Every single republican who didn't support impeachment should be ashamed and subject to relentless ridicule. They chose party over "unity" ("unity" to repubs always means "do what we want"), they chose lies over truth, they chose loyalty to Der Fuhrer over loyalty to the country and the constitution. And they decidedly chose to side with violent, murderous, traitorous insurrectionists over law enforcement and this country's national security. Let no republican who voted No today ever ever get away with saying "Blue Lives Matter" (code for white supremacy) ever again.
1/13/2021 5:36 PM
You are so absolutely correct.
they became a dangerous group of charlatans and power for the utter sake of power group.
personally, I think that a huge swath of them are outright bad people and the rest except for a few are cowards and flawed and morally and ethically and patriotically and intellectually challenged iq be damned.
they have let the hateful xenophobic culture develop in its Petrie dish and nurtured it and funded it and protected it and encouraged it and then anointed its leader and then bowed down to it.
we have a disgrace of a country because of them.
and we have at least one third of the country politically mentally ill and worse.

between Covid and the politics it is a wonder to survive.
1/13/2021 5:53 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/12/2021 2:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/12/2021 2:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/12/2021 2:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 1/12/2021 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Odd take Tangy. I don't see much TV and even I thought the TV ads were quite impactful. They appealed to the middle, us Independents. You don't think they worked?
Absolutely correct. They had a powerful effect on several levels.
First as you say they did pound away at right to center independents and right to center republicans and peeled away LOTS of these voters to Biden AND down ballot candidates.
they also got stay at home above off their ***** to vote for Biden instead of staying home.

second they also helped energize lazy dem voters. their commercials were only unbelievably biting and sarcastic and thoroughly enjoyable and discussed and replayed everywhere. They were the thing.

third and underrated by doing all of the above they allowed the dem donors to spread the money around more and that was a big help in local races and some senate races.

fourth it shamed some voters into voting democratic.
it appealed to the conscience of some voters that if republicans can change we can and must all change and act.

they are the Oscar Schindlers in the fall of the trump reich.
MORE Republicans voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016. Both in proportion and number.

Did they really energize Dem voters? How many Dem voters are on politics Twitter but not politically involved? Were these ads really more effective than other ads?

Yeah the Lincoln project caused Dems to spread money around, they definitely didn't take money that could have otherwise gone to grassroots organizing or more effective (and actually left) organizations *eyeroll*.
Pal, I loved those commercials so yes I speak for myself but they also were replayed viral and constantly as news on cnn and msnbc even beyond ad air time.
they were even discussed on late night talk shows and their leaders were constantly on msnbc and were and still are stirring.

I really believe very objectively and sincerely that they were a strong contribution to the cause and they were very articulate.

it was always said that the Republican commercials went for the jugular sometimes really mean and they worked.
Now it was done for us and I enjoyed it.
Jumping in here. The Lincoln Project had an impact beyond Twitter. Each of the principals had a recurring forum on tv and in the Washington post, often writing not to voters, but to rank and file Republicans to bring them to their senses.

I live and work in the DC area. Worked for a Senator many years ago. Everyone here is scared. Our city is turning into a fortress. National Guard troops are staying at a nearby hotel. Like a bad dream. And the Jim Jordans of the world still think it’s no big deal. Wait until the world finds out that 3 Congressmen helped plan the attack, including providing a map of the building to rioters ahead of time. This isn’t going to end on the 20th.
1/13/2021 7:16 PM (edited)

Floor plans of the United States Capitol

Basement, Terrace, and Courtyard Floor

First (Ground) Floor

Second (Primary) Floor

Third (Gallery) Floor

Fourth (Attic) Floor
Layout and room numbers as of 1997
1/13/2021 7:22 PM
Correct the writ is going to hit the fan on them and some gave private tours and police were also involved.
1/13/2021 7:24 PM
Again with the self portrait.
1/13/2021 9:02 PM
Pardon Watch

One has to wonder if Trump has any appetite to pardon anyone outside of his own family now.....misery does love company.
Huffington Post is reporting that Trump now despises Rudy Ghouliani and insists on stiffing him for his so called legal fees. And he is trying to stiff him on expense reimbursement as well.
There could be quite a drama brewing on the Rudy pardon. Trump is blocking Rudy’s calls.
What might Rudy do maybe out of necessity down the road if he is not pardoned.
Will Trump cut off his nose to spite his face.

only 153 hours until the inauguration.
As the stomach turns soap opera goes on.
1/13/2021 11:52 PM
146 Hours

it is essential that the different white supremacy groups and lizard people and qanon be labeled terrorist groups and have the patriot act used for maximum surveillance of them and all of the tools of the patriot act be used to fullest extent of the law.
the country can’t wait any longer.
I am worried about lone wolves like the Memphis rcv bomber.

the mastication of domestic terror that happened under trump’s watch and because of him directly is a national crisis now.
Houston we have a very very serious problem.
1/14/2021 9:38 AM
Posted by dino27 on 1/12/2021 2:18:00 PM (view original):
FYI dummy I said I don’t criticize people the same as others who suffered personal physical trauma that was race related when they later develop a group bias.
not that they are right. Just that they were trauma victims because You raised the issue.

get off my *** and grow up you hybrid.
Ah, I think I get it now.

You fundamentally misunderstood my initial point.

I'm not saying people develop a bias because of "personal physical trauma." I'm saying that the more we understand about human decision making, the less and less free will it appears that we really have. It's not that we have none, but most of our decisions are made without active thought. In all of those cases we're making decisions based totally on built-in human biases and our total set of life experiences. Even if we make "informed" decisions about politics, they're informed by the stream of information we've stored, and that is filtered automatically through the lens of what we already believe. We give more weight to stories and facts that fit our existing worldview, which in turn serves to strengthen said worldview over time. There's a reason that by their mid-30s 80-odd percent of people identify with the same political party (or independent) as their parents.

What I said was that under different circumstances you could very well have been the hardcore right-winger you love to hate. Those circumstances don't mean physical trauma. It just means, had you been born into a conservative family in a conservative area, odds are you'd be a conservative. And it certainly seems like your personality tends towards extremism, so you'd probably be a far-right loudmouth. I'm sure you believe this isn't true, or possible. That's fine, I can't make you believe it. But it's something to think about with your harsh characterization of people across the aisle. You never try to empathize or sympathize with them, so don't ask them to empathize with you. But also... you're not so different as you think.
1/14/2021 12:37 PM
Also... I've never reported anyone, at least not to the best of my recollection.
1/14/2021 12:39 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 1/14/2021 12:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/12/2021 2:18:00 PM (view original):
FYI dummy I said I don’t criticize people the same as others who suffered personal physical trauma that was race related when they later develop a group bias.
not that they are right. Just that they were trauma victims because You raised the issue.

get off my *** and grow up you hybrid.
Ah, I think I get it now.

You fundamentally misunderstood my initial point.

I'm not saying people develop a bias because of "personal physical trauma." I'm saying that the more we understand about human decision making, the less and less free will it appears that we really have. It's not that we have none, but most of our decisions are made without active thought. In all of those cases we're making decisions based totally on built-in human biases and our total set of life experiences. Even if we make "informed" decisions about politics, they're informed by the stream of information we've stored, and that is filtered automatically through the lens of what we already believe. We give more weight to stories and facts that fit our existing worldview, which in turn serves to strengthen said worldview over time. There's a reason that by their mid-30s 80-odd percent of people identify with the same political party (or independent) as their parents.

What I said was that under different circumstances you could very well have been the hardcore right-winger you love to hate. Those circumstances don't mean physical trauma. It just means, had you been born into a conservative family in a conservative area, odds are you'd be a conservative. And it certainly seems like your personality tends towards extremism, so you'd probably be a far-right loudmouth. I'm sure you believe this isn't true, or possible. That's fine, I can't make you believe it. But it's something to think about with your harsh characterization of people across the aisle. You never try to empathize or sympathize with them, so don't ask them to empathize with you. But also... you're not so different as you think.
Well, my very independent religious beliefs don’t reflect my background and I was independent in my thoughts as a child.
I hardly think being extreme against racism and fascism makes me an extremist but maybe to you.
and if you think about me being an extreme personality that’s fine.
iknow that I am extremely interested in the truth and history and democracy and religious freedom and freedom from political and religious fascism.
if I’m an extreme personality so be it.
1/14/2021 12:56 PM
8 of the 10 redpublicans who voted for impeachment come from moderate or very strong trump districts.
the power of democracy compelled them.
1/14/2021 1:19 PM
How Trump Might Get Convicted in Senate

it is my understanding that the two thirds number is based on percentage of votes cast and not 100.
Thus, if some republicans don’t vote that could increase chances gor conviction.
for example, if 10 join to convict but 10 say present or don’t attend that would be 60 out of 90 and two thirds.
1/14/2021 2:56 PM
On the issue of evidence there will be much more information coming out after January 20 about what trump knew and when he knew it.
there could be explosive evidence that could not only cement conviction in the senate but criminal liability could be enhanced.
we will know in the not too distant future.

141 hours
1/14/2021 3:01 PM
Trump is off to Walter Reed for an emergency medical checkup after hearing on television that he might have men’s rea. His lawyers told him he didn’t have to go but he overruled them and is worried that he has a terminal disease and he vehemently denies any illicit sexual behavior.

138 hours
1/14/2021 5:18 PM
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