Posted by dino27 on 5/25/2018 12:56:00 PM (view original):
i am very conflicted about it...on the one hand i can understand that any sports league would prefer to having the game days be totally apolitical and i can respect that.
on the other hand i totally agree with the substance of the protest.
and i also agree that there is no reason for the anthem and people should not be expected to stand including the players.
since the fans can sit so should the players be allowed.
since the the players are employed by the team and the league i would agree that an actual protest on the field be disallowed but they have the right to sit on the bench.
The issue with the anthem is, of course, that the very concept of playing it is political.
If you want to be apolitical, don't play the anthem.
It's a wartime thing. Not a peacetime thing.