About five? years ago, we were given the impression that SLB and HBD were written in a legacy language and/or DBMS. Will any engine adjustments require a big conversion to a new system? Or, was that just an excuse for not refining and readjusting?
Depending on your answer, frankly, I see a two major, very demonstrable, and crying needs in SLB (and I'm down to SLB since piling ludicrous sim dollars onto international and domestic free agents became the HBD "loophole" and it got so that it all played out a bit too predictably, at least for me). In fact, you may have read my crying about them in threads. One should be very simple to solve and the other, more of a challenge.
I would be eager to give you free consultation about this... when the time comes... and I suggest if possible JohnGPF, too, albeit, he may be much pickier. ;-`
8/30/2017 12:43 AM (edited)