Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/2/2024 6:55:00 PM (view original):
now that there are i believe 54 felony counts left

54 felony counts on the board
54 felony counts
take one down and convict the clown
53 felony counts on the board

There could be more future charges. Arizona for sure.
It is a slim chance but maybe IRS tax evasion. reports by a real news source says that the IRS has determined that because of wholly fallacious and improper accounting efforts Trump owes over 100 million in taxes.
And he has some extremely dangerous civil trials out of Jan 6 upcoming that will make the E Jean Carrol damages look like small potatoes.

Make no mistake about it. he is in for a world of pain.

Someone who would have a giant civil case against Trump although it wont happen is Pence and his family that was with him.
That would be one juicy case.

George Soros, one of the U.S. worst enemies; told his followers to use the phrase 'convicted felon' as often as they could. Trump was framed, jobbed, shafted and every man with a brain KNOWS this. Soros not only funds antifam, but he also is behind a lot of the pro palestine protests. He is a rotten s.o.b. if ever there was one
9/23/2024 12:50 AM
Funny stuff Canuck. Exactly WHERE did you obtain this "knowledge" of and about George Soros?? I can bet, BUT I'll let you explain your sourcing............if you can. I suspect It's highly doubtful.

"...every man with a brain KNOWS this."

Does this statement apply to YOU? I have a brain and I do KNOW Trump IS a convicted felon and much worse than that!!
He's a certifiable PIG!!
And you worship him.
Pig Lover!
9/23/2024 9:06 AM
My treatise on Inflation is finished and is on p 32.
Fair warning : it is not inane or delusional or name calling. I leave that to others who are good at it.
It is a tour de force even if I do say so myself.
9/23/2024 6:31 PM
If Trump should win then Ukraine has only 120 days to have the help of the United States.
They will not only lose aid but also guidance and strategy and morale.
Isolationists who are dangerous for the whole world will reign.

Pray for Ukraine if Trump wins and get ready for extremely dangerous foreign policy.
9/24/2024 7:55 AM

Did you know that when Trump took office illegal immigration was at a 50 year low. Then it spiked under Trump.

And that now illegal immigration is back to the rate it was when Trump took office.


Up with Trump and down with Biden way down.
In other words Trump lies through his false teeth.
And illegal immigrants have a much much lower rate of crime then of American Citizens.


Why would an illegal immigrant who does not want to be deported ( all of them ) and lives quietly under the radar take such a huge huge HUGE risk of voting illegally. I bet you could not find enough people taking that risk to form 2 teams for a baseball game.


If Trump was against the violence then why does he want to pardon the insurrection criminals and calls them patriots?
And why did he beg the secret service to let them take their confiscated guns with them?
And why did he refuse to stop the violence despite everyone even his family begging him to do so?
And why has he never expressed and sorrow for the 2 police officers who died from heart attacks and the 3 who committed suicide?
And how in a not Alice in Wonderland world could such a bad and evil authoritarian be permitted to call himself the law and order president?
9/24/2024 9:49 AM (edited)

There were about 8 terrorist attacks during Trump term. ( not including domestic terror which increased ).
There were 2 jihad attacks that had fatalities and injuries. A few just injuries and some were stopped.

About 8-9 all together.
Trump even referred to a few of them as terrorism.
He is 78. He has bad memory.

Wars - About 65 troops died in hostile military actions in Iraq and Syria.
He never brought home any troops from Afghanistan. Not even after he made a clumsy deal.

And there were no wars in 2020 because of Covid.
Biden has sent zero troops into hostile military actions. There has been self defense against Houties.
I think no American troops killed before leaving Afghanistan.

Also Jimmy Carter had no wars or military actions.
9/24/2024 12:03 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 9/23/2024 9:06:00 AM (view original):
Funny stuff Canuck. Exactly WHERE did you obtain this "knowledge" of and about George Soros?? I can bet, BUT I'll let you explain your sourcing............if you can. I suspect It's highly doubtful.

"...every man with a brain KNOWS this."

Does this statement apply to YOU? I have a brain and I do KNOW Trump IS a convicted felon and much worse than that!!
He's a certifiable PIG!!
And you worship him.
Pig Lover!
You neither have brains, nor character. . You do make the mute member button work good, though

Typical comment from the far left. '
And you worship him.
Pig Lover!

Rather be a pig lover than an arsehole
9/25/2024 2:05 AM
I have zero confidence right now. It appears that it is 50-50 nationally and most battleground states.
No bravado no happy polls.

Remember the old song sung by Sinatra - What Is America To Me?
That song is dead. Can’t be sung anymore.

All things considered I would rather live in Canada.
Aside from a few exceptions it is a smarter country - a more intelligent and moral electorate.
Plain and simple.
9/25/2024 9:27 AM (edited)
Let’s hope and pray that it never has to be tested but if Trump wins there could be many military resignations and maybe net loss in signups. It will effect patriotism as a motivation for signing up among many sections of the populace.

And the DOJ - there could be mass resignations if the DOJ is really and truly weaponized to arrest purely political opponents. That WILL set off a firestorm.
9/25/2024 9:38 AM (edited)
Just in. Trump is getting a letter from his podiatrist that he has bone spurs so that he won’t have to appear at a second debate.

How Harris can get votes from white men - she can start threatening people and insulting immigrants and say she will lower taxes by so much that there will be no money left for a child tax credit and social security benefits will be cut and the wasteful ACA will be killed. No alternative needed.

And there will be no child support anymore for babies born now because abortion is illegal and pregnancies are women’s fault. Not the man’s responsibility.
9/25/2024 12:55 PM
A Scandal In America

Donald Trump is not even the king of Bohemia but he will be beaten by his Irene Adler, Kamala Harris who is his intellectual and moral superior as well as superior leader and communicator.

Harris is running an extraordinary campaign - a very tight ship. One day if she wins it will serve as a model for political campaigns.

She is making inroads on the economy. It will help if the right people understand better the sources and reasons for the inflation.

If she can win over some white males it can be a strong victory. Unfortunately the ones she needs to turn are always drawn to the racist platforms. Many MAGA are people who think or realize that they have done some bad or terrible things but through Trump they make themselves into the good guys while blaming the actual good guys for their unaccountable actions.
That is part of it.

Gung Ho.
9/26/2024 11:54 AM (edited)
Is This Man Legally Sane ?

1. Covid is just a little flu. Very soon it will disappear and float away.
2. Discusses injection of bleach for Covid.
3. Discourages the wearing of masks. Insults Fauci and encourages quacks.
4. Says that the voting machines were rigged
5. Accuses citizens publicly with ZERO evidence of committing criminal election interference and fraud.
6. Loses every single case on the merits that got that far and again with ZERO evidence to this day says there was massive fraud despite many recounts and forensics. Does not find any individual fraud in any city or town or state. And his half of the country are looking and looking and looking and looking.
7. Keeps on defaming someone and has 100 million in damages to pay from 2 lawsuits because he could not refrain after losing the first trial.
8. Says that people are eating cats and dogs because he saw something on tv and despite never calling the governor or the mayor or the police chief or the newspapers to verify goes on national and international television and says such a preposterous weird bizarre hate mongering vicious lie As FACT without a single shred of evidence and defames the Haitian people.
9. Calls head of elections in Georgia and tells him to commit crimes to overturn the election.
10. Knowing that nothing can stop the certification he sends a mob of mostly animals suffering from Trump rabies to the Capitol. All the screaming in the world would be futile. He wanted violence.
11. He begged the secret service to let the rabid mob of animals take their confiscated guns and rifles and whatever else to the Capitol. WHAT??????!!
He says they will not hurt him ( says nothing about the cops and the legislators getting hurt or killed ).
12. He loves Putin but hates Zelensky. It is ok for Russia to defeat Ukraine.
13. He fell in love with the most viscous murderous dictator on the planet.
14. He threatens NATO which has protected the UNITED STATES and the world.
15. He thinks that dictators and legitimate leaders respect him.

so many more I’m tired of typing.

And oh he says that he is smart and says that people who are brilliant are dumb and stupid.
Dont get me started about the military.
9/27/2024 8:01 PM (edited)
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They are eating the lies
They are eating the contempt
They are eating the hate of the people they vote for

so distasteful.
9/28/2024 10:03 AM
So willfully ignorant! But TY for your comment.
9/28/2024 11:49 AM
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