We might have some sound bites. It’s not a crucial thing, but I thought that I would, in response to this, you know, we got a little story here: “Climate Change Is ‘Not As Bad As We Thought’ Say Scientists.” This is in a London paper, a U.K. paper. It’s The Express. “Climate change is likely to be markedly less severe than forecast, a study claimed yesterday. It predicted that the impact could be up to 45 per cent less intense than is widely accepted.”
Still just another forecast. There still isn’t any empirical data in any of this climate change stuff. You realize — seriously, folks — the only, quote, unquote, evidence for climate change is computer models? I’m not making this up. There isn’t any empirical evidence that there is abnormal warming taking place. All there are is a bunch of computer models that predict it.
Of course, computer models are only as good as the data that’s input, and the data that’s input is biased, of course, by people who are politicians, not scientists. They’re disguised as scientists. They’re actually politicians. Aside from the computer models predicting things 30 years from now, 50 years from now, there isn’t any evidence of climate change. The sea levels are not receding. New islands are being created, by the way. That wouldn’t happen if the sea level were receding. There’s all kinds of evidence to refute the allegations.
But there isn’t a shred of evidence. All there is is a bunch of fear by Millennials who’ve bought into all of this that the planet’s not gonna be habitable by the time they are 60 or 65. And so their fear of that sort of governs their belief in the climate change issue. Plus, fear and fright are two of the key techniques used to persuade people, particularly young people today. They work. But there isn’t any evidence. It’s just like this “Climate Change Is ‘Not as Bad as We Thought’ Say Scientists.”
There isn’t even any science in climate change, when you get right down to it. No settled science is ever declared settled because of computer models. Anyway, it “predicted the impact will be up to 45% less intense than widely accepted. But the study emerged as other scientists said winter waves pounding the Scottish and Irish coasts have grown by up to 5 feet, 6 inches over the past 70 years.” (laughing) That is impossible to measure! The height of waves?
I can take you out here in March, and I can show you the height of waves out here on the Atlantic Ocean that we don’t usually see in March. It had nothing to do with climate change. It had everything to do with high- and low-pressure areas. Every time a cold front goes through here, the height of waves — cold front, not warm front. When a cold front goes through here is when the surfers go nuts. They take up all of our parking spaces, block up all of our roads. You can’t get home because of the surfers!
And they’ve never surfing in the summer. There aren’t any waves in the summer unless there’s a hurricane’s out there. They’re always surfing in the winter. Anyway, I just wanted to share this because something is making this group dial this back. Who is this group anyway? (muttering) “A study in the Journal of Climate predicts rises of…” The typical bogus, nothing to see here. It’s just a political movement that is disguised as science.
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