Posted by contrarian23 on 6/9/2024 6:33:00 PM (view original):
There is no longer - not that there ever was - any excuse for supporting Trump. It doesn't matter what you think of Biden, the Democractic party, liberalism, etc. None of it matters. If you support Trump, you are a traitor to the very idea of what it means to be an American. Trump is anti-freedom, anti-military, anti-justice, anti-accountability, anti-democracy, anti-woman, anti-minority, anti-everything that once made this country a shining city on the hill. And since virtually the entire GOP supports Trump, if you are voting for ANY rethuglican, the same applies.
Ah yes. Shining city on a hill. From the Gospel according to Matthew. Jesus was referring to salt and light in his Sermon on the Mount and his City on a Hill was resurrected in America in 1630 by John Winthrop in his "A model of Christian Charity" delivered to the colonists embarked on the
Arbella as they created the Boston settlement. The city on a hill.
John Kennedy referred to in 1961 in an address to the General Court of Massachusetts. To wit:
... I have been guided by the standard John Winthrop set before his shipmates on the flagship
Arabella three hundred and thirty-one years ago, as they, too, faced the task of building a new government on a perilous frontier. "We must always consider", he said, "that we shall be as a
city upon a hill—the eyes of all people are upon us". Today the eyes of all people are truly upon us—and our governments, in every branch, at every level, national, state and local, must be as a city upon a hill—constructed and inhabited by men aware of their great trust and their great responsibilities. For we are setting out upon a voyage in 1961 no less hazardous than that undertaken by the
Arabella in 1630. We are committing ourselves to tasks of statecraft no less awesome than that of governing the Massachusetts Bay Colony, beset as it was then by terror without and disorder within. History will not judge our endeavors—and a government cannot be selected—merely on the basis of color or creed or even party affiliation. Neither will competence and loyalty and stature, while essential to the utmost, suffice in times such as these. For of those to whom much is given, much is required
More recently and more famously it was used in President Ronald Reagans farewell address:
I have quoted John Winthrop's words more than once on the campaign trail this year—for I believe that Americans in 1980 are every bit as committed to that vision of a shining
city on a hill, as were those long ago settlers ... These visitors to that city on the
Potomac do not come as white or black, red or yellow; they are not Jews or Christians; conservatives or liberals; or Democrats or Republicans. They are Americans awed by what has gone before, proud of what for them is still… a shining city on a hill.
And then there's contrarian23....................
6/9/2024 8:19 PM (edited)