Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

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Trump Big Lies - the kind that are sleazy and sinister and just flat out scum lies

1. Harris is the border czar. Lie. Not even vaguely true. They have commercials with support saying
8/31/2024 4:50 PM
Under Construction

Trump Big Lies - the kind that are sleazy and sinister and just flat out scum lies

1. Harris is the border czar. Lie. Not even vaguely true. They have commercials with supporters saying “she is the border czar” as if a voter says it then it is true. She was part of a policy think tank trying to improve life in the countries most of the migrants were coming from in order to keep them happy there and stem the tide. She got federal and private funding for those countries - improve living conditions.

She never had any role with border security. OBVIOUSLY the head of the department of home security is the “czar”.
This is an example of a big lie that is a scumbag or dirtball if you prefer move for a presidential campaign.

2. Abortion - Trump says that he will be great for women's reproductive rights..WOW.....maybe he is saying on the sly that he Only means IVF.
Now his views on abortion are on such a swivel it is like flipping hot cakes on a skittle.

3. Jan 6 should still be an issue - the issue and the big lies come in a torrent.

4. crime rate - he says that he is still the law and order candidate...Bow Wow Wow...he lies like a dog. and if you want stats on crimes that he didnt cause he had the highest murder rate and now Biden has one of the lowest and in fact all felonies are way down,

5.the economy -

6.Abortion - EVIL Big Lie - the criminal murderer of our government insists that democrats want abortion at 9 months. Anyone that believes him should get a new brain transplant.
9/3/2024 5:54 AM (edited)
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The rethugs have just become the party of lies and demagoguery at this point. They are an embarrassment, to themselves and the country.
9/1/2024 1:58 PM
And in addition, they are an embarrassment to the whole free world and as alarming as the new right wing in Germany.
9/1/2024 3:42 PM
the race is too close for comfort..all about the edges...Harris is peeling away a little prior Trump voters...she is getting some people who would make you scratch your head in deep disappointment in 2020 wondering how could that person vote for Trump...some of those people have started to abandon the godforsaken and go back to God.

The enthusiasm stat is still the key because thats turnout and Harris is trouncing Trump.
this cycle is going to break up a lot of marriages and couples.

The debate wont move the needle....i saw an interview with a black guy who defended trumps racial identity comments. he said going to Howard does not make you black...there is no way to get at such monumental delusion and stupidity..the racial identity vomit is like the new birtherism.
9/1/2024 3:52 PM
New Poll
ABC/Ipsos/Washington Post
One of the top 2 polling entities

trump - 46

Likely voters.
That is significant.

Big sick evil lie - Trump says that democrats are radical because they want abortion at 9 months.
He panders to the easily manipulated and delusional sector of society with those lies. And it is murder under the law and Roe v Wade to do such crazy things.
9/3/2024 7:19 AM (edited)
Posted by contrarian23 on 9/1/2024 1:58:00 PM (view original):
The rethugs have just become the party of lies and demagoguery at this point. They are an embarrassment, to themselves and the country.
so sings the media. they have reprogrammed the left
9/3/2024 6:46 AM
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Posted by Lennybruce26 on 9/3/2024 6:09:00 AM (view original):
New Poll
ABC/Ipsos/Washington Post
One of the top 2 polling entities

trump - 46

Likely voters.
That is significant.

Big sick evil lie - Trump says that democrats are radical because they want abortion at 9 months.
He tells the truth.

Wash post is about par with the Soviet news agency TASS

Abortion at 9 months should be punishable by death. = Cold blooded murder, and I emphasize cold blooded
9/3/2024 6:48 AM
There is a level of hatred for Trump among women and the chasm is only expanding.

In the past Trump support has been underreported but this time around I think it will be the opposite.
I think that there will be some white males who get an ultimatum not to vote for Trump and the Grabees of the ******* are going to show their ***** power.
9/3/2024 9:18 AM (edited)
Deja Foo Foo

The throwing of spaghetti at the wall is well underway.
It started with the most bizzare statement in the history of American politics or of any statement of a patient in a mental health facility. Namely - I will be great for women’s reproductive rights.

Today he promises to release all JFK records but that was promised in 2016 and broken.
He is going to make some bizzare promise about drugs in the near future.

He is in the promise all things to all people phase of his campaign.
9/3/2024 10:09 PM (edited)
A war among the American evangelicals is on the horizon. A battle for the souls of the truly faithful.
Between those who choose The Liar over their faith and those who choose their faith over a modern American form of hate.

Between those who are now of the MAGA denomination of evangelical Christianity and those are the actual true believers who know false prophets.

The battle begun.
9/4/2024 10:38 AM (edited)
Aphorisms That May Stand The Test of Time

1. We have a stupid country. Proof - Trump running for president again and could win. What a stupid country.

2. We have an uncivilized country. Proof - Jan 6 is forgotten the following week and the man who caused it could become president AND assault weapons are protected by the affirmative action of one of the major parties. Guns or butter - guns. Guns or kids - guns.

3. We have a suicidal country. Proof - response to covid and response to climate change.

4. We have a hate loving country. Proof - Trump and lopsided over reaction to illegal immigration with more desire for punitive action then to solve the problem with a strong good values bipartisan bill.

5. We have a country full of traitors. Proof - love for Russia but not for Ukraine.

6. We have a corrupt Supreme Court. Proof - all of the corruption and upside down flags.

7. We have a country of delusional immature people. Proof - denial and hostility to science.

I have more unfortunately.
9/5/2024 12:15 AM (edited)
I wonder what happens to the views of people who are against an assault weapon ban when their own kids are casualties at school or almost get killed.

No Democratic president should have stats of death or injuries from an assault weapon added to their totals.

Put those on Trump obviously.

There will be a stark difference in comments about the shooting by the candidates and one would think that some on the fence esp in Georgia will get it.

Alan Lichtman the historian called the Nostradamus of elections because he is always correct using a to political science formula picks Harris.
That is considered a real news story. He predicted Trump in 16.
9/5/2024 8:08 AM (edited)
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