PEW on pews

some new polling on religion in USA and Britain by Pew.

in USA 26% fall into a category of people who reject any biblical god...some are agnostics and some are atheists and some believe in a god unknown not in the Bibles and some are affiliated with houses of worship from a spiritual perspective but without belief in a divine biblical power.

in Britain the number for this collection of persons has risen to

this is interesting stuff to me.
but I do love me some Oh Happy Day by The Edwin Hawkins Singers.
1/24/2021 12:32 PM
There is reporting that the pardon of Manafort was worded so restrictively that the door is open for more federal charges including ones that were previously deadlocked. The pardon was only for convictions.
might be flawed.

and there are issues with the Flynn pardon for lack of specificity.
1/24/2021 2:22 PM
Watch for people like Marco Rubio to look for ways to refuse to access accountability and will mock the conviction trial. The people who lack character and patriotism will be revealed and he will be a leader of the bums.
1/25/2021 6:41 AM
The Republican Party of Arizona censored Cyndi McCain and the Republican governor for upholding the election.
make no mistake about it. With or without trump the Republican Party nationally and state by state is dangerous and anti democratic and corrupt and authoritarian and stocked with weird and intellectually inferior and good values inferior people.
until they become marginalized and never trumpers regain control - don’t hold your breath - this country remains in grave grave peril.
1/25/2021 9:44 AM (edited)
I sympathize Dino.........but don't get your panties in any sort of wad over what the Arizona Republican PARTY does. Presently it's controlled by crazies, goofballs, anti-Government TPers, and chaired by the absolutely batshit crazy Dr. Kelli Ward. I'm not sure what kind of Doc She is, but I'm telling you I wouldn't go near any office she ran, even a dental office!! (and I can use all the help there I can get!!)

She (I'm serious and truthful here!!) actually held "public Hearings" exploring the results of "Chem Trails" (you know in the SKY) on human beings.
IF I told her there was some $$$ in a little sack in Uranus and it had to fetched out with a tongue and had you bend over........ well, you'd get wet.
1/25/2021 10:09 AM
MABA - making America better again
America First the Biden Way

The President will sign a very important executive order making good on his promise to create an American first economy. No more platitudes and plaudits but real stuff.
every year at least 600 billion dollars is used to buy goods but it goes to foreign countries. No more. Now because of the executive order the goods and supplies will be purchased from American companies.
this will help the economy and create more jobs without costing a penny.
1/25/2021 11:20 AM
Another moderate Republican senator is not running for re-election in 2022.
this time it is Rob Portman. He will possibly become more bipartisan over next 2 years and might vote to convict trump.
Ohio has become a fairly reliable red state but the likelihood is for a more strident trumper type to run in his place and probably win.
it is possible that Portman could run for president in 2024.
dems need a superstar talent to run there to pick up a seat.
1/25/2021 11:43 AM
Dominion has added The Ghouliani to its suit list.Rudy is sued for more then 1.3 billion dollars.
maybe a bankruptcy down the road for the ghouliani.
is trump next in the list.
signs point to yes.
remembering from the oh Simpson civil suit in Florida a domicile is safe from creditors so maybe that is one of the reasons the schlumps have moved to mar - a - lago.
I saw the house of oj he moved into in Florida after the criminal trial. He lived near my cousin.
the house was on Killian Street.
1/25/2021 4:10 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/25/2021 11:43:00 AM (view original):
Another moderate Republican senator is not running for re-election in 2022.
this time it is Rob Portman. He will possibly become more bipartisan over next 2 years and might vote to convict trump.
Ohio has become a fairly reliable red state but the likelihood is for a more strident trumper type to run in his place and probably win.
it is possible that Portman could run for president in 2024.
dems need a superstar talent to run there to pick up a seat.
The expected front runner is maniac Jim Jordan.
he is also the disgraced ex wrestling coach whisperer.
he is sooo extreme that if he wins the primary the Dems could have a chance in a state of John Kasich and Sherrod Brown.
also Ohio could be a little bluer by 2022 with new voters turning 18 and favoring blue and more manufacturing jobs and just a bit bluer country by then.
you can believe that The Lincoln Project would wage a nasty harsh battle against Jordan and spend the money for an onslaught of commercials to boil Jordan.
1/25/2021 5:13 PM (edited)
The pen is mightier then the sword or the sharpie.
1/26/2021 10:04 AM
There could be 6 cabinet members confirmed by week’s end.
Hawley backs down from holding up confirmation process of dhs secretary. He will oppose only.

Although the abolishment of the filibuster is extremely unlikely now as it is opposed by 2 Dems if there is obstruction over crucial bills Schumer could modify the rules of filibuster making it very difficult.
something to watch for.

Harriet Tubman Superstar is on her way to replace Andrew Jackson on the 20 dollar bill.
she was a rocking hero up there with Davy Crocket and Wyat Earp.
1/26/2021 11:32 AM
Psychic Prediction For Donald Trump - August 2022

he is on an African safari walk to watch a migration and is speared by a rino.
1/26/2021 4:19 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/26/2021 4:19:00 PM (view original):
Psychic Prediction For Donald Trump - August 2022

he is on an African safari walk to watch a migration and is speared by a rino.
He’ll be at Rikers LONG before then.
1/26/2021 6:42 PM
Very good point.
and he will be there with bikers.
1/26/2021 6:51 PM
Impeachment Update

paulie forced a vote on the constipationality of the trial.
probably a foreshadowing his motion was defeated but only 55-45.

a good question to which I do not know the answer is are all senators now bound to accept the constitutionality of the trial.

Senator Leahy was feeling ill afterwards and was taken to the horsepistol for evaluation out of an abundance of caution. We all wish him the very best and hope he is home very soon.
maybe he should sit back and not do the presiding.
Mr. Leahy is from Vermont where the governor is a Republican.
1/26/2021 7:22 PM
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