Posted by mchales_army on 6/4/2015 11:16:00 AM (view original):
Throwing Repubs a bone doesn't have to be pork. It could be as simple as giving a little on an issue that is important to the Repub base. There are numerous examples, and he could have gave a little on any one of them to start the process of "working together". He never did, and never will.
But he has compromised. Many, many times he has offered to give on an issue to get something done.
He compromised during the 2012 "
fiscal cliff" negotiations:
In negotiations with Mr. Boehner he had tentatively agreed to raise that threshold to $400,000, and Congressional Democrats on Friday said they would go as high as $500,000 if it would seal a deal with Republicans.
offered a compromise during the contraception/insurance issue last year:
The Obama administration outlined a new compromise Friday aimed at shielding religious business owners and Christian universities and charities from the health law's contraception-coverage requirements
He even offered a compromise during the
health care reform negotiations:
In another olive branch to Republicans, Obama indicated that he'd support some "demonstration projects" to try setting experimental limits on medical malpractice lawsuits — long a Republican goal that Democrats typically oppose.
Those are just three examples. The narrative that Obama has refused to compromise is bullshit. The GOP came into this with a plan to say no to everything. It was a calculated political move that they thought wouldn't cost them anything. So far, they were right. And stupid people continue to listen to Limbaugh and Hannity and believe the bullshit line that if Obama had just tried to negotiate, the GOP would have been happy to work with him.