Biden asked everyone today to act patriotically but it is unclear if republicans including those in congress understand the meaning of patriotism.
give them a citizenship test and put the ones who fail back into first grade until they get a passing grade in citizenship and good behavior.
1/26/2021 7:57 PM
The bottom line of trump’s response to Covid is literally several hundreds of thousands of deaths caused directly by his malfeasance and incompetence and evil.
And he caused in the same way expenditures of many many trillions of dollars that would not have had to be spent but for his heinous failures.

we all know about his lies about masks and evil encouragement to not wear them. This caused hundreds of thousands of deaths - murder.

His heinous refusal to use the defense production act to make masks and ppe and other needed supplies -murder

his sabotage of science and the scientists - murder

his inexplicable and heinous refusal to order enough doses bankrupted our supply before distribution even started - murder

telling the public it wasn’t serious leading to a policy of politicizing the virus - murder

tje heinous and catastrophic refusal to have a federal plan - murder

Trump is nothing less then a genocidal murderer.
thst is the inescapable truth.
1/27/2021 12:54 PM
On environment
in 2019 the coal mining industry employed a grand total of 53,000 people in the United States.
that’s nuff said.
1/27/2021 1:02 PM
In addition to daily press briefings with the press secretary and daily Covid briefings there will be daily briefings with State Dept. hopefully A. Blinkin will be involved often as he is today.

all of this is exciting and incredible and amazing for American democracy.
so far msnbc has been televising everything.

we now have the best and the worst living side by side in this country.
thank God the best are now in charge and pray for the success of Chuck Schumer in stopping the obstruction by the worst.
1/27/2021 3:50 PM
HEY DINO! I got a question.

Why do the democrats in California hate their governor and why do you think they will force him to step down?

1/27/2021 4:15 PM
Ask me in 2022 doggie. On December 12 polling gave him a 58% approval and 85% among democrats.
1/27/2021 5:56 PM
Don’t expect me to defend group meals unless you can eat with a mask on and sit very far apart and only outside and only on tuesdays.
1/27/2021 6:53 PM
The affordable care market place is being opened in February through May via new executive action by a real President who does good things.

trump remains at home praying that the Supreme Court will destroy Obamacare especially right now during the pandemic.
1/28/2021 11:17 AM
I saw one person's speculation about the note Trump left Biden:

"Joe, here's the outline of my health plan, in case you need it:

1. Beautiful health care
1/28/2021 1:24 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 11/19/2020 2:44:00 PM (view original):
I suspect both Sanders and Warren will have spots IF they want them. Senator is a good gig.
They both scare me, and I am north of 49
1/29/2021 9:36 AM
I have only been here since WW2. The he only President I can remember who did NOT start a war, or send troops off to fight a meaningless one
is Donald Trump

I am totally baffled that so many are 'with' Pelosi, AOC, Biden. Kiss your freedom of speech good bye. Your choice, and you will live with the fallout

1/29/2021 9:42 AM
Posted by dino27 on 1/28/2021 11:17:00 AM (view original):
The affordable care market place is being opened in February through May via new executive action by a real President who does good things.

trump remains at home praying that the Supreme Court will destroy Obamacare especially right now during the pandemic.
You actually think those guys love the people more than Donald trump does? Not a chance. They don't care about you at all.
1/29/2021 9:44 AM
The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is just about ready for rollout.
the good news is that it is one shot and easy to store but it’s efficacy value is 72%.
1/29/2021 11:16 AM
There is a daily focus on the tribal populations in all things discussed including whenever the president speaks.
there is now for the first time that I can ever remember an inclusive concern for their well being and protection and it is heartwarming.
1/29/2021 11:26 AM
After one week Biden has a 59% approval with a net positive of 24%.
after trump’s first week he had a net minus 1%.
1/29/2021 11:40 AM
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