Here's my last serious interaction with cops(I'll be as brief as possible):
I punched two guys for being disrepectful dipshits. My friends grabbed me and stopped me from punching anyone else. I was the only person to throw a punch and the bartender told me to get the **** out before she called the cops. Testosterone flowing, I said "**** you. I'll finish my beer and then I'll leave." Shortly thereafter, three cop cars roll up. Two officers walk in and she points at me. They ask me to step outside. Calmed down, I did as they asked. They asked what I did and I said "Nothing. I don't know what's going on." Politely lying. They said they were going to cuff me, put me in the car and find out why she called. As soon as they cuffed me, one of my friends went apeshit. Screaming profanities at the cops, acting aggressively and basically inciting everyone around. They attempted to cuff him, he shoved a cop and then got roughed up a bit before being put in another car. Cops came back 15 minutes later, told me that the bartender said I was being unruly but didn't want to press charges. They wrote me up for disorderly conduct. They told me to go home or I'd be going to jail. I went home. My friend spent some time in jail.
Seems like doing as asked/told worked out better.