if anyone wants to give this strategy a run.. we have a team in Big Sky (which is a top-end world) that could use a re-build. The team in question is posted in the HBD Classified forum, and has alot of FA Payroll (however the bulk of it is expiring after the end of the coming season).
There are some pieces in place to build around also, a good young ML LF type, a very strong almost ML ready SP Prospect (a former #4 overall), and the #2 pick in the upcoming draft.
BSA is a bit diff than a couple of the other worlds I've been involved with in that you really dont find alot of overspending on the Intl FA front, so there is opportunity to add to the system quite quickly.
Some of the expensive vet talent is tradeable (probably with some cash) and could be a very rewarding rebuild for someone wanting this challenge. Let us know over in the other forum if interested.