Guilty on all counts Topic

American Voters Looking Forward To Choosing Between Convicted Felon And Unconvicted Felon
POLITICS· Jun 3, 2024 ·

U.S. — With presidential candidate Donald Trump now convicted of 34 felony charges, American voters are looking forward to choosing between a convicted felon and an unconvicted felon at the polls this November.

"I mean it's neat that Trump is a convicted felon. That makes him seem cool and dangerous," said Joe Schmorp, a generic, independent blue-collar voter from the Midwest. "But on the other hand, the fact that Joe Biden has managed to effectively conceal his felonies and escape conviction speaks to his legal prowess and competence."

"Such a tough decision."

Political experts confirm that while Trump's conviction for soon too be overturned business records falsification may have helped him with some voters, Joe Biden's brilliant escape from charges for classified document mishandling, corruption, foreign bribery schemes, rape, and child molestation deserves some recognition as well. "Don't write off the unconvicted felon this November," said pollster Nate Silver.

Other Americans simply expressed gratitude for having such incredible choices on the presidential ticket. "You really can't go wrong with either of them," said another generic independent voter, also from the Midwest.

At publishing time, RFK tried to enter the conversation by reminding everyone about all the felonies his family members had never been convicted of.

6/4/2024 12:43 PM

6/6/2024 11:46 AM
Your point is well taken. However I have no idea what this is about:

."Obama ?! King of handouts to everyone for everything. Allegedly 'everyone'. We all know what that was about."

, we don't. What are you talking about?

Bottom line is..........the Dems may be old, tired, and rickety, but they at least have SOME ethical virtue.
Can't say that about many Repugs anymore.

They are the Party of lawbreakers and conmen. Not to mention wholesale stupidity!

I've voted for several 3rd Party candidates over the years out of Protest to the two major Party Candidates.
Not any more...........not til the Repugs have shed themselves of the Morons and Traitors.
6/6/2024 2:55 PM
Exactly!! Just what the hell are you talking about? Or should I say ranting?

Seattle. Know it well. Grew up 1 hour from there. What about it?

My sister still lives there. Likes it a lot.
You seem to have sat on a cockleburr this AM.
6/6/2024 4:29 PM
Please "splain" it.
It's a flat out hoot.

Funniest posts we've had in months.
There's a Trump rally comin' up in this Big Church. Called the Dream Church I think.
I should go.
Just looked up how many Arizona Tax dollars their' so-called "school" took in from Ricos enrolling their Kids in the "Private Christian" School this AM.
This is from the latest fat cat support the rich Repugmant scheme/law our loonytune Repugnant Legislature's Voucher scheme.

Last year alone?? Just short of a million AZ tax bucks........ to this ONE Church in rich suburbia frequented by folks whose Lawns and Pools are cleaned and maintained by those "illegals" you was just hatin' on.................

You self professed Christians are such a hoot when you go off and reveal all that just beneath the surface hatred.
It's amusing at the least.
And kinda sad.
But.........then Pray On.
6/6/2024 5:04 PM (edited)
2 things can be true at once.

1. Trump sucks. (we agree)
1 a. He's way worse than just "sucks".......he's quite clearly a menace to our Republic.
2. The Republican Party is no more.
2 a. It has been overrun. Perverted. It NOW is the equivalent of the Whigs, except violent and chock full of the lunatic fringe.

For now, there is no (sane) choice.

I, too, wish the left had a better leader than Biden.
I, too, wish the left didn't have its own loonies.

But, for now, I don't see any Honest Abe's around.
Not even any Jimmy Carter(s).

We have what we have.
One Party (at present) represents a (still somewhat) Government of the People.
The other Party has become the Party of (Literally!) Criminals, despots, wannabe Dictators, and his sycophants.

You ain't one of them kind, is you?

6/6/2024 5:47 PM
"the same guy who let someone walk straight into our country to murder a college coed"

Such B.S!! Who
(precisely) did this horrendous act you state??

The Border Head guy? (Majorkas, whatever)

NOBODY did this thing.
It's hyperbole.
Right wing hyperbole.

I repeat NO ONE walked straight into our country to murder a college coed.

Some horrid human (I'd suppose) snuck into the Country illegally and then illegally perpetrated murder on one of our innocent citizens and YOU want to point fingers at someone on the Left and use this HORRID crime as a political talking point.
WOW!! This could have happened with any one as POTUS.
I'll ask you directly..........are you proud of yourself for using her MURDER in this manner?

6/6/2024 7:06 PM
Immigration is NOT the problem in this country. It does far more good than harm. This country’s problems are, not in any particular order:
— Rise of right wing fascism
— Political leaders who believe they are above the rule of law
— Religious conservatism
— Proliferation of fire arms
— Corporate greed
— Racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia
— Voter suppression
— An anti-science mentality
— Environmental degradation and climate change
— underfunded public schools
— over-reliance on fossil fuels
— a private, for-profit healthcare system
— underfunded infrastructure (roads, rail, public transportation)
— Increasing concentration of wealth (and political power) in the 1%
— etc

6/6/2024 7:18 PM
Posted by contrarian23 on 6/6/2024 7:18:00 PM (view original):
Immigration is NOT the problem in this country. It does far more good than harm. This country’s problems are, not in any particular order:
— Rise of right wing fascism
— Political leaders who believe they are above the rule of law
— Religious conservatism
— Proliferation of fire arms
— Corporate greed
— Racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia
— Voter suppression
— An anti-science mentality
— Environmental degradation and climate change
— underfunded public schools
— over-reliance on fossil fuels
— a private, for-profit healthcare system
— underfunded infrastructure (roads, rail, public transportation)
— Increasing concentration of wealth (and political power) in the 1%
— etc

6/6/2024 7:58 PM
all politicians suck. Some more than others.Biden may not be a great choice. He is old and does seem somewhat feeble. However the other option is much worse. He's only 3 years younger than Biden. He says ridiculous stuff at least as often as Biden He's a convicted felon. he has cheated on every wife he has had. He's been accused of sexual abuse at least 18 times. He tried to overthrow a valid election. I'd vote for the old guy who may be slightly senile every time.
6/7/2024 5:22 PM
Julian Assange is a russian asset

i hope some wild joey boxes his ears when he gets home

slava ukraini
6/25/2024 4:59 AM
is there a greater name in the history of porn than Bangkok

dear julian

letter to you

putin punk bunker buddy

first taste of freedom you meander off to thailand?

so unexpected

imagine my surprise
6/25/2024 6:20 AM
WHAT crime??

That wasn't a trial. First off, the State cannot charge you with a federal offence. the whole thing is a sick game. and the taxpayers are footing the bill. They know that when Trump is elected, their game is OVER
6/27/2024 4:45 AM
Posted by DougOut on 6/6/2024 7:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by contrarian23 on 6/6/2024 7:18:00 PM (view original):
Immigration is NOT the problem in this country. It does far more good than harm. This country’s problems are, not in any particular order:
— Rise of right wing fascism
— Political leaders who believe they are above the rule of law
— Religious conservatism
— Proliferation of fire arms
— Corporate greed
— Racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia
— Voter suppression
— An anti-science mentality
— Environmental degradation and climate change
— underfunded public schools
— over-reliance on fossil fuels
— a private, for-profit healthcare system
— underfunded infrastructure (roads, rail, public transportation)
— Increasing concentration of wealth (and political power) in the 1%
— etc

The country's biggest problems are the result of having pushed God out of the classroom the courtrooms, and the country.. Sadly, it is almost over. hopefully, the US will lean back to the right, and cal upon the name of the Lord, and be supernaturally healed. If not. your destruction will come suddenly.

Except you repent, you will perish. . . and that's the real truth
6/27/2024 4:50 AM
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