Booo, Adam. You are officially Microsoft, the House in blackjack, ESPN, the Yankees, LeBron-Wade-Bosh,, and every other entity that dominates its market. I congratulate you on nothing, wish no goodwill for the future, and hope that the Thomas Sillynannies are involved in a horrible bar brawl with a biker gang on the way back from their White House celebration. Facts that should be noted:
Elbert Gary was living in a spacious 3-bedroom apartment that was paid for by Adam (co-financed by Pete Carroll.)
Henry Smith was given an A- in Algebra 3, despite the fact that he can't count past 12.
Adam lied about his master's degree on his resume when he applied for the job.
Adam once had an owner of an italian restaurant in Waterville, ME close the place down so he could have 15 seconds of alone time with a Thomas co-ed.
Adam is a terrible parallel-parker.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.