BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/14/2021 2:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/14/2021 1:53:00 PM (view original):
I, like most Americans don't care about National Averages - I care about me, my friends and family and my surroundings. I know what prices are, and were here. If you think Biden's politics and plans don't have anything to do with rising prices, then I say enjoy your pipe dream.

How does your supply and demand theory explain the sudden turnaround back in April/May of 2020? That was the height of Covid. More and more people were staying in, NOT going out and buying. With demand so low, and certainly not rising, why the price increases?
His policies made the supply scarce.. Kill the Pipeline, and claw back oil production. SO you will buy foreign oil..

That said, I just watched a clip of Biden addressing the media re pulling out of Afghanistan.. I liked what he said and how he said it..

They should napalm all the poppy fields there first

Should have pulled out ten years ago
That's just not true. He ended one pipeline, one that had barely begun construction and was super inefficient, a wasteful and bad project.

How does the cancellation of one unfinished pipeline increase prices? The answer? It doesn't.

It's so transparent how the right is willing to bullshit about basic market economics just to score political points. The price of oil will revert to the mean pretty soon, I'm guessing, and you will revert back to some other bullshit attack.
7/14/2021 2:19 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2021 2:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/14/2021 2:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/14/2021 1:53:00 PM (view original):
I, like most Americans don't care about National Averages - I care about me, my friends and family and my surroundings. I know what prices are, and were here. If you think Biden's politics and plans don't have anything to do with rising prices, then I say enjoy your pipe dream.

How does your supply and demand theory explain the sudden turnaround back in April/May of 2020? That was the height of Covid. More and more people were staying in, NOT going out and buying. With demand so low, and certainly not rising, why the price increases?
His policies made the supply scarce.. Kill the Pipeline, and claw back oil production. SO you will buy foreign oil..

That said, I just watched a clip of Biden addressing the media re pulling out of Afghanistan.. I liked what he said and how he said it..

They should napalm all the poppy fields there first

Should have pulled out ten years ago
That's just not true. He ended one pipeline, one that had barely begun construction and was super inefficient, a wasteful and bad project.

How does the cancellation of one unfinished pipeline increase prices? The answer? It doesn't.

It's so transparent how the right is willing to bullshit about basic market economics just to score political points. The price of oil will revert to the mean pretty soon, I'm guessing, and you will revert back to some other bullshit attack.
It will come down after labor day weekend
7/14/2021 2:50 PM
Yup. Like EVERY other summer regardless of WHO the POTUS is.

Attempts to blame this POTUS (no matter which Party or who it is) for rising OIL prices. (Gas is based on the price of a barrel of oil) is CLEARLY NOTHING BUT political spin attempting to blame the Party (presently) in POWER.

I Really THOUGHT that all3 was smarter than that (I KNEW aldernut wasn't!!) but (obviously) I was wrong.
He (all3) Really is JUST a partisan right wing Party prattler.
Nothing more, and thus his opinions are near meaningless to me or ANYONE who attempts to ferret out TRUTH amongst all the lies being spread these days.

Personal honesty seems a value of the long long past. I blame Trump for that........ amongst MANY other things he accelerated within the unthinking portion of our American population!!
7/14/2021 2:57 PM
Don't think we didn't catch the irony in the "patriot free market capitalist" party suddenly not understanding how supply and demand works.
7/14/2021 3:00 PM
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Posted by laramiebob on 7/14/2021 2:57:00 PM (view original):
Yup. Like EVERY other summer regardless of WHO the POTUS is.

Attempts to blame this POTUS (no matter which Party or who it is) for rising OIL prices. (Gas is based on the price of a barrel of oil) is CLEARLY NOTHING BUT political spin attempting to blame the Party (presently) in POWER.

I Really THOUGHT that all3 was smarter than that (I KNEW aldernut wasn't!!) but (obviously) I was wrong.
He (all3) Really is JUST a partisan right wing Party prattler.
Nothing more, and thus his opinions are near meaningless to me or ANYONE who attempts to ferret out TRUTH amongst all the lies being spread these days.

Personal honesty seems a value of the long long past. I blame Trump for that........ amongst MANY other things he accelerated within the unthinking portion of our American population!!
I guess allMOUTH didn't hear bob tell him to go eat a dick. :)
7/14/2021 5:20 PM
Well........ whatever, I AM a big fan of Jeff Flake and (as well) Biden's good judgment (and emphasis on international relations being non-partisan) in naming him Ambassador to Turkey. Flake is no liberal. BUT, he has personal integrity and is as honest as any politician is likely to be, but then you've demonstrated (herein) that those are values you don't find important in our Leaders. You and about 70 million other Americans don't seem to care about the CHARACTER and HONESTY, and even DECENCY of our leaders, thus you vote Trump. AND continue to "defend but not support" Trump.......... the single most dishonest, indecent, morally unfit for leadership PERSON I HAVE ever seen (in 67 years!) get NEAR the white house. Even worse than Nixon.

Thus, I have no use for your judgment, nor your opinion. It is inherently flawed and blinded.

Historians can debate which of our elected Presidents was the worst. I'm not able to talk on their "level of expertise", particularly on the earliest ones.
However, your Grandkids will easily be able to discern just how DUMB you were politically in the future as Trump will end up clear down amongst the very worst we've had, near the VERY bottom.

Down there with Johnson (A, not LB), and Andy Jackson and G. Cleveland, Ruth. B. Hayes (the Fat Man in the bathtub), or even Chester Arthur, GW Bush or Nixon.

Those last two (along with Trump) are from my own lifetime.
And IMO, quite clearly Trump was far far worse for the Country than either Bush (I) or Nixon!!
7/14/2021 5:27 PM
I could have said that (about the dick) BUT I instead TRIED to use Historical TRUTH and the consensus of experts in the field of examining Presidential service.

But then, lately, most idiots that call themselves Republican don't WANT to KNOW any History that challenges the myths of their beliefs.
It's a Party-wide mypoia...........caused by the takeover of the REAL Rep. Party by loons, TP-ers and Racists. The NEW GOP.
Still a Party (unfortunately for the Country) but not Grand at all.
Just OLD and Paranoid.

Gutless, OLD, Pathetic.
7/14/2021 5:35 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/14/2021 5:35:00 PM (view original):
I could have said that (about the dick) BUT I instead TRIED to use Historical TRUTH and the consensus of experts in the field of examining Presidential service.

But then, lately, most idiots that call themselves Republican don't WANT to KNOW any History that challenges the myths of their beliefs.
It's a Party-wide mypoia...........caused by the takeover of the REAL Rep. Party by loons, TP-ers and Racists. The NEW GOP.
Still a Party (unfortunately for the Country) but not Grand at all.
Just OLD and Paranoid.

Gutless, OLD, Pathetic.
I'm just sick and tired of these people. I almost WANT them to try ANOTHER insurrection so that they can win the "****** around and found out" award from the REAL military in the form of multiple body bags. allMOUTH, dummy and the like are all on par with the Q shitbags now in my opinion. They are NO DIFFERENT. They are WILLINGLY IGNORANT and they are LIARS.

And as far as I'm concerned they can GO EAT A DICK.
7/14/2021 5:50 PM
Only leftists understand how supply and demand works!!!!!

Only leftists listen to actual economists!!!!

Right wingers see number go up and get mad.

Thanks, all3!
7/14/2021 7:01 PM
Lol that Bob’s a leftist now, ok

hes a pretty standard Biden liberal, like all of us here
7/14/2021 7:09 PM
Not really that fond of Biden actually. I just hope he lives, continues to have the energy necessary to shoulder the load, and then retires and recommends the Country find a NEW leader amongst a NEW group of potential candidates who actually believe in facts and truth.

Unlike the last guy! 4 years of Biden (a competent Biden!) is all I'm asking for.
No more.
7/14/2021 7:33 PM
I agree bob. I really hope Biden doesn't run again in 2024. We need fresh candidates and ideas.
7/14/2021 8:31 PM
I sure hope you're right about Biden, but things aren't off to a very good start, regardless of what you and others here try to convince yourself. The POTUS can be honest and try to do what's best in his mind for the Country, yet still be a failure.
FWIW, I don't see how pointing out what I see as Biden's shortcomings thus far is anywhere near the same as defending Trump or anyone else. I see that as nothing more than the continual twisting of facts and others' words that so many here love to do.
7/14/2021 8:48 PM
7/14/2021 9:15 PM
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BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

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