Tangplay, I hate the elitists, and you have seen evidence of that in posts gone by
11/3/2021 10:04 PM
As it turns out there has not been a Democrat governor winning re-election since 1977. 44 years but it happened yesterday.
So now even more then before the democrats are very wrong if there is any panic.
11/3/2021 10:22 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/3/2021 10:04:00 PM (view original):
Tangplay, I hate the elitists, and you have seen evidence of that in posts gone by
Are billionaires generally elite/elitist?
11/3/2021 11:26 PM
Billionaires especially political right billionaires are cheerful givers.
11/4/2021 1:06 PM
Well, I am very sad to report that Tony Soprano is dead.
David Chase has finally admitted it. By never answering the question directly and giving ambiguous responses for those who did not want to stop believing , he has finally machine gunned the theory of which I was an adherent of that the fade to black was just a metaphor.
It was a metaphor for the question of is living - life in death or is it death in life but it was after all is said and done the finality that comes after the shot that you never hear.
Tony was whacked while eating onion rings at his last supper by the members only jacket guy.

David Chase finally cooly explained it in a recent interview about the Saints of Newark movie.
So the debate is finally over.

btw - early on Mr Chase did say that “ obviously the show could not continue” and he also said that he wanted the black screen to continue longer, I think 18 seconds longer but HBO vetoed it because they felt it would be too jarring.
They should never disagree with David Chase.

Im sorry Tony was whacked. He was everybody’s favorite sociopath but it was such a brilliant coda.
11/4/2021 1:25 PM (edited)

Based on the outcomes of the NJ and Va elections this dedicated follower of fascism foes believes that the Dems will do well relatively speaking or maybe better in the 2022 scrimmages.
One of the reasons for my optimism is the history of the odd species of voters known as true independents. I have come to realize IMO that by and large they are a fickle breed with flights of fancy about their superiority based on being politically non denominational. The truth is that they keep switching parties because they quickly detest whoever is in power because they expect instant results and perfection or they just reverse course.
They have no allegiance to a party or principles because their big deal is that the whole system is bad and the two parties are the same.
They also share a sort of conspiracy view that every politician is in politics only fir themselves.
Even I believe that most Republican politicians are committed deeply to most of their rhetoric and voting policies. Sure in Congress they punked out on Trump but who could possibly believe that they didn’t start out as zealots and continue to be so just as Democrats are.

So a large segment of independents flip flop. Most voted dem in 2020 and in the 2 states most of those switched to Republican and in 2022 they will switch back to dem
especially in Virginia where they get Youngkin trying to
erode abortion rights.

This is my assessment from following politics and polls and election results.
11/5/2021 8:08 PM (edited)
Assessments are like taxes. Somebody's arbitrary determination of value. I'm not a believer in someone else's "assessments".
I AM a true independent voter. I don't "quickly detest" whoever is in power and I don't expect "instant results".

In fact, I would NOT have chosen Joe Biden IF I had any other legitimate choice.
BUT, he's done swell so far. He's working hard and isn't a National embarrassment like that last moron!

As to Party's. I can NEVER join a political group/Party that includes/has poor excuses for humanity as leaders of their group like Mitch McConnell, or that McCarthy scumbag from California, or especially fools and racists like Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, the Trumps (ALL of them), Lindsay Graham, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, etc. These men are COMPLETELY unfit for leadership on ANY basis. They are corrupt and in power for reasons that do NOT include the well being of the American people.

Thus, I no longer can hold my nose and vote Republican (as I occasionally did in the past).
I'm definitely no democrat Party member.
BUT, it will be a very RARE occurrence for me to vote for a Repugnant in the future.
Until that ONE Party implodes and jettisons the scum that has risen to the top of their me, they are the Nazi Party of America and they MUST be opposed!
11/6/2021 10:00 AM (edited)
Right on Bob!
11/6/2021 11:33 AM
It’s a great post and I was careful I hope to say that I was speaking about a slice of independent voters who shift with the wind. You have always made it clear that you are dedicated to democracy and are not one of the carpers so I was definitely not speaking to people with your positions and voting record.

On assessments it is just another word to mean my opinion based upon my evaluation but it is just saying IMO.
11/6/2021 1:07 PM
Infrastructure Bill

Finally after the republicans blocked it during Obama and refused to do for several years when they had the absolute power to do so the Democrats got it done in 10 months.

500 billion which comes to 10 billion per state avaraged out.
Great new jobs everywhere from sea to sea and in rural and urban and every shade of state shovels will be breaking ground and internet expanded.

This is an exciting and epic start to a reinvigoration of the American way of life in a new century.
Embrace modernization and improvement.
This is government taking action to bolster the country.
We sure as hell did not get anything like this in the prior administration and they did not have the will or the brains to do it.

60 billion goes to improving the power grid - essential
7.5 billion goes to creating a national network of charging stations for the electric cars.
50 billion goes into a fund to allow immediate action in emergencies such as storms and droughts and wildfires.
There is 66 billion for modernizing public transit which will be a tremendous boon.
Lead piping throughout the country is going to be replaced.
Internet access will pop everywhere in the country.
and much more. Of course the roads and bridges and other things.
Exciting times.
11/6/2021 2:12 PM (edited)
Angelina Jolie in the News

Internationalist Human Rights activist Angelina Jolie is lauding and extolling the virtues of Disney for refusing to bow down to Middle East pressure to edit out scenes from the new Marvel movie which had same sex relationships in it which is illegal in the offended countries.
Even though the movie will be banned in the 6 countries, Disney/ Marvel would not bow and was public about it.
And this is a very good thing.
11/6/2021 1:34 PM
Editorial Commentary

My assessment of the Virginia gubernatorial race is that even though the democratic candidate was fated to lose there could have been a monumental trend bucking victory if not for one issue - critical race theory.
I have to admit that I’m no expert on CRT but the slogan has taken fire and will reach the same crescendo as defund the police unless the Democrats start to put an end to it now.

The true facts are that mentions of it that involve indoctrinating teaching appeared on the Va education website since 2015 a few times in different years including 2020. The truth also is that it has never been taught over a 7 year period covering 2 Democratic administrations.
It got into the website and stayed there with no attempted action.
The Republicans exploited it scaring the bejesus out of every racially challenged white mom in suburban Virginia even though it was nothing but a pipe dream for a few people and had no traction or hope of being taught.
The propaganda won the day because racism does trump intelligence when it comes to politics.

The same thing happened in the same way with the disastrous and suicide slogan of defund the police.
The people who promoted that idea really killed some democratic races with that infantile selfish slogan.
Even now democrats must continue to take preemptive action against that slogan.

The task at hand now is to wipe out all mention off CRT in all state and city education websites and to take strong and powerful preemptive and or responsive action that it is not taught and will not be taught.

Many of the soccer moms in Virginia that voted for Youngkin are more then happy and want solid education and instruction on slavery and racism and true unvarnished history of the United States.
They were terrified about the indoctrination features of the CRT and the trauma of collective guilt they felt it could cause their children to feel.
These same people are against whitewashing history but don’t want kids feeling like they should feel blame themselves especially in a much more inclusive and integrated society where kids don’t grow up feeling racism in large parts of the country.

This issue is a big deal and the Democrats need to meet this head on starting now.
11/7/2021 12:46 PM (edited)
yes, playing defense is a really good idea and will definitely help, let's capitulate to conservative talking points on every issue
11/7/2021 1:50 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/7/2021 1:50:00 PM (view original):
yes, playing defense is a really good idea and will definitely help, let's capitulate to conservative talking points on every issue
I mentioned only 2 issues.
which do you think I was wrong about and why.and which help or hurt democrats?
11/7/2021 1:53 PM
Btw - the conservative talking points on defund the police was a layup and would have been political malpractice to not exploit. The originators of that massively brain damaged slogan handed the republicans some victories and if the democrats had not distanced themselves from it as much as they did it would have been far worse.

Even every African American leader and commentator that I saw on msnbc denounced it as highly detrimental no matter what it stood for.
11/7/2021 2:22 PM (edited)
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