Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

Cori Bush of Missouri and Bowman of New York both from the squad have lost their primaries. They are out of congress !!!! and mainstream Dems have taken their place.

Money does not go into the booth and vote.
8/7/2024 10:03 AM
It isn’t going so well for the All American 100% Creeps.
Let it rain, Randy.
8/8/2024 11:51 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 8/1/2024 9:02:00 AM (view original):
The pollsters call the post announcement run by Harris as the honeymoon period But it hasn’t abated or subsided as expected and the surge is only increasing.

And in 9 days the Dem convention starts and that will probably add another bump.

IMO by the end of the convention Harris will have a 7 point head to head lead. It is 3 now.

From that point forward it will be the adults vs the jerky boys.
It is 8 days since the above post and the surge keeps feeding upon itself.

Maybe it is too early to say landslide but I’m thinking about it.
8/8/2024 12:59 PM
In the parlance of here today and gone tomorrow the king of the Trumpers done jumped the shark. Or to put it another way they are on to him finally.
8/8/2024 9:23 PM
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It would be so impressive for his legacy if George Bush would endorse Harris.

Melania has been sighted twerking and breakdancing at Mar - A - Lago.
8/9/2024 4:08 PM
In all of the articles pro and con Tim Walz military career I have never seen this important fact stated as follows:

After the start of the Iraq War there was a period of approximately 2 years and 3 months before Walz retired during which Walz’s battalion could have been suddenly deployed in Iraq at any time.

That is a long time to have been at risk for deployment in Iraq. And it was during the most active time of the war.

And that nugget of fact really is plenty.
8/11/2024 5:51 AM (edited)
It Takes A Village People

Google for brand new photo of JD in drag.
He is giving new meaning to photo finish.

Isn’t JD a perfect poster boy for down home evangelical Christianity.

We already know that he wears eyeliner.
Maybe Melania can recommend some mascara to create the perfect look for the modern MAGA politician.

What a stick in the mud Mike Pence was.

Howzabout YMCA for the MAGA campaign rally theme song??
8/11/2024 10:26 PM (edited)
After Trump loses and yes he is going down,
what will happen to the putative Republican Party.
Will Trump who isn’t going to run at 82, come on man, try to keep control of the party?

Will GOP try to replace MAGA?
Will the top 500 republicans around the country rewrite their history and play the fools as the fools that they are?
Will Trump Jr step in?

On the day after these will start to be pondered ( after the entanglement of Trump lawsuits get dismissed.)
8/12/2024 10:54 AM (edited)
Part 2 of questions to ponder

Will the FBI infiltrate the Trump campaign to make sure that Jan 6 is not repeated? And how high will the snitches and infiltrating agents go?

Will Trump have a White House portrait?
Will the White House visitors rest rooms be named after Trump?
Will 45 become a cursed number not to be said out loud 3 times in a row.
8/12/2024 10:53 AM
I recommend the recent Rolling Stone article on Mark Jackson running for governor in North Carolina.
He makes Trump look like a truth telling Mother Theresa.
I realize that he is running against a Jewish guy in a southern state but the fact that he is only 10 points behind is more proof that this country is in deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep trouble.

just a taste - he thinks that women should not be allowed to vote ( as a serious point of view ) a holocaust denier…,,,.calls anyone of the LBGTQ community “filth” said that if assault weapons are banned people will be left defenseless…..on abortion he tells women that you should keep your skirt down and your pants up and they kill children so that they can get their groove on……….
and on and on. Again he is only 10 points behind in the race for governor and Trump praises him and slobbers all over him with love.

A bold idea whose time has come - elementary school children should be allowed to carry hand guns concealed at school to protect themselves against mass murderers.
8/13/2024 8:05 AM (edited)
Here’s To The Losers
Bless Them All ( definitely not all )

Davy Crockett and the defenders of the Alamo
General Custer at the Little Big Horn
Napolean at Waterloo
The Clancys at OK Corrall
Bonnie and Clyde ambushed
Osama Bin Laden dies like a dog
Wild Bill Hickock murdered by a coward
Hitler in the bunker
Igby goes down
Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid go down in Bolivia
Joan of Ark gets burned
John Dillinger is cornered
Tony Soprano’s last meal

And the newest to add to the list of unfortunate heroes and worst of the worst villains is loser villain Trump who is going down down to the underground in ignominious defeat and humiliation
And it will be the spectator sport of the year.
And he can be awarded the gold medal for king of the losers in American politics.
8/13/2024 6:04 PM (edited)
Trump Lies Numbers Don’t Lie

This is fascinating. In the 1990s 90% of America was Christian and now it is 63%
And a whopping 28% now are agnostics or atheist or nothing in particular.

And there is no end in sight for this trend.
8/13/2024 6:02 PM (edited)
Weird Wacky Stuff and True

It is reported reliable sources that the administration has offered Maduro asylum if he leaves Venezuela and cedes power to the victors of the election.
Now Trump says that if he loses he will leave and go to Venezuela. Maybe to become the new dictator there to replace Maduro?

While his plane gets fixed Trump has been using Epstein’s plane.

Trump compared Kamala picture to Melania and said that Kamala is a beautiful woman on The Musk Interview Show.
Remember when he looked at a picture of E Jean Carroll in a deposition and said it was his wife Marla after saying that E Jean Carroll was not his type.

In the Musk interview Trump was heavily lisping and slurring his speech. Musk’s voice was normal.
Some have said it was audio compression and others that he was missing dentures.
No explanation given. If you think this can’t be true then Google and listen. All true.

JD Vance was a drag queen in law school.

Project 2025 was written by 140 people who were a part of the Trump administration but Trump says ( lies ) that he doesn’t know anything about it.
Ignorance and stupidity as plausible deniability?
8/14/2024 9:03 AM (edited)
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