Sign up now for our 50th Anniversary season - PLAYER'S CHOICE!
Normally, I draw and assign your teams randomly. For this Anniversary season ONLY, YOU choose your team.
Why? Although we've seen that due to player movement, virtually ANY NHL roster can be twisted to create a Cup winning team in this league, sometimes there ARE crap rosters you can't do a thing with. Sometimes you are assigned a team or players that you HATE. And we have a number of longtime owners in this league who maybe would like for once to use their favorite team, or players they've never used before. This is for them.
Sign up and I will sitemail the league number to you. Choose a 91-92 team and twist its roster. NO off roster players, NO clones. When you enter your team into the league I will check its roster and notify you of non-compliance. (Or if you want, I can just assign you a random team as usual. Your call.)
ONE THING - obviously this is a chance to roll out a stacked team. So "multiple" franchises will be aligned into the same divisions and conferences wherever needed. So if you want 99, 66, or the Red Wings, you're going to have to fight your way past the other 99s and 66s and Red Wings. CHOOSE WISELY.