Posted by ncmusician_7 on 6/9/2011 6:46:00 PM (view original):
There's something else I've noticed, but haven't researched it thoroughly. It appears that PG,SG,SF seem to have a greater increase in TOV% than PF and C (possibly because stl% are usually higher with PG,SG,SF). I also agree that TOV% should be a searchable stat.
I've done three EZ as ABC [read: Absolute Board Control] teams that centered around the Wilt/Shaq combo, multiple Worms, Kidd & a combo of bombers at the 2. I've started a fourth using super low usage bombers at the 2 (5th & 6th tier) and am doing another team that's half-way through the season at the moment that focuses on a rotation of high usage guys at the 2 & 3. Everything that I've seen indicates heavily what your post is saying.
The first two EZ/ABC teams won championships. The third is the team I mention earlier with Redd/Smith combo. It has done noticeably worse despite all other parts remaining pretty much the same... and most of that is obviously laid on Mike Redd. This fourth team uses Mike Redd with Chuck's '91 season & Jesus's 2525 minute season. It is a disaster when it comes to turnovers. It continually loses to teams that are inferior in every other way and is having fg% issues.
The only other theory I can give is that higher tier usage players suffer less individual penalty than lower tier usage players. Redd is barely a 3rd tier usage player. The way to test this is to build the EZ/ABC concept with a low tov%, 1st tier usage guard (Jordan, McGrady, Kobe, etc.) and see how their tov% increases. Will it be more consistent with what we see out of Wilt/Shaq or out of Redd, Jesus & Chuck? I think the latter.
Once the 3rd EZ/ABC team and the Reddchuck Jesus teams finish, I'll post all of the relevant stats for analysis. I think it will be helpful for everyone when building teams. My hypothesis is that you're wasting salary for low tov%, high usage wings/guards. You might as well stock up on low-tier usage bombers/boarders.