For Boris.
For all3. You stated...... "As President (in my opinion) he deserves at least enough respect that every rumor and unproven story about him should not be published and repeated. Is it not still "Innocent until PROVEN guilty" in this Country?"
I agree. BUT, it is the duty of the 4th Estate to make sure the American people are being informed truthfully. What Trump claims are "rumors" and lies turn out not to be----BECAUSE it is quite apparent that the liar resides in the WH. Trump has clearly demonstrated a complete disregard for truth.
He DID pay a hush payment to a porn star, even though he clearly claimed he did not. THAT is lying to me, a citizen and a voter.
I believe our POTUS SHOULD be respected, which is EXACTLY WHY I'm all over Trump........ and was all over Dog Clinton. And it isn't about the sex or the cigar or what is or isn't relations....... it's about lying to the American public.
And you're right again......... everyone is innocent until proven guilty, BUT everyone is ALSO subject to law. THIS POTUS has done everything in his power to subvert, undermine, discredit, our highest law enforcing agency because (precisely) they are investigating HIM. And as these type of investigations go, this one is still relatively short. AND, you don't KNOW Mueller has zero proof. He just hasn't made what he KNOWS public yet.
IF the POTUS did NOT collude (cheat our electoral system) with a foreign power to get elected then WHY is He so intent on calling everyone involved in the investigations, liars and Dem. operatives before the investigation even reveals it's findings???
And, NOW, he seems to have decided (based on red-light Rudy and the new defense strategy) that he can't prevail in the realm of our Courts and the LAW, so he's turning to trying to sway public opinion ahead of any impeachment movement (based on Mueller's report/findings)........
Silly rabbit. He actually thinks we Americans are going to believe career good guys like FBI agent Comey are all lying and He (Trump) is telling the truth???????? That's just completely laughable. IF he did it, he's going down......... and he's gonna put the Country thru hell because he is clearly a low character vermin when it comes to putting what's good for ALL in front of Donald's need to obscure the truth of what he's done.
Unfortunately, it's been a lifelong pattern for this cretin and the ONLY question I have for all the fooled citizens is HOW could you not see it?
It was quite apparent.