Secretary of Defensive Topic

Unless he does another insurrection or gets the law changed Trump is out of Oval Office in 4 years.
The really scary part is that he is unleashed. He does not have to be concerned with votes.

For at least 2 years he can be more of his true self and the atrocities will be staggering.

One ( if they permit themselves to think ) can already see the mostly incompetent and irresponsible and idiotic and inappropriate and flat out weird as weird can be nominees.

Also will McDonnell still be his reluctant point man and closed eyes supporter?
11/20/2024 11:53 AM
How many issues do MAGA votershave? It may very well be true that the only issues that they have is an interest in Deportation and transgender sports and bathroom issues and illegal transgender immigrants.

It just also might be true that they might be the only group that might serve as a bastion against the impending disaster caused by 100% incompetent and dangerous people being put in the government at the highest places and the trickle down disaster from firing good people and replacing them with idiots and morons and ideologues and a lot of white nationalists.

But MAGA is certainly not the only ones dumb as rocks. The Democratic infrastructure has to deal with the fact that several groups that are normally democrats do have a problem voting for a woman which in my typically extreme opinion that borders on evil. My definition of evil is little more broad then murderers and terrorists.
To view any race or religion or gender as inferior and not equipped and act upon it by voting for someone else or refusing to vote in 2024 is evil for its malicious nature and reckless indifference to quality or lack therof and the very dangerous alternative.

And the party must look at its failure to educate the public of very important issues like explaining WHY there was major inflation ALL OVER THE WORLD and how the USA was more successful in fighting the inflation then ALL of the major counties.
If you think that most people understand supply chains and work shortages you would be wrong wrong wrong wrong. Most MAGA and Dems have little to zero understanding about this. So they blame Biden for all of it and the exact opposite was true.

You also have the inequality of Biden taking the blame for 13 deaths during a messed up military operation while Trump got more then 200,000 people dead because of his dangerous infantile dishonest and reckless handling of Covid. Call me crazy but ai think getting 200 thousand people over a year is more serious then 13 deaths in one day because of a military run operation.

And where the hell were the commercials explains how more then 200 thousand died because of failed leadership and failure to keep the whole country safe. Somehow that is ignored but the 13 troops is everywhere all of the time.

Sometimes a good offense is the best defense.

The Democratic Party just fell on its face. And during the entire Biden administration they were dangerously incompetent in educating all citizens about crucial issues and information.
Why since 2016 would they act like the general electorate is smart and informed and engaged. They were arrogant and overly confident to the point of criminal political malpractice.

I do recall many commercials touting the landmark infrastructure bill within months after it passed and that was smart but in those commercials they DID NOT importantly tell the citizens that they would not see most of the fruits until years later. And where were the commercials showing some of the actual success that could be seen with strong 2 plus 2 is 4 explanations of how the bill brought those important projects around the country AND almost 100% of congressional republicans including in the states of the projects in the commercial were voted against by the Republican lawmakers in that state so DONT give them the credit.

Democrat elected or running candidates do not yell and scream and bellow ( they might need to use that form of populism ) BUT they should be able and willin to educate people on issues where they are unfairly blamed over and over and over and over again with bullhorns.

And where on local and state and federal campaigns and that includes Harris were commercials that pushed back strongly very strongly against lies. And why was DNC so timid about calling out lies directly and emphatically and with the truth in a populistic way that could be understood and effective in canceling out outright lies.

The DNC must look at truth in the eyes and understand modern populism in an increasingly right leaning country and world because the right is more effective and understand the nature of the electorate everywhere and how to reach them. They use lies and try to limit voting but the Dems Dems don’t have to lie and mislead and dig down to the lowest common denominator. But they can also be loud in a truthful but righteous way, Why do you sometimes see some Dems like Shapiro curse once in a while. It is calculated. HE GETS IT but he is an outlier an exception. The DNC is weak weak weak weak weak and out of touch with what people want and need.

And on populism - for good or bad ( for bad ) Trump is a populist. A populist is a man of the people. They talk to the people and act like and lots of people end up thinking that they are like they them.
Dems don’t have to be MAGA populists but they need to find their voices. Populists have - “the voice” and Dems better get realistic and smart!!
And that is the bottom line.

And that is all I have to say about that.
11/20/2024 11:10 PM (edited)
The above is one of my best. I cleaned it up to make it more coherent.
It is about the things that got me really angry at the DNC and individual candidate strategies.
11/20/2024 11:13 PM
Pax or Trumppox

Some people in the media are scared sless. They are so scared that they are reversing what they have been and bow down to that stinkin disgusting carcass.
It is true that every authoritarian leader takes over the media as they consolidate power.
I don't think Gaetz is gone. He can be put anywhere in a job not requiring confirmation. Even DOJ.
All the best people has never seemed more disgustingly dangerously Orwellian then it does now.
When it comes to mass deportation the word mass is chilling. I envision rewards to Americans and green card holders who report on someone who is successfully deported.
Hegseth is the next challenge for republicans. When it came to Gaetz only a few had the balls and the integrity and decency to go public with condemnation. Condom nation.
Hegseth would be like making a medication salesman chief of surgery at a major hospital.

Does Trump have a dark desire to bring the country to its knees. What can normal people really know about his motives.
Ukraine will be step one in empowering Russia and weakening our allies. What allies in his mind do we have.
The United States will soon be a country that can have a brand-new form of government that shifts between autocracy and democracy but maybe with autocracy eventually strangling democracy to death. It can happen here.

Call it isolationism or call it I want to join the axis of evil dictatorship countries.
How can anyone alive dispute the fact that Trump in a poisoned evil mind wants to put truly dangerous yes men into the government.

Rubio is the outlier. Will he stay in the cabinet more than 6 months.If Tilson could not then I don't think so and if he doesn't because he can't then that means that we are really up the junction.

The American nightmare and little death adding up every day will lead into the big death..
I told you so has been proven already.

When trump takes office, it will be I solemnly promise to tell My truth and nothing but My truth and everything that is not the truth so help me, Lord of the Flys. I pledge my allegiance to you.
11/21/2024 10:14 PM (edited)
USA is very fortunate that Ka smell a didn't get in. Trump is 50 times the man you think he is
11/22/2024 11:40 PM
What an ignorant piece of **** you are as a human being!!!

You THINK you know Jesus??? I call BS 1000 times.
Jesus would not denigrate humans of any kind.

TRUMP is 100 times more evil than your tiny brain can comprehend.
Wait and see fool.
11/23/2024 8:48 AM
Matt Gaetz is hiring a private eye to find the real rapist.
He insists that the evidence has been fabricated and planted by a group of radical leftwing maniacs.

In the meantime, he just started a new career doing those celebrity answer machine greetings and other surprise video calls, so fun.
George Santos had a connection for the company and gave Matt the number.
Oh those clever clever boys.
11/23/2024 12:12 PM
Where oh where has Sam Kinneson gone when we need you.
He might say to the DNC - you want more votes? then go where the votes are.

The best thing for the dems to do now right now or asap is to admit that they got a lot wrong on immigration.
They don't have to be apologetic about being decent people about figuring out what do do...The dems should always walk the walk and not be fake you know whats. It is always something to take pride in when you insist on being on the side of the angels in the way you treat people.

But implementation aside it is time to say that they should have done much much more of the things that the bill that Trump sinfully prevented on being voted on contained...just admit..but do keep saying that they came around and Trump stopped passage of the bill for political reasons.
And emphasize that they are looking to get a bill signed heavy on security and weeding out hopeless asylum/humanitarian claims and streamline the legitimate ones with more judges as soon as possible again.

Get immigration off the table but do not relent on keeping American humanity alive.
After that there will be a sharp contrast between the dems and Trump on other issues.
Do not accept lies. Call out lies as lies always and with a strength that has balls.

Also reconsider some gotcha culture war stuff.
Dont be timid and defensive about using common sense re transgenders and sports...Live in the real world of common sense.
About bathrooms shame the moronic idiots who want to die from shame and embarrassment because a transgender woman is in a stall in the ladies room. No matter surgery or not there are no urinals there and stalls have doors.
So the maga morons should grow up and get a life on that issue and say it in language they can listen to.

BTW the college kids get it. plenty of colleges have co-ed bathrooms..they are not jumping out of windows or suffering anguish and outrage.

And speak the populist way. Relatable but dont sink to the lower iq level.
Be real and when necessary show a backbone by fighting fire WITH fire. Look at what happened to Bob Casey because he did not get it.

Onward and upward.

11/23/2024 6:54 PM
Only I Would Break It

Trump spent the entire campaign saying that the economy was horrible but yet it is the best most robust economy of the free world.

Small minded morons devote their serious attempts to critique their economy by applying the time held logic that if it is not perfect then it sucks And if a loudmouth with a dangerous mind bellows loudly and incessantly that it sucks then it does. And they cap off their enhanced analysis by disregarding every in their face worldwide problems caused by of one of the worst pandemics in modern history and the worst ever in the international interrelated world economy that we are in. That little fact is meaningless to the small brained small minded petty voting class.

Never mind also that the inflation they were so angry about was already a little over 2% when they voted with rising wages ahead of the low inflation.
And their investments went up every year largely and consistently.
And never mind that their country handled the same inflation happening in every big economy way better then Every country in the entire planet.

And never mind that by every barometer and index that economists use to judge economies like inflation and GDP and employment and jobs creation and unemployment and trade imbalances and others that we have the greatest economy in the world hands down. And one of the greatest economies in the countries' history..

I know, that is way too complicated to understand.
And never mind that the fruits of the infrastructure act is taking form and is ready to create yet more very good jobs while improving the standard of living in so many places in so many cities and rural areas in so many states. Republicans that voted no will now take credit as will Trump.
Keep your eyes closed and your hearing selective until a rage filled man who knows more about lies and retribution then any person in the whole country gives you permission to accept what he tells you as gospel fact.

And on the inflation when it was happening, were people saving money by buying supermarket brands or looking more for bargains that were there the entire time and putting off a new car they did not need until the supply chains that are too complicated for them start to get repaired or using public transportation once in a while or reducing their tv bill by $200 a month by scaling it down and adding a Roku stick. BTW an extra 2 or 3 thousand per year without using a purchase strategy was way more important to them than democracy itself. And plenty of their complaints were there before Obama and DURING Trump but who cares about that.

And now that rage filled purveyor of prevarication and outright lies has again inherited an outstanding economy, one that he could coast on and take credit for.
Instead he is about to embark on a retribution and anger filled tariff policy that practically every well respected and esteemed economist says will create really bad inflation not to mention enmity from other countries including allies and our isolation and new alliances that we are excluded from because their creation was necessitated by us.

When it fails he will blame Biden and Obama and NATO and China and whoever else he can use as a fabricated scapegoat. His economy may effect foreign policy in a very dangerous way. So strap yourself in soon and save some money now while you can because the real inflation, the one that we cause all by ourselves is coming.
Danger Will Robinson Danger.
11/25/2024 12:14 PM (edited)
Part Neville Chamberlain, part early Woodrow Wilson, part Benedict Arnold, part Mr. Ed, part Jill Stein, part Ezra Pound
and part Charles Lindbergh.
11/26/2024 1:49 PM
There is nothing wrong with immigration policy that streamlines the asylum applications that are colorable claims and quickly weeds out the fake ones and also good to have more judges and border security and a humanity centered deportation of illegals policy.

But it seems to me that MAGA does not actually have confidence in being able to get people to fervently support their passionate hatred of illegals.
One knows that because they always beat their chests about stopping the crime caused by illegals.
The top MAGA does know the truth, that illegal migrant crime is minimal and much lower then that of citizens and permanent residents.
They lie.
Statistics do not lie. And just think about it. If you were illegal would you want to bring attention to yourself by committing any serious crimes and by illegally voting ( nobody would take the enormous and obvious risk of doing that insane thing ).

MAGA wonders why so many despise them. Because they lie with malice and impunity and they do not have any interest in being decent human beings regarding way way too many issues where they gladly put humanity and honesty and good faith on the chopping block.
11/27/2024 11:17 PM (edited)
Thanks For Nothing

The Mex Prez has turned the tables. She will retaliate and btw it is not México's fault that Americans being the dumbest people are the biggest consumer of Fentanyl and the other suicidal drugs. There is some logic there.
Nobody holds a gun to the heads of users.. Where do they even find out where to get it..They work hard for their suicide.

And she adds how about stop sending us guns. Mexico does not manufacture guns. Trump world is illegally sending guns to Mexico arming the cartel who would need new jobs if weak minded people did not buy their dangerous drugs. So you stop the guns and the drug problem will start to dwindle (actually it down to a new and significant low already -so Trump is ignoring the trends of drugs and border crossing ). Trump is lying? That's impossible.

The border problem is the lowest it has been in so many years..Better then when Trump stole the election in 16.

Forget the Stanley Cup. Mexico Prez has the number one yiddisha cup.
Trump is going to meet another nasty woman and if he goes to Mexico I hope he drinks their domestic water.
11/28/2024 10:06 AM (edited)
Posted by laramiebob on 11/23/2024 8:48:00 AM (view original):
What an ignorant piece of **** you are as a human being!!!

You THINK you know Jesus??? I call BS 1000 times.
Jesus would not denigrate humans of any kind.

TRUMP is 100 times more evil than your tiny brain can comprehend.
Wait and see fool.
wow Lennie. You sound so brilliant.

Anyone who votes democrap is voting for a political party that is dead SET against all God's principles. From exalting queers, to calling evil as though it were good. and also castration of children. BUT i get that you like men competing in say for eg a womens tennis tournament. And don't get me started on late term abortion

So you would vote for that instead of DJT. You are not dumb, but you are totally lacking in wisdom, and moral fiber. You also do not have a world view and do NOT see what is going on, and will walk right into any scam they push on you

B T W The Us has spend BILLIONS on a war that is not even their business.. but the Democrats are war mongerers and history proves that

And you the audacity to call me stupid.

Believe what you will.

Name calling is for them who can't win the argument-debate. You are unable to do that

Anyhow, always brightens my day when I get to chat w ya
11/29/2024 12:23 PM (edited)
If anyone wants to see a great Thanksgiving movie watch Rustin on Netflix.
If you think that humanism is a satanic cult then stay away please.
It about the civil rights champion Bayard Rustin who conceived, planned and organized the massive historic 1963 demonstration in DC where MLK gave his famed and iconic speech. Which empowered the civil rights movement culminating in the post JFK Civil Rights Act of 1964.

I knew of Bayard Rustin but I never knew exactly who he was in terms of his stamp on history. My father once attended an ADL event where he spoke and he got his autograph for me. He told me that he was a famous civil rights leader. I always wondered who he actually was. He was never awarded the public prominence of MLK and Roy Wilkins and Jesse Jackson and much later John Lewis.
Watch this movie and find out his story. He was awarded the Medal Of Honor posthumously in 2013 by President Obama who with his wife produced the movie.

It is a fabulous movie and if you watch it you will thank me later.

P.S. There is a really great closing credits song written and performed by Lenny Kravitz who was so fitting to have provided it as he is a part black part Jewish person. He wrote the all time classic and a coolest song of the world at the time, Let Love Reign.
If you don't understand those references don't worry about it.
11/29/2024 2:17 PM (edited)
Nice post Canuck. Edit much?

BTW. I'm not in favor of ANY of this, but you go right on whipping up the fears of the tiny minds:

"From exalting queers, to calling evil as though it were good. and also castration of children. BUT i get that you like men competing in say for eg a womens tennis tournament...."

Happy Boxing Day!

Keep on keepin' on----fixating on your fear of losing your manhood............
Castrating your brain instead is seriously NOT the answer.
11/29/2024 2:15 PM
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