Wow. A lot happened in the last couple of daze here in the argument threads. The one thing that consistently rears it's ugly head is the doubling down of the lunacy of guys like dummy and allmouth. dummy accuses me of being rcbracco AND usfbulls and then allmouth doubles down by saying tang and badluck are one in the same. Like, WT actual F? Can't you gentlemen simply realize that the brunt of people here and in society find your views generally pretty reprehensible? allmouth continues to tell people that racism doesn't exist. dummy swears by the hard right playbook and has the unmitigated gall to suggest that ANYTHING from hundreds of other media outlets are "fake news." Why don't you tell us what Breitbart has to say or fill up another ten threads with your oxycontin-tinted limpbawl conspiracy bullshit. You're seriously fresh too. I mean, those memes you original. I will give allmouth and commie some credit though. At least both of them have a pair between their legs and don't block and redline those in opposition. dummy is the king of cat-like puss-puss behavior such as that. And one of these guys keeps calling me a liar. For what, I have NO idea. If whichever of you said that would like to tell me what I've lied about I'd be glad to hear it. If it's about deleting posts or whatever maybe you should realize that I'M ******* WITH YOU. It's fun. And the 3 of you in particular just make it SO DAMNED EASY. It's like shooting fish on my living room floor. And I haven't even broached the topic of the 3 of you supporting the
presidouche. Isn't it time to just admit that you backed a horse who is a
LIAR and a
DARK STAIN on our democracy and the Presidency itself? All POLITICS aside, can't you honestly see the destruction being wrought by this affront to civility, science, nature and humanity?
Have a great Sunday kids. Football. Coffee. LEGAL weed. My Sunday is looking VERY good.
Your Pal,