Posted by laramiebob on 7/8/2020 8:44:00 AM (view original):
I CAN'T understand why ANYONE would spend so much effort trying to defend a racist and an unfit for ANY leadership position POS like Trump and a party of spineless sycophants who can't find a spec of moral courage to stand up and call evil out within their OWN flock of sheep!
It's sickening and repulsive to watch the Republicans over the last 4 years.
This Reagan voter will NEVER vote for another spineless Republican twit!
Maybe because the other option is a Party that has done absolutely nothing for the last 4 years except try to discredit anything and everything the Repubs have done/tried to do and to dig-up things from 20, 30, or more years ago. I find unfounded accusation after unfounded accusation to be just as, if not more immoral that anything any Repub has done. Those things, combined with the Dems downright scary proposals (like defunding police, justified riots and looting and open boarders) makes the choice pretty easy for me. As a registered Democrat since the age of 18.5 (over 37 years), who had literally never allowed Party to factor into my General Election voting until a year or two ago (closed Party primaries), I can easily say I am more embarrassed by the actions of the Dems. over the last four years than I am of the Repubs. That's one man's opinion. You are certainly entitled to yours.