Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

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I'd rather live within 20 miles of a nuclear power plant than live within 20 miles of Joliet.....just sayin'

11/14/2014 4:20 PM
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Lol...yeah I live down-state from you in Granite City - our claim to fame is our air pollution is probably ranked in the Top 10 worst for cities in America.

11/14/2014 4:36 PM
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Thankfully, most of that crap stays on the Missouri side of the river.  The building I work in, however, is about four miles from downtown Ferguson.  I've got a feeling if the Grand Jury comes back on the side of the policeman, things are going to get REAL ugly, REAL fast.

11/14/2014 4:46 PM
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Climate change:

From the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there is no consensus that temperatures are increasing at an accelerating rate or that we are headed to a climate catastrophe.

Myth #1: Hurricanes are becoming more frequent.
Current data sets indicate no significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency over the past century

Myth #2: Tornadoes are becoming more common.
there has been little trend in the frequency of the stronger tornadoes over the past 55 years.
Even more striking is the history of F3 and stronger tornadoes, which were even less likely to be missed before Doppler radar. That trend is actually down compared to the 1955–1975 period:

Myth #3: Droughts are becoming more frequent and more severe.
In the recent science report, even the IPCC finds little evidence to support the myth regarding droughts, and it backs off from its support in a previous report.
the current assessment concludes that there is not enough evidence at present to suggest more than low confidence in a global-scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the middle of the 20th century

Myth #4: Floods are becoming more frequent and severe.
there continues to be a lack of evidence and thus low confidence regarding the sign of trend in the magnitude and/or frequency of floods on a global scale.”
For the U.S., the story is the same. Some places will always be drier and some wetter in comparison to an earlier period. However, for the U.S. overall, there has been no trend.

Myth #5: Global warming caused the polar vortex that led to the extreme cold and snow in the eastern half of North America in the winter of 2013–2014.
prominent non-skeptic scientists had this to say about global warming leading to polar vortexes: “It’s an interesting idea, but alternative observational analyses and simulations with climate models have not confirmed the hypothesis, and we do not view the theoretical arguments underlying it as compelling.”

Link to the full story: http://dailysignal.com/2014/03/31/five-myths-extreme-weather-global-warming/
11/15/2014 12:54 PM
The weather models they use to show how "bad it is" aren't even able to accurately predict historical data.
IOW, their models are pretty much worthless.
11/15/2014 1:59 PM
  Interesting.  I was watching CNN this morning (for about 15 minutes) to see if they would talk about stupid American voters.  They did not. They were talking about something that was so forgettable I forgot what it was.  Then they moved into climate change.  The host used the word SCIENTISTS eight or more times in a two minute segment.  Each reference was to support the global warmers.  Evidently only scientists are smart enough to know about global warming or climate change. And according to Nancy Pelosi, the debate is over.  And if you have spent your whole life in the weather business and went to the same schools as the scientists did and have the same degrees as the scientists do, it doesn't matter.  You're not a scientist even though you have the same degree. The debate is over.  If your opinion is different from that of the supreme regime then you cannot be a scientist even though you have the same qualifications.  Even though you are just as much a scientist as the scientists you can't be a scientist because the debate is over and you are just a stupid American voter.  
11/15/2014 2:11 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/14/2014 3:59:00 PM (view original):
This is rather pointless because, regardless of what you say, I know you're not choosing to put your family next to a nuclear plant.   Anyone with the means to avoid living next to a NP would avoid doing it.   They can be 99.99% "safe" but there's no sense in risking that .01%. 
But that's the same as not living next to other industrial things if you had a choice. That's not specific to nuclear plants nor would it be related to the perceived safety of the plant.

I would not worry at all about the proximity of a nuclear plant relative to any other type of plant.

Of course I say this with the advantage of having worked in nuclear plants; so I do have an idea of their safety and how the power is generated.
11/15/2014 4:48 PM
When all of this started, aka Al Gore, it was referred to as GLOBAL WARMING!

It is normal for the earth to have temperature extremes at any given time due to numerous factors beyond human intervention such as volcanic eruptions or even solar flares from the sun. Earth's temperatures are cyclical and usually run in 15 to 20 year periods.

We just finished a warming cycle and are now currently in a cold cycle.

I guess since temps are not so HOT right now is why the Politicians aren't referring to it as GLOBAL WARMING anymore. Now it is CLIMATE CHANGE!
11/15/2014 5:41 PM
Climate change is a much better name, but you are wrong about a cold cycle.

The world is on course for this to be the hottest year ever, with global land and sea temperatures for September the highest ever recorded for the month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said on Monday.

The findings, which confirm September as the warmest such month on record, continue a string of record-beating months for global temperature.

The year to date for 2014 is already tied with 1998 as the warmest such period since record keeping began in 1880, Noaa scientists said.

Combined land and sea average surface temperatures registered 0.68°C above the 20th century average of 14.1C, Noaa said. That ties with 1998 and 2010 as the warmest period on record.

And those records too are close to falling. “If 2014 maintains this temperature departure from average for the remainder of the year, it will be the warmest year on record,” Noaa said in a statement.

All of the world’s top 10 warmest years have occurred since 2000. Climate studies have shown the world is poised for more warmth as the amounts of carbon dioxide rise. Last month, figures revealed carbon dioxide levels rose by the highest amount in 30 years in 2013.

Noaa has recorded above-average global temperatures for each September in the last 38 years. The last September with below 20th century average temperatures occurred in 1976, Noaa said.

The government agency said the temperatures were driven by warming oceans.

Australia also had hotter day time temperatures, with western Australia breaking its previous records. Britain also had its fourth warmest September since records began a century ago, with temperatures 1.2°C above the long-term average.

11/15/2014 6:23 PM
  Noaa way!  It's colder.  It would be interesting to find out who funds these people and how much they are paid.
11/15/2014 6:32 PM
  That was easy.  They're on the gov't dole.  The taxpayer dime.  Let's have some more fun. Shall we?
11/15/2014 6:35 PM
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Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

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