Posted by MikeT23 on 2/16/2017 2:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/16/2017 2:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 2/16/2017 1:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/16/2017 1:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 2/16/2017 1:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/16/2017 1:36:00 PM (view original):
Again. Everyone is aware that Clinton lost. My point is that Trump won despite the fact that most voters chose the other candidate. And he has only become less popular since taking office.
We have a clown in the "very famous White House." A big, dumb, orange clown who is compromised by Russia.
The vast majority of the country voted for Trump, no matter how you try to spin the results. Please refer to the map of electoral votes if that's not clear to you. It's pretty solid red.
Winning the popular vote gets Hillary a prettier participation ribbon that she would have gotten had Trump won both the popular and electoral vote. But nothing else. Because that's not how Presidential elections work in this country.
Are you taking about area or people?
Because the majority of voters did not pick Trump.
Trump won 29 states. Pretty much the entire middle and southern sections of the country.
Yeah, I understand that. But I'm not talking about how the electoral college works or whether or not Trump actually won. He did.
I'm specifically responding to moy implying that Trump is incredibly popular outside of a handful of cities and newspapers. That isn't the case, he is unpopular.
Is there any way on earth you can substantiate this claim? We know the media is largely liberal. As is the entertainment industry. According to FOX News, Trump has done everything perfectly. I'm not sure you're traveling the country taking polls. I don't talk politics with anyone because I don't like Trump and I think liberals are ruining America but no one is standing outside screaming "Yay, Trump" or "Trump sucks!!" I imagine your circle is full of libs.
So where are you getting your data?
To start, I'll point to the fact that more people voted for Clinton than Trump. That alone is a pretty big hint that he isn't incredibly popular.
Gallup tracks presidential approval ratings. Trump is in the toilet. On day 23 he is at 40%.
Obama was at 64% at the same mark. W was at 62%. Clinton 51%. HW was at 63% (day 41). Reagan 55%.
Maybe you argue that Trump is inexperienced and will get more popular as he gets up to speed. I'd argue that Trump's shtick will get old fast, and more and more people will see him as the bumbling con man that he is as time goes on.
Regarding my circle, I lived for several years in Orange County, CA, so my group is made up of a pretty solid mix of liberals and conservatives. 2016 was the first time Orange County went blue since 1936.