Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

Posted by Lennybruce26 on 9/24/2024 7:55:00 AM (view original):
If Trump should win then Ukraine has only 120 days to have the help of the United States.
They will not only lose aid but also guidance and strategy and morale.
Isolationists who are dangerous for the whole world will reign.

Pray for Ukraine if Trump wins and get ready for extremely dangerous foreign policy.
Gentleman's bet: Trump wins, The wars stops in less than 2 months. Harris wins, someone drops a nuke within a year
9/28/2024 11:41 PM
Donald Trump’s Most Catastrophic Policy Actions
Dave Letterman style. ( not including war on truth and democracy and NATO and allies and creating a hateful division in the country not seen since the civil war. And not including his serious crimes ).

5. The wasteful ultra wealthy tax cut that blew up the deficit and threatened programs for the not ultra wealthy and erased revenue we needed after Covid began.

4. His “criminal “ ( from Bob Woodward ) handling of Covid from lying to the American people about what it was and the danger to discouraging the wearing of masks to causing Asian Americans to be the target of violence to undercutting the medical experts including a saint of a man - Dr Fauci to encouraging quack remedies including his own injecting bleach to opposing private enterprise mask requirements to dismissing successful private sector vaccines developed here and around the world to refusing to take executive powers to create and provide things that needed to be manufactured immediately.
Because of his Herbert Hoover like response to the challenge he was responsible for an excess of 200,000 deaths in the United States.

3. Purposely and intentionally appointing Supreme Court justices who were going to overturn Roe v Wade. He said he would do that and after he bragged about his being responsible for what happened because he appointed justices who would and did do it. He has caused a health calamity for women and girls and he has already caused many deaths.
Already 22 states have either total restriction or nearly total restrictions and women are dying. He will not apologize or acknowledge what has happened and he is doubling down that it was good for women ( that’s right ) and women are happy and safer now ( that’s right ).

2. He took us out of the Paris Treaty leading to other countries abandoning the goals and he has turned back the crucial gains that there would be here and around the world if Hillary Clinton had won.
He failed the entire world by his actions his inactions his omissions and his sabotage leading to a greater threat and a wasted 4 years we cannot get back.
And oh b/t/w he has said that climate change is a hoax and that windmills cause cancer and other such allegations that are ludicrous but dangerous.

1. He took us out of the Iran nuclear deal and the time is 11:58 and 45 seconds now if not closer several operational nuclear bombs.
There is a lot about this. There was no logic to this catastrophe but his reasons were this.
A. Spite he put the entire world in grave danger because he wanted to reverse an Obama policy just like he tried to do with ACA. Republicans agreed on both and supported blowing up the deal THAT WAS WORKING. Other consequences endangering the world have happened but that is a long subject.
B. He foolishly thought that the sanctions - the Scortch earth policy would cause such poverty that Iranians would revolt and take down the ayatollahs and bring about a secular democracy. Failed miserably. Did not happen. Not even close.
C. Thought sanctions would stop Iran from sending weapons into the Middle East. It did not. Would not and could not. Iran is just like North Korea.
The moron called the American president thought that stopping some weapons going to the Middle East terror countries and Hamas was more important then stopping nuclear bombs. Does anyone really not know that sending weapons is extremely important to stop but stopping Iran from getting nuclear bombs and now they are free to proliferate is more important on an existential level.
9/29/2024 12:04 PM (edited)
I submit the above as the essential truth. Rational intelligent people need to vote.
He will be much worse now then before for several reasons.
9/29/2024 12:10 PM
The Ignored Posts Manifesto

I am happy to say that it is going on a year since I opened a post from 12-13 guys who post in non sports either regularly or occasionally.
One is a nice guy but I promised not to open any posts of the regular gang.

I may have opened a handful if that many from one guy who I have sympathy for his angry flights of fancy. I do feel bad about him.

I only read the occasional posts of one guy. They are great and I agree with him. I read only his posts coming from the outside posters as occasional as they are.

I simply determined finally that the posts were either misplaced anger or extreme delusions or lies or elementary school bickering and name calling or very inappropriate religious stuff and admonitions or posts that are racist or antisemitic. Also I will never read a post that is one giant paragraph with disjointed ideas. So hard to read that. I never read those posts. Just an excedrin # 9 headache. No thank you. All posts no substance and borrrring. A borefest.

I can honestly say that I have no idea what the posts say and I do not have a shred of curiosity. I have read zero posts except the above mentioned for almost 1 year. Zero.
Im referring to posts in my thread or anywhere else.
Any response to this will not be read.

If any or all stop reading my posts that is ok. More power to you.
9/30/2024 7:06 PM (edited)
I’m not near a tv to see the latest information but if there are any serious hits in Israel, it is expected that Israel will send fighter jets over Iran and drop bombs. Big bombs. Is parliament possibly a target?

If Israel sends jets then the retaliation will be severe to create deterrence.
10/1/2024 1:30 PM
Famous Last Words

I suspect that Trump will live to a ripe older age because presidents get lifetime medical attention and it is the best in the world.

But when the day comes he will have the biggest tombstone that anyone has ever seen.
At the bottom he will leave these wise words for posterity.

The election was rigged
The funeral was rigged
I never slept with a porn star
My crowd sizes were the greatest ever
Vladimir Putin is smart
All of you are suckers and losers
She is not my type but she looks like my wife
They are eating the pets
They are sending rapists and criminals
Im really rich
Nobody in the history of the world deserves to be in heaven more then me
Hang Mike Pence
10/2/2024 11:04 AM (edited)
Rosemary's Baby ( Mary mother of Trump ) is Fred the father?

From the pew
The 2 groups based on religion that have the highest unfavorable opinion of Trump are

1. Atheists - 88%
2 .Agnostics ( me ) 82%

So the most independent minded free thinkers hate Trump like he is the plague.
Does it lead to better understanding right from wrong and good vs evil and selfish vs good Samaritan ?
Maybe it does have a strong correlation.
10/3/2024 2:28 PM (edited)
The 2 guys that wanted to kill Trump were republicans. I’m not sure what that means but it means something. Two dangerous warped guys who love their guns the Republican way.

The Maga is so beyond redemption that even 2 assassination attempts on a presidential candidate could not stoke a conversation after assault weapons were chosen by each of the registered Republican wannabe assassins.

However 1 thing happened that shows that there is a consistent callous disregard for human life by the GOP. There was hardly a peep or a sense of outrage.
Both attempts were taken in stride with no shock or worry or outrage. Just another day in MAGA America. Critical of the secret service yes but otherwise no worries. All good.

Delusional and carefree and a lackadaisical response.
And almost no sorrow about the death of the rally goer and the injuries. Very disproportionate to what happened.

The great big controversy was whether or not a bullet hit Trumps ear or a piece of plastic.
They know their priorities.
10/4/2024 11:37 AM (edited)
10/4/2024 2:56 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/28/2024 11:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 9/24/2024 7:55:00 AM (view original):
If Trump should win then Ukraine has only 120 days to have the help of the United States.
They will not only lose aid but also guidance and strategy and morale.
Isolationists who are dangerous for the whole world will reign.

Pray for Ukraine if Trump wins and get ready for extremely dangerous foreign policy.
Gentleman's bet: Trump wins, The wars stops in less than 2 months. Harris wins, someone drops a nuke within a year
i wonder if russia's nukes work as good as their tanks do

i wonder if china's air force works as good as their subs do

Q: Who are our best friends?

A: Canada, Mexico, Germany, and Japan

two we live next to, and two we dropped bigger better bombs on them 80 years ago than they could us

could happen again

test their Russi daring their Chinee tech and their sacrificial Jihad heart

what gonna happen

boom boom out go the lights

my bet is on us

80 years from now Russia China & Iran will be our new best friends

10/4/2024 3:11 PM
TV Commercials

I have never seen commercials before that I would call so stupid and immature and lying in a way I never saw before and that clearly depend upon the viewer being a brainless simpering fool. ( maybe they did get that part right ).

They have commercials that talk about ONE guy many many years ago that got out on parole and committed a serious crime. ONE guy and from that they say drumroll please - Kamala Harris cares about the criminal not you. That’s what the commercial says.

Notwithstanding her stellar record and a tough and effective prosecutor some at times complained that she was too tough - but most importantly there isn’t a single decent sized city in ever state of the United States every month every year that doesn’t have a parolee commit a crime. It is stuuuuuiupid to act like recidivism is unique to Kamala Harris. It happens. As I said the best part of these made for morons commercials is that they pick ONE guy from somewhere from 10 - 30 years ago ( a long time ago ) that the state of California parole board let out not Kamala Harris. She was not even involved in those day to day stuff. Hundreds and hundreds of others were paroled too successfully.

And never mind that there are a shortage of jail cells in California. Maybe the governor can be blamed too for the ONE guy.

And I see commercials where the dem is blamed for skyrocketing inflation and wasteful spending. They hammer this home with no data whatsoever or explanation of the particulars.

Never mind that the wasteful spending that they refer to is the infrastructure bill. Wow - so wasteful ( Not ).
And re inflation never mind that inflation never did apply to every product out there - it was always mostly about cars and a few similar products and re food mostly staples like milk and eggs. Absolutely not everything you buy especially not with sales.
Cereal of course became more expensive when you started to pay a few penny’s more or the same but the manufacturer started giving you 80% of the cereal without telling you. Price gouging not inflation. That is what you get for your massive tax cuts to the friendly corporations. Biden/ Harris have gone to war against price gouging.

And the transparent attempts to force the border czar thing down the dummies throats. She was never in charge of the border. The Department of homeland Security is in charge. She was Never involved with border security, it just was not her role in the administration which BTW has a lower rate of illegal crossings then Trump had.

And Obama handily beat Trump in the numbers of deportations.

10/5/2024 8:36 AM
oblama was the greatest deporter in history

trumpians lie and deny

we are surrounded by idiocy

stand tall and be counted


say that. vote that. be good. do the right thing. help a brother out

the carolina hill people too even though
10/5/2024 12:12 PM

I have noticed the evolution of the Trump lies.
In 16 there were the empty promises not kept and of course there were lots of lies but I think there were more lies in 20 and now there are way way more lies then before and more buffoonish lies.
And more then ever before you get carefully devised lies. Like saying that fema disaster money goes to unrelated illegal immigrants. As a former president one would think he remembers how FEMA works.

He is all most never misleading when he can just make up stories that are 200% lies.

He cannot compete on his record or some of his goals so he lies and cheats and threatens and insults.

If there is ever a POS Hall of Fame like Cy Young in MLB he will have the Donald Trump Award named after him.

If you ever want to know what kind of wasteland is out there talk to an Uber or Lyft driver and see how dumb and manipulated and propagandized the average schmoe is and also be amazed at the number of people who escape places like Afghanistan or Russia and either don’t register or support Trump.
10/5/2024 3:27 PM (edited)
When I get a chance I will look into this because it is a curiosity to me. In elections past Jill Stein would take votes from the Dem because lazy good for nothing wanna be radicals would think that they were cool to side with communists and give the middle finger to the Democratic Party.

But today??? Jill Stein is and has always been a Russian lap dog. She dines with Putin. But Maga sides with Putin too. So who does her 1% come from in 2024?
Could be equal from each or maybe even a complete counter intuitive result of taking more from Trump.

10/6/2024 1:47 PM
Hurricane Miltie is coming and might bring devastation to Tampa Bay.
Maybe time for commercial of Trump calling Climate change a hoax? Esp run down south.
10/7/2024 10:55 AM
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