Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

Part 3.

5. MORE then 1000 subhuman animals ( nobody with a heart and eyes can disagree ), they went to war with the extremely outnumbered police. Most of the surviving police officers have severe physical injuries and PTSD. 10 people died as a result of that day, one was shot..A police officer suffered a fatal heart attack., 4 animals died from heart attacks or some other sudden death....later 4 police officers committed suicide because of deep PTSD and clinical depression . But Trump says that the animals are patriots and they were there with love and he WILL pardon them.
6. The subhuman animals broke into the capitol desecrating offices and defecating all over the capitol. these extremely violent subhumans were trying to find Nancy Pelosi to kill her as well as others.
7. About 1and 1/2 hours in Trump texted the rabid animals that Pence did not follow his orders and like flies they communicated it to each other and quickly built a makeshift gallows to hang Mike Pence..Im sure delusional MAGA (can MAGA people be described differently ) think they were not serious. Toeach MAGA to their own. Truth is the enemy of a good MAGA follower.
8. Trump sent the text while the violence was at its peak. And the entire White House and Trump was watching it on TV. He intentionally enflamed a rabid evil murderous mob. That is proof of Trumps intention of violence. And letting the violence continue without trying to stop it after they tried to kill Pence is proof of his intention to have Pence and others murdered.
9. For unbelievable unbelievable gd fu....cking unbelievable 3 and 1/2 hours Trump refused freak out begging to tell them to stop...his aides his cabinet his family begged him but he refused...He watched on TV with rapt attention and satisfaction...That is 100% proof that he fully supported and wanted the violence and the goals of the animals. He sent them there for a purpose and he was all in...Refused national guard or texts for them to stop or ant other means for close to 200 minutes or so and it took threatening demands before he said he would. he texted and almost immediately they stopped and started to go home. For more then 3 hours he had absolutely no problem with police officers getting viciously injured and maybe killed. Nor did he have a care in the world if his followers got killed.

10. That evil can never ever be compared to any decent person and certainly no American president. OBVIOUSLY.
11. The mob was to him what Charles Mansons family was to him...They both issued orders and sent them off....Both knew that their followers had extreme violence and murder in mind.

12. Imagine what would have happened if those nazis had been allowed to take their guns and knives and assault weapons and the rest.
THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN MASS MURDER and maybe at least a temporally successful coup.

It is inescapable fact that Trump attempted mass murder that day.
I dare anyone to refute my facts and my logic and my conclusions that Trump is violent dangerous murderous criminal who attempted the kind of white race murder riot that Manson wanted to set off.
8/24/2024 1:53 PM (edited)
I will finish Part 3 today. I have been distracted by other things.

The royal bizzaro RFK Jr is dropping out today.
Now he has a gerbil in his brain. It moved from his asss to his brain.
He is trying to extract a cabinet position in a Trump administration. Maybe Health and Human Services?

He has the same sunburned orange fire burnished face as Trump.
8/23/2024 2:53 PM (edited)
I saw a story that a MAGA nut was so angry with Harris on TV that he demolished his very own big flatscreen TV mounted on a wall and he was very proud of himself.
Seems about right.
8/23/2024 3:01 PM
I have always wondered why our fallen military heroes have been targets of Trump calling them suckers and stupid and losers ( anybody who supports such a person is Obviously an actual loser ).

The answer is actually quite simple. It comes from having used a fake medical report to get out of the draft. Instead of accepting that others died in his place he in his mind makes himself the smart one and the others who served their country risking their lives the idiots who are beneath him.

It is all about distracting people from thinking that he was a coward.
8/24/2024 7:53 AM (edited)
i finished with Part 3 of my evidence that is irrefutable that Trump attempted mass murder on Jan 6 and got 10 people dead because of it.

EVERYONE should read the whole thing. it is all layed out. it is all there.

Really understanding and knowing the facts without delusion or fear of the truth and not minimizing what happened as a defense mechanism will set some MAGA free. would it not be uplifting if that would happen.
8/24/2024 12:17 PM (edited)
Exceptional summary, sir. Thank you for laying it out so plainly and thoroughly. The whiny orange cheeto is the most despicable person ever to run for president. The fact that ANY american still supports him is an embarrassment to our country. There is no justification - NONE - for voting for him. I don’t care if you’re anti-abortion, I don’t care if you disagree with every position Kamala holds, I don’t care if you mistakenly think tRump is better able to handle immigration, I don’t care if you mistakenly think tRump is somehow better for the economy… he is a corrupt, evil, immoral, unethical, deplorable person, who deserves nothing other than to rot, forgotten, in a jail cell.
8/24/2024 1:22 PM
Posted by contrarian23 on 8/24/2024 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Exceptional summary, sir. Thank you for laying it out so plainly and thoroughly. The whiny orange cheeto is the most despicable person ever to run for president. The fact that ANY american still supports him is an embarrassment to our country. There is no justification - NONE - for voting for him. I don’t care if you’re anti-abortion, I don’t care if you disagree with every position Kamala holds, I don’t care if you mistakenly think tRump is better able to handle immigration, I don’t care if you mistakenly think tRump is somehow better for the economy… he is a corrupt, evil, immoral, unethical, deplorable person, who deserves nothing other than to rot, forgotten, in a jail cell.
Thank you!!
You are the person that I hoped would agree with me.
8/24/2024 1:28 PM
Amen bro. BTW, did you watch Gretchen Whitmer? Not the most dynamic speaker, but in 5 minutes she utterly dismantled and excoriated the loser.
8/24/2024 1:46 PM
Posted by contrarian23 on 8/24/2024 1:46:00 PM (view original):
Amen bro. BTW, did you watch Gretchen Whitmer? Not the most dynamic speaker, but in 5 minutes she utterly dismantled and excoriated the loser.
Yes. I am a big fan. You couldn’t have 2 women on the ticket ( maybe one day when you could not have 2 bigots on a ticket ) now but if she was a man she would have been maybe the best choice for VP.

She is dynamic to me because of being so full of wit.I think she coined the clever line of Trump has never performed service except to serve himself.

She definitely is another able prosecutor.
8/24/2024 2:03 PM (edited)
Trump is now desperate. He is flip flopping all over the place. There is a door open to sow dissension among some of his flock. And to demoralize some of them.

Hopefully the flip flopping will anger some in the crazy town media and give him some headaches.

8/25/2024 2:06 AM
Last week someone noticed scrape marks on Trump’s knuckles. He asked Sir, what happened to your knuckles. Trump explained that he forgot to wear his knuckle protectors when he was walking last week.
8/25/2024 5:55 AM
The Harris campaign is becoming an expanding movement. Inclusive big tent with a centrist approach and it gives a sense of being a part of something good.
It is a true political movement.

The Trump campaign is a bowel movement.
8/25/2024 3:44 PM
Make Lying Great Again

Trump must think and hope that Dems and independents are as stupid as his base.

Trump really did tweet - I will be great for abortion rights - quote.

That’s like Harris saying that her top tier tax increase is going to be great for the billionaires.
Or Harris saying I will be great for the NRA.

Trump is the biggest enemy to women rights since the time that women finally were allowed to vote.
8/26/2024 3:11 AM (edited)
Under Construction
Trump Accomplishments and Trump Disasters
An Objective Survey

1. Ended American involvement in Afghanistan but used poor judgement in setting a deadline and telling the terrorists of the date. TV That caused an increased dangerous pullout .
2. The Abraham Accords - a very good step forward.

True Disasters That Have Endangered and Damaged The Country and The World

1. Because of Trump more then 200,000 people in the USA died who would have survived if Clinton or any normal and honest person was president. This is arrived at by very important and well respected statisticians.

First of all he refused to listen to national security people and top scientists and refused to tell the American people. He let it spread with people not knowing. Incompetent monster. Then when he did tell the public he outright lied saying it is a itty bitty mild flu that will fade away.

Then when that was proven to be a lie he mocked the scientists and told people it was not necessary to wear a mask and then was hostile to local mandates agreeing with those saying they were criminal. And suggested that people ingest bleach on national television.

Finally as a result of living his own dangerous policy he came within a whisker of dying from covid and your everyday average citizen would have died.

2. Tax Cuts for the very very rich and the damage done to the country. The 3 trillion tax cut for billionaires was nothing less then a strong arm robbery of the treasury to feather the nest of the most powerful people in the country. Like they needed to dip their beaks any more.
And what happened he created the biggest deficit hole in history and stole money from the needy and the middle class. Whoever does not understand this needs their head examined or a brain transplant.

Why do you think they want to raise eligibility for Social Security and end ACA and stop food programs for school kids and end child tax credits and block student etc etc....Because they feel that they must make the cuts to pay for the billionaire tax cuts...I feel sorry for the saps who don't see this clearly...the bums are stealing from the poor to give to the very rich....sounds like a criminal enterprise to me but I am cursed with the see things for what they are syndrome.

Biden and Harris refused to deprive the people of programs that they need and the country of infrastructure because trump stole 3 trillion of revenue.

3. Russia and Nato - A bunch of Kindergarteners were polled after Helsinki and they unanimously concluded that either Trump was compromised or hypnotized or a boot licker - spit shine Donnie. He could make Putin’s shoes look like mirrors.
The unexplained thing has the national security apparatus on edge and demoralized.

The worst president in history has tried to weaken NATO and salutes Russia for invading Ukraine and he could tell Russia that they can do whatever the hell they want to NATO countries.

Trump caused the country to become a laughing stock and feared by the Allies because of his lack of fealty to democracy and the country was reviled and looked at with derision for electing him.

4. The Iran Deal - All I know is that before Trump terminated the deal to monitor the Iranian nuclear program they were not anywhere near having the bomb but now it is 11:55 pm. Thanks to the most insanely stupid person in American history.

Blowing up that deal did zero zero and zero good for us and the world. So what else is new.

5. Environment - Trump is the first anti science and anti intellect president. He is a moron but first more on the environment. He took us out of the Paris Accord and reversed progress on fighting climate change and he has mocked EVERY type of scientific advance and tried to terminate whatever he could. Biden had to play catch up because of the grave damage caused by Trump.

6. Regulations - indiscriminate slashing - and rolling back more then 100 regulations involving carbon emissions and other protections that were cleaning up the air and water and fighting climate change. He was so schmaat.
8/28/2024 1:17 PM (edited)
Still working on the above.

There are polls out that give Harris a 7 pt lead and a 4 point lead.

The 7 is from a good but not great pollster. A top of the second tier of pollsters.

The only polls I look at are The NY Times/Siena
and ABC/ Washington Post and YouGov.
The most recent YouGov is Harris by 3. It does not include all of the convention results.

Harris cannot have confidence unless she is up by 5 or more.

There is something happening in Georgia which could upend American democracy and it is orchestrated by Republicans and Trump and could be a nuclear bomb on our democracy if it happens and Harris wins with Georgia but loses if Georgia gets taken away.

This country is in such grave danger.

8/27/2024 4:25 PM
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