Posted by RCBracco on 8/31/2017 10:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 8/31/2017 8:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by RCBracco on 8/31/2017 5:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 8/31/2017 4:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by RCBracco on 8/31/2017 3:58:00 PM (view original):
STFU you pathetic russkie a hole.
Tell us again how it's Republicans that hate.
I have no idea who told you that lie. I am very much in favor of expressing my hatred of you right wing MF'ers. The army taught me years ago how to make that work for me in confrontations As for you little man, all you do is make me laugh..
The Army, IF you were really ever in it, obviously taught you nothing.
As for your hatred, that's obviously so deep it's in your DNA - from some backwoods Southern inbreeding maybe?
Dude! The south? You have not been paying attention. There are only three things that are worth a **** that came from the south. Bourbon. The Allman Bros. and Lynyard Skynyrd. Other then that the place is full of inbred morons. We never should have fought a war to hold on to it. We would have ended up owning it for nothing because they were to stupid to survive on their own. As far as the Army is concerned, I come from a generation that had no choice, I was drafted. Free loaders from your generation had it easy.
I think in reality, you're such a p*ssy that IF you were around when their was a Draft, you would have run to Canada.
Thanks for once again sharing your hatred and further proving my point, you sick, crazy b@stard.
You and dina should hook-up at the same asylum.
Back to ignoring both of you for a few days. I can only take so much stupidity, and I find b_l's much more entertaining.