trump: Soon to be IMPEACHED Topic

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I did catch my use of "udder" when proofing, but thought it might strike some as funny. Must admit to the wrong use at first though.
Anything and everything related to today's Political World really is laughable (or cry-inducing) anyway, isn't it?
9/26/2019 5:04 PM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 9/26/2019 4:31:00 PM (view original):
I've never heard the term "wigger" before so I looked up the meaning. Interesting. BTW all3, if "udderly ridiculous" was intentional, you made me laugh.

My family was always referred to as poor white trash and Florida crackers by others. Hell, we used the terms to describe ouselves and, to this day, I still think of myself as both, without any embarrassment. We were poor, white, rural, living in the South, had a very low standard of living and no one in my family (I was the first) had higher education. The historical definitions fit so why run away from them?

Growing up the way I did, I never saw much difference between black and white. Poor is poor no matter what color your skin is. We were all the same, living in the same conditions, eating with the same food stamps and buying clothes at the same thrift stores. The real differences are between lower, middle and upper class...a difference in lifestyle, culture, ideology, values, priorities.

Skin color is a convenient excuse to distract people from what really separates us at our core.
so, miami...what DOES separate us at our cores? Obviously we all (or at least most of us do) have our own brains and we all (or at least most of us do) use them differently. We all have our own opinions (or at least most of us do..some of us just take other people's opinions as our own), thoughts and morals. So, is that what what you say separates us at our cores? To me, at our cores, we are all the same.
9/26/2019 5:09 PM
Posted by all3 on 9/26/2019 5:04:00 PM (view original):
I did catch my use of "udder" when proofing, but thought it might strike some as funny. Must admit to the wrong use at first though.
Anything and everything related to today's Political World really is laughable (or cry-inducing) anyway, isn't it?
I go with cry-inducing, but I get where you're coming from.
9/26/2019 5:11 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/26/2019 4:33:00 PM (view original):
Tulsi qualifies for the next debate. She will destroy some people.
who cares if she wins a debate...can she win an election is the important question.
9/26/2019 5:12 PM
Winning a debate is a highly subjective endeavor. Winning an election begins with exposure and requires ideas and leadership that inspires voters.
Compared to the rest of the Dem. field, I believe She has a better chance of actually WINNING a general election than most of the others.

For me, perhaps all of them. I seriously can't vote for Biden. I suspect there are millions more just like me. HE is the new HRC.
Sanders is too old and yells too much. Warren may win the nomination but she will lose a general election to Trump.
Beto is too green. Same with mayor Pete. They can't win. Castro the same.
Who's left........?? Williamson and short and squinty? Booker?? The vegan from the east. Not this year. He's 8 years away from credible.
Is senator eyebrows still running?? LOL
9/26/2019 7:32 PM
i can vote for biden

i can vote for any democrat

except i can't

i'm like all3 conflicted and on the wrong side of the fence

only difference is

i did it on purpose

so i could vote the clown down


once in the primary once in the general

i thank me for my interest in the process and the outcome

attaboy chuck
9/26/2019 7:37 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/26/2019 5:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/26/2019 4:33:00 PM (view original):
Tulsi qualifies for the next debate. She will destroy some people.
who cares if she wins a debate...can she win an election is the important question.
She can’t...NEXT!
9/26/2019 9:43 PM
IF she can't which Dem. can? In your opinion, of course. I will NOT vote for Trump, but I will NOT vote for a dem that is NOT a quality candidate for POTUS.
Just like HRC in 2016. Does it take a repeat for the Dems. to get it?? Biden is a sure loser. Way way too much baggage. He's even in the way on the current Trump scandal. All Trumpsters have to do is keep saying 50 Grand a month for what??
9/27/2019 8:33 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 9/26/2019 7:32:00 PM (view original):
Winning a debate is a highly subjective endeavor. Winning an election begins with exposure and requires ideas and leadership that inspires voters.
Compared to the rest of the Dem. field, I believe She has a better chance of actually WINNING a general election than most of the others.

For me, perhaps all of them. I seriously can't vote for Biden. I suspect there are millions more just like me. HE is the new HRC.
Sanders is too old and yells too much. Warren may win the nomination but she will lose a general election to Trump.
Beto is too green. Same with mayor Pete. They can't win. Castro the same.
Who's left........?? Williamson and short and squinty? Booker?? The vegan from the east. Not this year. He's 8 years away from credible.
Is senator eyebrows still running?? LOL
I agree with Bob
9/27/2019 9:52 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 9/27/2019 8:33:00 AM (view original):
IF she can't which Dem. can? In your opinion, of course. I will NOT vote for Trump, but I will NOT vote for a dem that is NOT a quality candidate for POTUS.
Just like HRC in 2016. Does it take a repeat for the Dems. to get it?? Biden is a sure loser. Way way too much baggage. He's even in the way on the current Trump scandal. All Trumpsters have to do is keep saying 50 Grand a month for what??
This latest "Trump scandal" is probably engineered to drive Biden's numbers down rather than to cause Trump any damage. The DNC seems comfortable with a Warren/Sanders type to get the nomination. It's really strange because Warren/Sanders is more of a stone cold loss than Biden.
9/27/2019 9:57 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/26/2019 5:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 9/26/2019 4:31:00 PM (view original):
I've never heard the term "wigger" before so I looked up the meaning. Interesting. BTW all3, if "udderly ridiculous" was intentional, you made me laugh.

My family was always referred to as poor white trash and Florida crackers by others. Hell, we used the terms to describe ouselves and, to this day, I still think of myself as both, without any embarrassment. We were poor, white, rural, living in the South, had a very low standard of living and no one in my family (I was the first) had higher education. The historical definitions fit so why run away from them?

Growing up the way I did, I never saw much difference between black and white. Poor is poor no matter what color your skin is. We were all the same, living in the same conditions, eating with the same food stamps and buying clothes at the same thrift stores. The real differences are between lower, middle and upper class...a difference in lifestyle, culture, ideology, values, priorities.

Skin color is a convenient excuse to distract people from what really separates us at our core.
so, miami...what DOES separate us at our cores? Obviously we all (or at least most of us do) have our own brains and we all (or at least most of us do) use them differently. We all have our own opinions (or at least most of us do..some of us just take other people's opinions as our own), thoughts and morals. So, is that what what you say separates us at our cores? To me, at our cores, we are all the same.
That's a philosophical question. I may need a bit to come up with a response.
9/27/2019 10:01 AM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 9/27/2019 9:57:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/27/2019 8:33:00 AM (view original):
IF she can't which Dem. can? In your opinion, of course. I will NOT vote for Trump, but I will NOT vote for a dem that is NOT a quality candidate for POTUS.
Just like HRC in 2016. Does it take a repeat for the Dems. to get it?? Biden is a sure loser. Way way too much baggage. He's even in the way on the current Trump scandal. All Trumpsters have to do is keep saying 50 Grand a month for what??
This latest "Trump scandal" is probably engineered to drive Biden's numbers down rather than to cause Trump any damage. The DNC seems comfortable with a Warren/Sanders type to get the nomination. It's really strange because Warren/Sanders is more of a stone cold loss than Biden.
Weird take. The DNC likes Sanders over Biden?
9/27/2019 11:56 AM
I'd have a hard time voting for either Biden or Sanders, just like I had a hard time voting for HRC. I would probably do it, if that were my only choice, but I wold not be happy about it. Not that voting for anyone has ever made me happy, but sometimes I am less unhappy than other times. I see no conceivable way I would ever vote for the con man.
9/27/2019 12:06 PM
i am not gonna have a hard time voting for anyone who is not trump

i am gonnas relish

********** could be hitler

my vote is untrump

for mugabe for pol pot for caesar for khan

9/27/2019 12:18 PM
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