BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

Posted by all3 on 7/16/2021 9:44:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Uofa2 on 7/16/2021 9:08:00 AM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 7/16/2021 8:36:00 AM (view original):
And on the other hand.....who can ever forget the fake Russian collusion/spy hoax that went on for years or the out and out lies and allegation of rape against Justice Kavanaugh. And who among us believed and promoted those lies? say the very least.
Nobody reputable accused Kavanaugh of rape so good work on lying more in one sentence than you accuse others of.
THIS is the kind of comment from people here that drives me crazy. So full of Partican BS. Ms. Ford was reputable enough for you all when you were claiming what an evil person Kavanaugh was, and that he shouldn't be confirmed.
At least you didn't try to say nobody falsely (thus far) accused Trump of Russian collusion, although I expect that to come down the road, as people (on both sides) continue to rewrite History to suit their own agendas.
She didn’t accuse him of rape.

Im done talking about the Russia stuff.
7/16/2021 9:54 AM
Posted by tangplay on 7/15/2021 1:15:00 PM (view original):
Ronald Reagan did talk about how horrible the government was.

So I did a bit of looking into the guy.

Imagine my shock when I found out that Reagan not only failed to reduce the size of the government, but actually increased the debt more than any President before him. Reagan exploded government spending!!! Talk about big government. And for a guy who talked all the time about the government reducing freedom and government tyranny, he sure did spend a lot of money on wasteful military projects.

Not only that, Reagan exploded big government without even helping people! He cut social spending while increasing the debt!!!! What an achievement!

Reagan also naturalized thousands of illegal immigrants, who surely went on to commit millions of crimes in the US. He might be a traitor!

This Reagan guy is very interesting!
All good points. but I liked him more than anyone I can remember,, and your comments illustrate than none of them have been flawless

You can tax and spend, or borrow and spend. Reagan was in the latter of that group
7/16/2021 11:41 AM
History rewrites are a Right wingers specialty. Witness NutOut's rant. COMPLETE BULLSHIT. ie------ LIES!!!
7/16/2021 11:42 AM
Posted by rsp777 on 7/15/2021 1:50:00 PM (view original):
The fact that Reagan is the guy that CLOWNSHOES is quoting is HILARIOUSLY TELLING...

Reagan was TFG V:1 and led us, through a circuitous route, to TFG V:2. BAD policy. LIES. Blowing out the $ like it was cocaine in an NYC niteclub. ILLEGAL deals involving WEAPONS to IRAN. The EPIC FAIL of his "War on Drugs" and Tax breaks for RICH BUDDIES. Cuts to social programs across the board. Deregulation. Sound like anyone you know?

Reagan was the FIRST "Tv Idiot" elected to the Presidency and screwed this country in the *** so hard that it took until 8 years of Slick Wille Clinton to make the country worth a flying **** again.
There is no real war on drugs. All is just pretty talk. If there was a real war on drugs, the cartels would be rounded up and executed. No trial. Real war, like napalm the poppy fields in Afghanistan, and invade Columbia and take out the cartels.. permanently. Do likewise with Mexico and El Salvador. If you arrest them, you end up with Judges and Prosecutors being car bombed. Those drug gangs need to be erased. I don't see this happening any time soon. Meanwhile, they are costing the US and Canada TRILLION$

We are paying for our sin in dollars

But the thing really hangs on the US and Canadian people.. If none of those morons did drugs, the cartels would be absent
7/16/2021 11:49 AM
Jebus you are a DUMBFUCK. We're talking about REAGAN and his epically disastrous "War on Drugs" and nothing else. Your rambling diatribe makes ZERO sense.

Try and keep up LIAR. Maybe smoke some pot and smarten up.
7/16/2021 11:54 AM
That DUMMY posted this diatribe...

"And on the other hand.....who can ever forget the fake Russian collusion/spy hoax that went on for years or the out and out lies and allegation of rape against Justice Kavanaugh. And who among us believed and promoted those lies? say the very least."

...on the very day that this news below hit the stands everywhere is HIGH COMEDY...
7/16/2021 11:55 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/16/2021 11:42:00 AM (view original):
History rewrites are a Right wingers specialty. Witness NutOut's rant. COMPLETE BULLSHIT. ie------ LIES!!!
It is the LEFT wing that took Bible and prayer out of your schools. The corrupt USSCT also ruled the ten commandments off the school walls. The also ruled in FAVOR of baby killing aka abortion. Now the 10 comm' aren't there. Instead you have cops watching your schools and you STILL have mass shooting.. History also writes that it is the Republicans who got slavery abolished. The LEFT went to war over it. Yup. Them Dem's have done a great job.. What they have done better than anything else is FOOL you,, and now your country is run by aetheists, not God fearing people

The left wing is under the influence of the devil himself.. Immoral and corrupt top to bottom.. and they are very good at convincing you that you need them and their useless social policies.

The Republicans? Somewhat better, yet still flawed.. and this is because people are flawed. Even you are

Meanwhile, have a great day. There is still time as it is not quite 9 am on the West Coast. Some call it the Left Coast.. a label I despise.. because it's true
7/16/2021 12:00 PM (edited)
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You sound like a LIAR, a HYPOCRITE, a ZEALOT, a MISINFORMIST, a propagator of PROPAGANDA and your Canadian OPINIONS don't mean ****-all to anybody here except a couple of other specific LYING shitbags.
7/16/2021 12:00 PM
Posted by rsp777 on 7/16/2021 12:00:00 PM (view original):
You sound like a LIAR, a HYPOCRITE, a ZEALOT, a MISINFORMIST, a propagator of PROPAGANDA and your Canadian OPINIONS don't mean ****-all to anybody here except a couple of other specific LYING shitbags.
You sound like a little boy calling people names. I am beginning to think you are still living with mommy and daddy
7/16/2021 12:04 PM (edited)

7/16/2021 12:04 PM
Posted by rsp777 on 7/16/2021 12:04:00 PM (view original):

You need to calm down and try to be rational. You might consider a good strong cup of Chamomile tea.


I bless you in the name of the Lord
7/16/2021 12:05 PM
I reject your blessing in the name of SATAN! :)
7/16/2021 12:06 PM
Posted by rsp777 on 7/16/2021 12:06:00 PM (view original):
I reject your blessing in the name of SATAN! :)
Then go serve your king

and I am serious about the Chamomile Tea. You sound very troubled. Anyhow, I need to eat some breakfast and then get out for a run. maybe we can come back tomorrow a.m. and do this again
7/16/2021 12:18 PM (edited)

History also writes that it is the Republicans who got slavery abolished. The LEFT went to war over it.

I'll forgive lostnfound on this because he's a dirty canuck, but this is historically uninformed. Back in the 1860's, the Republican party was the more progressive party. The Democrats were the conservative party. This continued up until the civil rights movement and to Nixon's presidency, when the parties started to shift. Republicans started to appeal to white southerners, and Democrats moved to the left and supported civil rights legislation.

This is extremely obvious - today, who do you think is more likely to wave a confederate flag - a Democrat or a Republican?? We can also see it in the voting patterns - racist white people in the south who opposed integration changed from Democrat to Republican during the 20th century.

It was the left who opposed slavery - in the 1860's, the Radical Republicans were the left wing party.

7/16/2021 1:01 PM
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BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

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