Posted by laramiebob on 1/16/2022 8:43:00 PM (view original):
Not me. I prefer W.
Sr. exploded our National debt at a rate far beyond ANY other POTUS.
Pluswise HE gave us Clarence Thomas!
Dumbest Supreme Court Justice in our History.
And likely the most unqualified!
Maybe it was the Reagan tax cuts he opposed - voodoo economics. Then when he got in he bucked the party and raised taxes for the sake of the country
politics be damned.
Clarance Thomas very bad and Dan Quayle was insurance policy that not even Bush’s worst enemy would want him dead.
James Baker very very good.
End of Cold War and constructive skillful policy and rapport with Gorbachov - very very good.
George the Elder good Prez. He was the last competent Republican Prezident and will keep that title for a long time to come.