Posted by strikeout26 on 1/31/2021 11:19:00 PM (view original):
Stop writing such long posts. I have limited time to respond. And no, I haven’t moved further to the right. Same ole me that thinks Trump is a scumbag that the republicans need to leave by the waste side.

I started to respond to you, but I just don’t have time right now. My responses were vague and weak, so I deleted them. You deserve a more in-depth argument, so I’ll try to get back to you later.

Ok you are not so bad.
you deserved a better response from me.
thanks for the comment on trump.
you are different to me now.
1/31/2021 11:31 PM
Easy there on Tang. You have been redlining people as long as I can remember. My very first interaction with you years ago, you redlined. If you don’t like your reputation, change it. Your friends and foes alike have all ******* about it.
1/31/2021 11:32 PM
Strikeout - I’ll go back to your post tomorrow.
1/31/2021 11:32 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/31/2021 11:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/31/2021 11:19:00 PM (view original):
Stop writing such long posts. I have limited time to respond. And no, I haven’t moved further to the right. Same ole me that thinks Trump is a scumbag that the republicans need to leave by the waste side.

I started to respond to you, but I just don’t have time right now. My responses were vague and weak, so I deleted them. You deserve a more in-depth argument, so I’ll try to get back to you later.

Ok you are not so bad.
you deserved a better response from me.
thanks for the comment on trump.
you are different to me now.
Lol. Trump is the Great Uniter after all! Doing his duty to bring the left and right together.
1/31/2021 11:34 PM
I am sorry. Contrary to what some think I am happy to admit when I am wrong which happens occasionally not usually on issues but sometimes in reading people. So I am sorry for classifying you as a fringe guy.

you are welcome here but please be prepared for pointed barbs.
I will respond to your post tomorrow.
1/31/2021 11:42 PM
No hard feelings at all.
1/31/2021 11:58 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/31/2021 11:19:00 PM (view original):
Stop writing such long posts. I have limited time to respond. And no, I haven’t moved further to the right. Same ole me that thinks Trump is a scumbag that the republicans need to leave by the waste side.

I started to respond to you, but I just don’t have time right now. My responses were vague and weak, so I deleted them. You deserve a more in-depth argument, so I’ll try to get back to you later.

Fair enough. I think the Republican Party needs more principled people like you or Dahs and less like Doug or LostnFound. I appreciate that you attempt to justify your positions.

As for me, I think I've moved (somewhat) to the right as of late. As I said in the last post, I've become more skeptical of broad policies that attempt to deliver a one-size-fits-all solution and leaned more towards incrementalism. I'm still further to the left of Biden than I am to the right of Bernie. Still absolutely disgusted with the Trump side of the Republican party (which seems like the entire party).

As for Dino, the criticism of his use of the redline tool is absolutely warranted. All3 was redlined regardless of content for days. All3 pretending that his continual posting was some sort of crusade against censorship was cringe, to be sure, but dino should not reflectively get upset whenever anyone points out that he misued the redline.

Especially when all I did was point out an objective fact (yes, the pinned posts are in reference to dino).
2/1/2021 12:01 AM
The entire party is not “The party of Trump.” Even those that voted for him, are not necessarily Trump supporters. Plenty are, but not all. A whole lot of those 74M people voted less for Trump and more against how illiberal the Democratic Party has become.

Quick anecdote. When I was a young child, my church started a petition to basically cancel Eminem. The Republican Party used to be the moral arbiters. It has now switched. The Republican Party has become more libertarian. They believe more in the “you live your life how you want and I’ll do the same.” The democrats are now the party that want to dictate how you live and what you’re allowed to think and say. They are now the cancel culture party. Think about it. Trump was the first pro gay marriage president in history at the time of his inauguration. Obama opposed gay marriage when he was first inaugurated. He did support it by the beginning of his second term.

This is what a lot of republicans stand for. When they talk about freedom, they mean it.
2/1/2021 12:47 AM
When did I redline all3 dope that was at least 2 years ago.

and also dope strikeout was referring to 2 redlines in my thread here.

I was stopped from the redlining I did several years ago. I was punished and said I would not do it again.
I have kept my word.
I’m sick of guys like you continuing to berate me about it.
The all3 guy never stops talking about it and you are just as much of a jerk about it as he is.

now for the last time to the clowns of which Tangplay belongs i redlined more then 2 years ago because -

1. I thought I could
2. I despise all3 and what he stands for and believes
3 he has no sense of humor
4. I was enforcing a code of civility that he was unwilling to abide by. When I came back from that suspension I said **** it.....I can’t redline but I won’t be civil anymore either.
5. Posts had racist views and I felt very entitled to redline those of his and of a few others.

So Tangplay please get off your friggin high horse and please stfu.
2/1/2021 1:06 AM (edited)
And one more point one of our good guys I think it was Bob but I could be wrong tried out a thread recently about a month or 2 ago and redlined a few posts off the bat.
it ain’t easy not to when you see what some morons and schmucks and racially challenged people post and you want to have a quality thread.

Tangplay you need to stop with your didactic bullshit and grow up.
2/1/2021 1:11 AM

i forgot gomiami’s other pen names.
I haven’t seen him in the forums for a long time and I have been very worried. He told be that he had health issues but never elaborated.
I hope that he is ok and taking time off from wis.
Although I did not agree with him on a lot I got to know him as a good person.
I hope he is ok.
2/1/2021 1:18 AM
USFBulls is his other name I think. Yes, he was battling some issues. I hope he is safe and sound as well.
2/1/2021 1:54 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 2/1/2021 12:47:00 AM (view original):
The entire party is not “The party of Trump.” Even those that voted for him, are not necessarily Trump supporters. Plenty are, but not all. A whole lot of those 74M people voted less for Trump and more against how illiberal the Democratic Party has become.

Quick anecdote. When I was a young child, my church started a petition to basically cancel Eminem. The Republican Party used to be the moral arbiters. It has now switched. The Republican Party has become more libertarian. They believe more in the “you live your life how you want and I’ll do the same.” The democrats are now the party that want to dictate how you live and what you’re allowed to think and say. They are now the cancel culture party. Think about it. Trump was the first pro gay marriage president in history at the time of his inauguration. Obama opposed gay marriage when he was first inaugurated. He did support it by the beginning of his second term.

This is what a lot of republicans stand for. When they talk about freedom, they mean it.
I think your theory on Trump voters is contradicted by the fact that Trump still enjoyed 90%+ support by the Republican Party throughout the entirety of his Presidency. When you poll Republicans on potential 2024 candidates, it's overwhelmingly Trump getting support. I think the vast majority of the Republican Party has been consumed by Trump's cult of personality.

I also believe that you are projecting your personal views on the Republican Party somewhat. I can think of plenty of examples where the Republican Party supports more government overreach than the Democrats. Abortion and drugs are two examples of this. Recently, the House had a vote on legalizing marijuana. The Democrats overwhelmingly voted for it, the Republicans overwhelmingly against. Limiting the criminal justice system and military industrial complex? That's a left-wing policy. As for more cultural values, it seems to me like the left is the one arguing for freedoms. Which was the party that got really offended when Harry Styles decided to wear a dress? The left didn't care, the right freaked out and called it the end of western civilization. To be clear, I don't think either party is super libertarian or supports complete personal freedom. But I don't think the right is better than the left in this regard (and by the way, Republicans are willing to "cancel" people just as much as Democrats).

Gay rights is an example of this. Sure, Trump says he supports the LGBT. But actions speak louder than words.
  • About half of his picks in the judiciary are anti-gay rights
  • Surrounded himself with numerous people who are anti-gay rights (Mike Pence?)
  • He allowed healthcare providers to refuse service to gay people
  • He allowed numerous agencies to allow different federal services to discriminate based on sexuality, such as adoption agencies
  • Rolled back protections preventing gay people from being discriminated against for health and welfare programs
2/1/2021 8:41 AM
Posted by dino27 on 2/1/2021 1:18:00 AM (view original):

i forgot gomiami’s other pen names.
I haven’t seen him in the forums for a long time and I have been very worried. He told be that he had health issues but never elaborated.
I hope that he is ok and taking time off from wis.
Although I did not agree with him on a lot I got to know him as a good person.
I hope he is ok.
I concur and was thinking about the same thing
2/1/2021 8:41 AM
The trump administration fought hard in the Supreme Court to block the extending of the 1964 civil rights act from shielding the LGBT community from discrimination in the workplace. They were knocked down 6-3.
Trump took this as a big loss.
I can’t think of anything that more fully demonstrated his and his administration’s true intent toward the gay community.
To characterize their position as anything less than hateful and nazi like in mentality would be to normalize such beliefs in a country where most thank god most want to move forward to justice for all.
2/1/2021 9:42 AM (edited)
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