):
Naturally I don’t read all of these pop up articles about illegal immigrants.

To whoever reads all the crappy posts - everyone’s including my own this capsulizes what I have to say.

On all issues the Dems are almost always correct and the republicans not. But on immigration the republicans have been more right then wrong on certain aspects - I don’t disagree.

That being said there was a comprehensive bill written by Dems and the most conservative Republican senator. The bill would have done a lot of great things, including make it more difficult to enter United States. It would have added more than 1500 additional border, security, officers and drug detecting machines and drug sniffing Republicans.

The cowardly incompetent and dishonest R leadership refused the widely supported senate bill to be voted on.
They complain that it does not go far enough..maybe thats right but they could have always later on amended it or changed or modified it or added on.

now they are responsible for the bad things happening...1500 + customs officers was a game changer and they refused to vote on the bill.

So thats where i stand and i will go back to ignoring the story links.
Ever cross your mind that the bill is a smoke screen?
The current administration has ignored the border, actually they reversed a lot of policies that were working. Then in the re-election year they suddenly care about the border crisis?

Many of us don't believe it for a minute. They just want to pass some legislation so they can look like they've changed their stance and will go right back to the same bullshit as soon as they win re-election.

Plus it's had the desired effect of turning half-thinkers like you into saying exactly what you did:
"now it's the Republicans fault".

Predictable as the morning sun
6/23/2024 12:25 PM
What ever happened to HR-2, the House Resolution SECURE THE BORDER ACT of 2023? It was submitted well over a year ago when the Republicans took control of the House. It wasn't until earlier this year the Democrats finally got around to submitting a bill.

Well, I'll tell ya what happened. It went to Chuck Schumer's desk and still sits there. He won't introduce it to the Senate for a vote. The Senate so called "bi-partisan" bill was voted on twice and rejected twice. The Democrats won't even allow a vote on the much earlier, timelier and in my opinion, better bill.

Predictable as the morning sun
6/23/2024 12:59 PM
So the debate - a debate between one weirdo trying to talk over the other with a muted mike vs a human human being saying to himself what has the conservative movement done to this country that they focus on the dregs and weak of mind and heart and hatred and dismissal of anything constructive and were proven to have analyzed that such a core constituency really does exist in frightening numbers - is on Thursday.

It once again is and will always be about the independent voters and women. Some Dem constituents are pealed away ( good riddance to rubbish I say ) but the Dems keep picking up women every day in droves and they are on a rampage and will vote. They are bringing along their independent voting spouses and partners and their children.

Right to center Independents are fleeing from MAGA
and they will vote.
Whatever is happening to these voters to make them immune from Trumpler and MAGA is on a steady course. To many the Trumpler heil Trumpler game has become all too real. They have gained a new definition of patriotic.

There is a silent number of wives and partners not publicizing their break from their MAGA husbands and b/f to vote dem.

There was a great line in Die Hard 1 where the terrorists are showing worry that they are surrounded and the leader says - you want a miracle and I give you the C-I -A.

Life repeats art. The Dems were worried but then the G-O-P stepped up and went to a war of life and death against women. The attack on reproductive rights and contraception morphed into you want an abortion ? then you should die instead. It is no longer some hypothetical argument . The S*** became real.
Women are angry and they smell blood. They literally want revenge against Trumpler and the GOP.

And every day more women join their movement.
So the debate is going to be interesting. Women are past the lies about their rights. It isn’t selling anymore and they are stoked to realize more of the Trumpler GOP lies because their eyes are open.

Stand by and stay tuned.
6/23/2024 5:20 PM (edited)

White House Asks Migrants To Hold Off On Raping And Murdering Any More Americans Until After Election
POLITICS· Jun 21, 2024 ·

WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the presidential race heating up for the summer campaign season, the White House asked migrants to hold off on raping and murdering any more Americans until after the election.

As more and more incidents of violent criminal acts perpetrated by migrants have drawn attention to the Biden administration's immigration policies, Karine Jean-Pierre politely asked migrants to wait until after the November election before carrying out any more horrific rapes and murders.

"We'd really appreciate it," said the gay and black White House Press Secretary who is black and gay. "While we understand that many of you are eager to continue raping and murdering American citizens, we do ask that you wait until after November 5 to do any more. We thank you for your patience."

Though public outrage continued to mount as more violent acts made news headlines across the country, Jean-Pierre emphasized the need for discretion while the election played out. "Everyone likes to make summer plans," she said. "But we hope our incoming migrants can understand the importance of postponing their raping and murdering plans until the election is over. Otherwise, they may end up actually facing consequences for their actions, and none of us want that to happen."

When asked whether migrants who commit violent crimes would face any repercussions if Biden is re-elected, Jean-Pierre said they would get off like the Columbia protesters in New York then had congressman Jamaal Bowman pull the fire alarm and evacuate the building.

At publishing time, White House officials informed incoming migrants that for every vote for Joe Biden they cast in November, they would be allowed to commit one free heinous act against an innocent American citizen regardless of their party affiliation.

6/23/2024 8:06 PM
The Supreme Court watch for the immunity decision resumes Monday morning. The last possible day is July 1 or 2. Not sure. There is a rumor that it will come on Thursday the day of the debate. That could be disorienting to Trumpler.

Im looking forward to Trumpler splainin how he rejected the immigration bill without reading it and it is strong. And how he ordered Johnson and the house not to take it up and hopefully they will bring up his quote to reject it so that it will be a campaign issue.
He really did say that. Kind of takes the sail out of criticism of the bill.

Trumpler will not be able to refrain from threats and bullying and juvenile insults. That is going to turn off non MAGA women in a major significant way. Trumpler’s act is wearing thin and he has jumped the shark.

Action packed week is ahead.
6/24/2024 1:13 AM (edited)
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