Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

When Venezuela returned to socialism, liberals here were thrilled. Celebrities, college professors, the media, and Democrat politicians couldn’t wait to genuflect before the thug-dictator Hugo Chavez. Especially when he smeared America and Bush 43.

Now, almost 20 years later, Venezuela has gone down the tubes. There’s shortages of everything, including power, even though it’s an oil-rich country. There are thousands upon thousands of failed businesses. The economy is in absolute shambles.

But this past weekend was the clearest demonstration yet of how bad things are. Over 100,000 people, on foot, crossed a new border checkpoint from Venezuela into Colombia in search of food. They were trying to buy rice, flour, milk, and other basic commodities they can’t get back home.

Well, they can get it on Venezuela’s flourishing black market if they can afford to pay the ten-thousand percent markup for food. In some cities, people are scavenging dumpsters, even taking spoiled vegetables and bones to have something to feed their families.

None of this misery is an accident. It’s a direct result of the socialist polices Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolas Maduro inflicted on their country. But now that Venezuela’s economy is in collapse, and unrest is spreading, our liberal elites are nowhere to be found.

You could say Venezuela’s chickens have come home to roost. But if a chicken shows up there these days, it’ll be snatched up for dinner! It's in a pot before it even knows what to squawk about.

7/22/2016 1:33 PM

Laura Ingraham gave the best speech at the Republican convention.
7/22/2016 2:06 PM
Potential terror attack in Germany. Definitely killings.

Obama holds a presser and makes a joke about his daughter graduating and leaving home.

WTF is wrong with him?
7/22/2016 3:23 PM

We never stopped slavery. We're democrats. NOW YOU'RE IT!
7/22/2016 4:36 PM

You're gonna see a parade of victims. AT THE DEMOCRAT CONVENTION!

You're gonna see victims, families of victims shot by the police. You're gonna see an image that portrays that the cops are indiscriminately and wantonly shooting innocent people of color and minorities. That's the image of this country and Democrat Party will portray. You talk about negative? You talk about hate? You talk about fear? You talk about dark? It'll be four straight days of nothing but whining and moaning about all the unfairness -- and keep in mind when you hear it, they've been running the show for 7-1/2 years.

Everything they're complaining about, they have had control over.

7/22/2016 6:24 PM

RUSH: "Cops getting shot all the time? Eh! No big deal. Why you think it's anything odd? Why do you think it's anything unusual?" That's really how Obama wants us to look at this? I'm so sick of these "new normals," economy in decline, 94 million Americans not working, unemployment rate 12, 15% in reality. And this we're just supposed to accept?
7/22/2016 6:26 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 6/26/2013 3:17:00 PM (view original):
This guy is flipping Obama the bird:

yes, yes he is
8/2/2016 5:46 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 1/20/2016 7:53:00 PM (view original):
Can anyone name the death penalty recipient that was a positive influence on society? 
jesus christ you got to be kiddin me
8/2/2016 5:59 PM
Posted by DougOut on 3/23/2016 7:58:00 PM (view original):

Let's wrap it up. We won the war.

Obama and the crazy came in and gave it back. Lives lost for nothing. MR KNOW IT ALL HOPE AND CHANGE JUST BELIEVE IN ME ANE I'LL BE SO NICE THE WORLD WILL LOVE US strategy didn't work. He pulled out of Europe. He created isis and isil. He murdered millions of innocents. Christians and Muslims across the world are being murdered because of this not ready for prime time never vetted clown steeped in liberal professor fantasy politic formed in a classroom of academic failure and released upon the world resulting in death and destruction not known since WWII.

This idiot has let the cat out of the bag. The world is at risk for his behavior. There is no HILLARY reset button.

Whatever is left of this disjointed Republic and Constitution surrounded on the left and the left and the other left, MUST IGNITE and REUNITE.

Last call. It's up to you now. Our time is short.

This nation cannot endure another four years of what it has had for the last 28. November 2016.

You make your own future or die in past mistakes.
why does this pic give me a stiffy
8/2/2016 6:42 PM (edited)
Posted by all3 on 3/31/2016 8:05:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bheid408 on 3/30/2016 6:39:00 PM (view original):
Current Poll on the front page of MSN.com

Is the United States better off since Barack Obama became president?

  • 29%
    Yes, better off
  • 11%
    About the same
  • 57%
    No, things are worse
  • 3%
    I’m not sure
Just goes to show how many lazy@zz Americans live off welfare, Food Stamps, or some other Federal subsidy(s). They're all much better off. Let's elect Hillary so she can give them another raise and extension of benefits.
when the drones robots and computers take over, a la Optimus Amazon Prime, how will the people get fed clothed and sheltered?

tax the winners obviously

the peops coming to get you, big tech
8/2/2016 6:39 PM (edited)
alright, i feel like i am all cotched
8/2/2016 6:41 PM
Posted by bagchucker on 8/2/2016 6:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 3/23/2016 7:58:00 PM (view original):

Let's wrap it up. We won the war.

Obama and the crazy came in and gave it back. Lives lost for nothing. MR KNOW IT ALL HOPE AND CHANGE JUST BELIEVE IN ME ANE I'LL BE SO NICE THE WORLD WILL LOVE US strategy didn't work. He pulled out of Europe. He created isis and isil. He murdered millions of innocents. Christians and Muslims across the world are being murdered because of this not ready for prime time never vetted clown steeped in liberal professor fantasy politic formed in a classroom of academic failure and released upon the world resulting in death and destruction not known since WWII.

This idiot has let the cat out of the bag. The world is at risk for his behavior. There is no HILLARY reset button.

Whatever is left of this disjointed Republic and Constitution surrounded on the left and the left and the other left, MUST IGNITE and REUNITE.

Last call. It's up to you now. Our time is short.

This nation cannot endure another four years of what it has had for the last 28. November 2016.

You make your own future or die in past mistakes.
why does this pic give me a stiffy
because you're a freaky pervert?
8/2/2016 6:51 PM

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but “we failed again.” This past Monday was “Earth Overshoot Day.” Never heard of it? Maybe you know it by its old name. It used to be called Ecological Debt Day.

In any event, this past Monday was the day humanity officially used up more resources than the earth can replenish annually. Supposedly.

The Huffing-and-Puffington Post summed up the dire nature of your collective failure this way: “We’ve already used up earth’s resources” for this year. “And it’s only August.”

Do you people understand what this means? For the rest of the year, each and every one you will be consuming resources you shouldn’t. You’ll be taking resources that belong to future generations. That’s right. Every time you turn on the lights, use the sink, ask the grocer for a paper bag or drive your car, you’re using resources you don’t own. You’re a failure. And a thief.

There’s worse news. In 1971, Earth Overshoot Day was on December 24th. Christmas Eve. But thanks to your never-ending greed, your inability to control yourselves you people are using up Mother Earth’s gifts at an alarming rate.

If this doesn’t stop, you’ll strip Mother Earth bare and find out what it’s like to live in a world with no resources at all! I’m so ashamed. Of you. When will you people freaking learn? You're stealing your kids future, even their lightbulbs!

8/9/2016 9:44 PM
RUSH: People know something just is not right. It doesn't feel right. Things aren't right. Wages haven't gone up in 15 years. People are angrier than ever before. None of this is normal! None of this is cyclical. This is not the result of cycles that repeat throughout history, either economic or cultural. Our country right now is in the middle of a purposeful transformation that is the result of specific policy decisions that have been made and implemented in recent years.
8/13/2016 1:55 PM
RUSH: Trump was in Miami today. He made a speech to the National Association of Home Builders. It's their annual midyear meeting. I have not seen this Donald Trump in a long time. This Donald Trump looked like he was on Valium compared to the Donald Trump we see each and every day. It's not a criticism. It was markedly different. It was low-key. It's still as powerful. He didn't shirk from what he was saying. It was simply the way he was saying things. Very, very low-key. No histrionics. Didn't go off on tangents as they occurred to him. He stayed focused. A couple of sound bites. He added a chart to the wrinkle. He holds up a chart here of home ownership under Obama and explains it.
8/13/2016 2:26 PM
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Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

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