Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

Posted by RCBracco on 8/31/2017 11:36:00 PM (view original):
Best what?
Dude is awesome!!
8/31/2017 11:45 PM

Trump to donate $1 million to Texas recovery

8/31/2017 11:45 PM
From CNN - Trump has made good on a vow to donate the entirety of his his presidential salary since taking office.
8/31/2017 11:47 PM
Meanwhile Obama is out giving $400k speeches to pad his bank account.

And Trump is labeled as the bad guy.
8/31/2017 11:50 PM
Dump just tripled the rates at all Dump resorts.
9/1/2017 12:20 AM

Special counsel Robert Mueller has joined forces with an elite IRS investigative unit for the Russia probe, according to a new report.

The Daily Beast wrote Thursday that agents from IRS' Criminal Investigations unit are now working the case as Mueller looks into whether President Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russia.

The Criminal Investigations unit focuses on financial crimes such as tax evasion and money laundering. Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is one focus of Mueller's investigation, and he reportedly has ties to Russia and the Ukraine — and may not have, according to the Daily Beast, disclosed to the IRS that he had a foreign bank account.

9/1/2017 5:12 AM
Posted by bronxcheer on 9/1/2017 12:20:00 AM (view original):
Dump just tripled the rates at all Dump resorts.
Sounds like Obamacare then. Jack the rates on everyone to help a few people.
9/1/2017 6:33 AM
So, be like Obama?
9/1/2017 6:54 AM
Posted by bronxcheer on 9/1/2017 6:54:00 AM (view original):
So, be like Obama?
Yes, be like Obama. Pad the wallets of the wealthy, the oil industry, and the gun industry while telling people the opposite.

I will say Trump doesn't have to jack his prices up to pay for his charitable giving.... His prices are already jacked up as high as people are willing to pay. He's a businessman and this is how capitalism and free markets work.
9/1/2017 7:20 AM
Posted by bronxcheer on 9/1/2017 5:12:00 AM (view original):

Special counsel Robert Mueller has joined forces with an elite IRS investigative unit for the Russia probe, according to a new report.

The Daily Beast wrote Thursday that agents from IRS' Criminal Investigations unit are now working the case as Mueller looks into whether President Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russia.

The Criminal Investigations unit focuses on financial crimes such as tax evasion and money laundering. Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is one focus of Mueller's investigation, and he reportedly has ties to Russia and the Ukraine — and may not have, according to the Daily Beast, disclosed to the IRS that he had a foreign bank account.

And the counterpunch... A Julien Assange pardon to discredit the Russia investigations.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), who has come under scrutiny for his own ties to Russia, is behind the Assange pardon push.

The deal Rohrabacher is trying to cut: pardon Assange in exchange for information he claims proves Russia did not collude with the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential race.

The California Republican became the first U.S. lawmaker to meet with Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London early last month, where Assange has been holed up for years in an attempt to avoid arrest. Rohrabacher claims Assange offered him "firsthand" evidence during the meeting that would prove there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the race.

Earlier this week, Rohrabacher claimed a meeting is in the works between himself and the president to discuss Assange's information and a potential pardon.

9/1/2017 7:28 AM (edited)
9/1/2017 7:36 AM
Posted by bronxcheer on 9/1/2017 7:36:00 AM (view original):
I don't think you understand the impact if something like that occurred. You would immediately have the right siding with Assange who accurately put out information that got Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna brazile fired because of its accuracy. By Assange putting contrary information out there showing that this whole thing had nothing to do with Russia it would add Reasonable Doubt that Trump did anything criminally wrong and for criminal trials there can't be any reasonable doubt. It would basically be Republicans siding with Assange's information and Democrat siding with Mueller. One big giant stalemate.
9/1/2017 8:24 AM
I don't think it will happen but it would be interesting. I also don't think Mueller has anything substantial which is why he keeps fishing in all these different ponds. Same thing happened in Wisconsin, John Doe Investigations.
9/1/2017 8:31 AM
9/1/2017 8:32 AM
Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over...and so much more. A rigged system!

-Trump on Twitter
9/1/2017 8:36 AM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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