BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

Posted by wylie715 on 7/6/2021 4:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/5/2021 5:12:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/4/2021 8:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/3/2021 8:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/3/2021 7:37:00 PM (view original):
I find it kind of hypocritical that when the previous POTUS made his constant mistakes when speaking, none of his supporters said anything, but when Biden does it, you say he is senile.
I find it hypocritical that POTUS Biden's supporters are STILL pointing-out Trump's speaking errors, yet are defending Biden's.
To be fair, Biden does have a stutter that he's struggled with his entire life, and still manages to be a better speaker than Trump.
Thank you for that information.

I have a friend who stammers.. often when explaining something.. and he is a genius.. Not saying Joe is a genius, but.. we can hope. I don't care about IQ but I do care about integrity, and honesty

Trump speaks from the heart.. and the left is a huge bag of hate. 15 months after the fact, they are still trashing on him and he was the best POTUS I seen since Reagan..

Obama? An Anti Christ.. Biden? I won't comment.. cuz I am a mature adult (well, most of the time) and pettiness turns my stomach

As for the Media? CBC, ABC, NBC, CNN, they report what they want you to hear. FOX is going sour, too. (Disney has controlling interest) I don't trust any of them
first of all, just about anyone could be a better speaker than Trump.
If you care so much about integrity and honesty, I don't see how you can be such a big fan of Trumps. I doubt he has any idea what integrity means or is.

As president, Trump made 30,573 false claims

That works out to more than 20 lies a day. That's what I call honesty and integrity.

I'm not sure Donald Trump has a heart!

Obama was far from perfect, but an anti-christ? LOL Biden may be even further from perfect, but either of them is 1000 times better than Trump.
Nope. Nada. and you are saying I am a 'big fan' but I am not, but I will still suggest that he is a man who cares about the American people more than any president since Reagan. I am still waiting to hear anything from Biden's mouth that might suggest he cares. I don't believe he does, but I DO believe that he and his minions care about POWER over the PEOPLE
Your freedom is all but gone

and Obama MOCKED the Christian faith.. and did so publicly. He is of the spirit of Anti Christ. I do not believe he is M*slim, but I do believe he is aetheist

Over 30,000 false claims.. Okay, so he said it is raining cats and dogs. We know dogs don't fall out of the sky, so maybe yeah.

He is more trustworthy than AOC, I Omar, Liz Warren, Pelosi, Hilary or any of those other creeps who are working hard to destroy what is left of America.

How are the democrat run cities doing, btw?? i.e. Portland, San Frn L.A. Chicago, Seattle, and Detroit, for eg?

Rioters and looters are free to do as they wish in those places, and the news supports that statement

and just for the record; I am not calling you an idiot for being against Trump. It is your right to do so.. just as it is my right to say he is better than the others

7/6/2021 9:04 PM (edited)
"How are the democrat run cities doing, btw?? i.e. Portland, San Frn L.A. Chicago, Seattle, and Detroit, for eg? Rioters and looters are free to do as they wish in those places, and the news supports that statement"

Thanks for PROVING beyond an IOTA of doubt that you are an ignorant, disingenuous, gaslighting zealot who LOVES to PROJECT and doesn't actually know **** about the subjects he speaks of.

Swing by and visit us here in DETROIT. I'll drag your *** around and show you that we're doing ******* GREAT. Gov. Whitmer has been a HERO and the VOTERS of the state stood up last November and gave a big **** YOU to LIARS, CHEATS and THIEVES.

You don't know DICK about Detroit.

You're full of ****.
7/6/2021 10:45 PM
Posted by rsp777 on 7/6/2021 10:46:00 PM (view original):
"How are the democrat run cities doing, btw?? i.e. Portland, San Frn L.A. Chicago, Seattle, and Detroit, for eg? Rioters and looters are free to do as they wish in those places, and the news supports that statement"

Thanks for PROVING beyond an IOTA of doubt that you are an ignorant, disingenuous, gaslighting zealot who LOVES to PROJECT and doesn't actually know **** about the subjects he speaks of.

Swing by and visit us here in DETROIT. I'll drag your *** around and show you that we're doing ******* GREAT. Gov. Whitmer has been a HERO and the VOTERS of the state stood up last November and gave a big **** YOU to LIARS, CHEATS and THIEVES.

You don't know DICK about Detroit.

You're full of ****.
Detroit has one of the highest murder rates per capita in the whole US of A. Take a walk through town some night if you don't believe me. Ditto Chicago

Detroit saw 327 homicides in 2020, a 19% increase from the 275 that occurred in 2019, and 1,173 nonfatal shootings, a 53% increase from a year earlier,

That is in a city of 670,000 which is almost the same pop as Vancouver, within city limits. So that gives a murder rate of approx 50 per hundred thousand per year

Vancouver's number is about three.. per hundred thousand.. per year

So you are again deceived

7/7/2021 1:01 AM
My LAST response (I hope) to this fool from the 'burbs of Vancouver, B.C.

Just what do you figure, my Canuck friend is the GUN ownership % in Vancouver??
Now, what do you figure it is in Detroit, Or Chicago, or (for that matter) Phoenix, or Tucson??

You seem to like stats, I'll let you look it up.
Does your intellect allow you to make conclusions based on data??

You THINK that all those extra guns MIGHT result in a higher level of violent crime (murders, etc)??

We pay this price because of our RIGHT to individually own firearms (IF we're an upstanding, lawful citizen).
Humans are imperfect. Prone to mistaken judgment and violent disagreements.
Thus, more access to guns + more people = more disagreements and more violence.
It's an easy conclusion. Can you dig it?

Honestly, I'm glad the Canadian people don't all feel the need to possess firearms for their own personal safety.
Based on your statements, I'd worry for the populace. We, here in the States, KNOW what armed zealots look like.
They were all over the news (and our TV's) back on January 6th!!
7/7/2021 8:34 AM
"Take a walk through town some night if you don't believe me. Ditto Chicago"

I've lived in the Detroit area my entire life. I've hung out in, played in and stayed in every single place you would no doubt be TERRIFIED of. I've been all over Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland and I've been to meth towns in Indiana. I've been to Hollywood and Los Angeles, partied my *** off in NYC and walked through Toronto at 3 am. Have you ever actually been to Cabrini Green? Do you know what the Flats ARE or were like back in the 90's? Have you ever actually stood in the Cass Corridor off of I-75. Do you know what it was like in 1994? Have you ever played a bar, with THOUSANDS of dollars of equipment with you, in ANY of those places and somehow managed, despite your WEBSITE QUOTES, to not only survive but THRIVE and have a BLAST doing it? I regularly visit places throughout Detroit that you 1) Don't know a THING about and 2) Would cower in FEAR of. Maybe our bagman in Portland can tell you a little about how full of **** you are about that town but I ASSURE you...

You are a ZEALOT.
You know NOTHING.

You are a LIAR.
7/7/2021 10:26 AM
Blunt, but Well said.
7/7/2021 11:13 AM
Also, I looked it up, and the mayor of Vancouver is Kennedy Stewart, a progressive social democrat, probably to the left of Biden.

So maybe left wing leadership is OK!

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
7/7/2021 12:16 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/6/2021 8:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 7/5/2021 9:06:00 AM (view original):
The doofuss should be muzzled, permanently!
He is in league with Beezlebubb.
He is a purveyor of LIES!!
BLOCK the Canuck!
Heh heh! This is how you talk to those who have different world views than yours. It is called being intolerant

and THEY can decide for themselves if they want to block me.
Do you even read what you post? How he talks about people with a different world view is intolerant??

so, when you say anyone who has not accepted Jesus as the savior, as you have, is going to hell, is that your idea of tolerance? Seems a bit intolerant to me..
7/7/2021 2:45 PM
Tolerance of willful ignorance (stupidity) is NOT a defensible credo for ANY populace wishing to survive long term.

It is akin to suicidal genocide.

Rise up Americans!

Call out evil and stupidity in every form.
Power to the (intelligent and enlightened) people.

Instant Karma gotta rule.
7/7/2021 3:46 PM
Your God supports sending his creatures to hell?? How sad to be of a belief ruled by fear of some mythical pit of fire.
I feel conflicted. Usually I feel folks get what they deserve, but even you (Doug) deserves a God that Loves you and has preparations for you that reward you for your humanity rather than damning you for your failures.

Ussen condemns no one. I'm not a Buddhist or knowledgeable regarding Buddhism but I doubt Buddha condemns humans either.

I intend to live forever. In the spirit form I end up blessed to receive.
I'm hoping it's as a roadrunner............. or a coyote.
7/7/2021 7:00 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/7/2021 2:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/6/2021 8:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 7/5/2021 9:06:00 AM (view original):
The doofuss should be muzzled, permanently!
He is in league with Beezlebubb.
He is a purveyor of LIES!!
BLOCK the Canuck!
Heh heh! This is how you talk to those who have different world views than yours. It is called being intolerant

and THEY can decide for themselves if they want to block me.
Do you even read what you post? How he talks about people with a different world view is intolerant??

so, when you say anyone who has not accepted Jesus as the savior, as you have, is going to hell, is that your idea of tolerance? Seems a bit intolerant to me..
Your AN anti christ!
7/7/2021 11:50 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/7/2021 7:00:00 PM (view original):
Your God supports sending his creatures to hell?? How sad to be of a belief ruled by fear of some mythical pit of fire.
I feel conflicted. Usually I feel folks get what they deserve, but even you (Doug) deserves a God that Loves you and has preparations for you that reward you for your humanity rather than damning you for your failures.

Ussen condemns no one. I'm not a Buddhist or knowledgeable regarding Buddhism but I doubt Buddha condemns humans either.

I intend to live forever. In the spirit form I end up blessed to receive.
I'm hoping it's as a roadrunner............. or a coyote.

once again my Sunday school teacher, my grandma, taught me to love all religions and religious peoples and all non religious peoples and that it didn’t matter if they believed in my god, just that they were good people.

funny how I don’t follow the modern Christian leaders now right?
7/7/2021 11:52 PM
Posted by Uofa2 on 7/7/2021 11:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 7/7/2021 7:00:00 PM (view original):
Your God supports sending his creatures to hell?? How sad to be of a belief ruled by fear of some mythical pit of fire.
I feel conflicted. Usually I feel folks get what they deserve, but even you (Doug) deserves a God that Loves you and has preparations for you that reward you for your humanity rather than damning you for your failures.

Ussen condemns no one. I'm not a Buddhist or knowledgeable regarding Buddhism but I doubt Buddha condemns humans either.

I intend to live forever. In the spirit form I end up blessed to receive.
I'm hoping it's as a roadrunner............. or a coyote.

once again my Sunday school teacher, my grandma, taught me to love all religions and religious peoples and all non religious peoples and that it didn’t matter if they believed in my god, just that they were good people.

funny how I don’t follow the modern Christian leaders now right?
We are not told to follow a human leader. We are told to follow Jesus Christ.. UA2 if you are serious, I will try to explain why God made places called heaven and hell.. and how and why Jesus can and lived and how he sets us free. Man is definitely not basically good. Left to his own devices, he is a monster

but if you are going to instinctively resist anything I say.. then there is little point in answering some or even most of the replies I see here. So you need to get out of 'combat' mentality, and try to open your mind and consider my P.O.V. which is obviously going to be a lot different than the norm

7/8/2021 7:31 AM
Posted by DougOut on 7/7/2021 7:24:00 PM (view original):
That's your choice. In fact, you'll need to get in line. You're not the first. The line is growing.

The ONE God cannot tolerate sin. Can't live with it. I didn't make the rules. We are all sinners. We are all doomed. Except....there is a get out of jail free card. You can read about it in the Book. I'm glad God loves me so much he has prepared a place for me with him for eternity.

As for your beliefs.....I won't ridicule you or poke fun. I won't cancel you or block you or redline you. I won't launch into a profanity filled tirade. I won't take away your twitter account or force your kid to take my course. I wish the other side did the same BUT they get to teach their beliefs and we get to shut our mouths. But even you (laramie) deserve a Country and school system that teaches both evolution AND intelligent design instead of willfully keeping you ignorant of one or the other.

If you ever get to heaven......look me up.
U gonna be my next door neighbor.. and because God has a sense of humor, some of these guys will get saved, and end up on the same block. as us. Imagine the possibilities
7/8/2021 7:33 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/7/2021 2:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/6/2021 8:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 7/5/2021 9:06:00 AM (view original):
The doofuss should be muzzled, permanently!
He is in league with Beezlebubb.
He is a purveyor of LIES!!
BLOCK the Canuck!
Heh heh! This is how you talk to those who have different world views than yours. It is called being intolerant

and THEY can decide for themselves if they want to block me.
Do you even read what you post? How he talks about people with a different world view is intolerant??

so, when you say anyone who has not accepted Jesus as the savior, as you have, is going to hell, is that your idea of tolerance? Seems a bit intolerant to me..
I didn't make that up, Wylie. Here is the quote

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

I am just the messenger.. Verse 16 and 17 show that he does love us

Here it is again
but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

So God makes you an offer of everlasting life. He offers eternal life in his Son. Offers total forgiveness of all sin, past present and future.. and you refuse that... is he then obligated to drag you into heaven against your will?? You make the choice, really

7/8/2021 7:42 AM (edited)
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BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

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