Guilty on all counts Topic

Good to see ya'all are still alive and kicking. Cheers to us.
5/31/2024 7:40 PM

Socialists Celebrate Trump Being Convicted of Whatever it Was He Did

POLITICS· May 31, 2024 ·

U.S. — Following the reading of the guilty verdict in the first criminal trial of a former president, Liberal Democrats and Socialists across the country, Russia, China and Iran celebrated Donald Trump being convicted of whatever it was he did.

Though none of the Democrats who commented publicly on the verdict were able to identify what crime Trump allegedly committed, they were unanimously overjoyed that there was a violation of some type for some thing that was done at some point.

"It's time for Trump to answer for that one thing from that one time," said former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. "No one should ever do that thing that he did, back at that place with whoever. The justice system worked flawlessly to hunt Trump down like the criminal he is and hold him accountable for…whatever."

Prominent Democrats in Hollywood also voiced their elation over Trump finally being brought to justice for something they couldn't quite put their finger on. "We don't tolerate this stuff in America," said actor Robert DeNiro. "The stuff he has done… I'm not even going to talk about it. The fact that he thought he could just do…stuff…and get away with it shows what type of scumbag he is. What a disgrace. I don't know what he did. I don't want to know what he did. But, whatever it is, he's guilty."

At publishing time, celebrities and world leaders including Rob Reiner, Kathy Griffin, Vladimir Putin. President Xi had begun filming a public service announcement warning the American public about the dangers of all people, who register or identify as Republicans, doing…something.

6/1/2024 11:09 AM (edited)
Hey guys, Look! The Bot showed back up.
A tad late as "other" more frequented sites come 1st.
We be much less important as there be so few of us.

I don't indulge the Bot by looking at his posts (BLOCKED) but I can imagine it's some MAGA meme with anti-left ranting.
Waste of my time.

Rant on BOT.
6/1/2024 11:09 AM
The MAGAs have had nothing new, interesting, relevant or correct to say for years. Best to just block them all.
6/1/2024 12:02 PM
I once went to a Tea Party meeting. Years ago. Incognito, of course.

Was at a Bar. Began with a Prayer. It got weirder from there.

I knew the bartender. He said they always had to disinfect the chairs following the monthly meetings.
Soiled doves so to speak.
Seems the rocks they lived under had not "facilities" to properly bathe........or else they was just lazy and filthy. Right along with stupid and scared!
6/1/2024 12:44 PM
If the ugly American is re-elected I wouldn't call what will happen fun, **** show or no.
6/1/2024 1:31 PM
New York Prosecutor Says Nobody In America Is Above The Law He Made Up To Convict Them, except Hunter
U.S.· May 31, 2024 ·

NEW YORK, NY — Following the guilty verdict handed down against former President Donald Trump, New York Prosecutor Alvin Bragg used the case to issue a stern warning that nobody in America is above the law he made up to convict Trump, except Hunter Biden.

Bragg's sobering statement came after he and his prosecution team successfully manufactured a case to convict Trump of a crime that remains unidentifiable by legal experts and served as a clear example of what will happen to other Americans if they brazenly run afoul of laws he makes up in the future.

"This is a nation of laws, and I'm the one who makes them up," Bragg said in a celebratory press conference following the Trump conviction. "Every American should think twice before violating the laws that I haven't made up yet, because once I make them up, they'll be held accountable for breaking the new laws they didn't know existed until I came up with them, unless your last name is Biden. In that case we'll delay delay delay until the statute of limitations run out, like we did for Hunter Biden"

The case against Trump, which was unprecedented because Bragg hadn't yet made up the charges, sets a new bar to which all Americans must hold themselves. "Chances are, you're in violation of something," Bragg warned. "I don't know what law you're violating yet, exactly, but once I come up with what you've done wrong, you can be sure that you will all face the consequences, unless your name is Hillary and the election was stolen from you."

At publishing time, Bragg was reportedly working closely with the Justice Department to compile a list of Trump supporters so that they could begin work on making up crimes for which they could be prosecuted and convicted, which is all of them in the made up law courts of the left.

6/1/2024 6:35 PM
Kangaroos Ask People To Stop Unfairly Comparing Them To U.S. Justice System
CRIME· May 29, 2024 ·

AUSTRALIA — Kangaroos hosted a press conference today calling for a stop to demeaning comparisons to the United States justice system.

"Please, we beg you - stop comparing the U.S. legal system to a 'kangaroo court'. It's insulting to kangaroos everywhere," said kangaroo spokeswoman Savannah Buttercup. "We are proud of our superior judicial system and would never, ever behave like those clowns in New York."

According to sources, kangaroos across the globe were infuriated by the sudden deluge of people comparing their justice system to America. "It's downright offensive. We kangaroos have a very fair system," explained Buttercup. "Misdemeanors result in getting your ears boxed. Felonies will get you a kick, square in the squishy regions. Every kangaroo is subject to the same laws, no matter if you're red or grey, tree-kangaroo or wallaby. Our system is light years ahead of the clown show that is America."

At publishing time, a group of clowns had held a press conference calling on the kangaroos to stop comparing their shows to the U.S. legal system.

6/1/2024 7:09 PM
Bailiffs Cast Lots For Trump’s Clothing
U.S.· May 29, 2024 ·

NEW YORK CITY, NY — As the jury deliberates in the State of New York v. Trump criminal trial, sources within the courtroom claim that four court bailiffs have gone ahead and begun casting lots to split up Trump's clothing.

The bailiffs allegedly divided Trump's luxury Italian Brioni suit into four parts, one part for each bailiff, before realizing that his dress shirt with a "45" monogram was in fact seamless and woven from one piece from top to bottom. Onlookers claim to have heard the lead bailiff tell his fellow officers, "Let us not tear it - instead, let us cast lots to see who will get it."

Alina Habba, one of Trump's defense attorneys, has claimed that the bailiffs' actions are actually the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. "As it is written in Think Like a Billionaire, chapter 7, "Brioni suits are the best - everyone says so. In fact, they'll try to steal mine at some point. They'll probably even have to roll dice."

"SAD! BAD! THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO," Trump posted to Truth Social. "These LOSERS probably have never even seen a suit this nice before. They would have no idea how to tie this tie, it will be so sad to see. Clown show!"

At publishing time, clowns were once again protesting being compared to the New York courts.

6/1/2024 7:36 PM (edited)

The following is an article I read this AM in "Fighting Words" a newletter authored by editor Michael Tomasky.
I thought it so accurately and directly described how the Party that USED to be the Republican Party has become the Party of sycophants, conmen and liars, as well as (clearly) the Party of Lawbreakers---opposed to the Rule of Law and the citizens who represent the Blue Line that enforces the Rule of Law.
They have become the Party of Lawlessness and disorder!!
I now regret all those hours I spent beating the streets of my Congressional District for Reagan all those years ago.
It was a HUGE mistake to support the Party that the man belonged to!

Here's Mr. Tomasky's statement (in part).

"The (Republican) Party is an appendage of one man. Republicans want to talk about banana republics? They are the Banana Republicans. This is like Argentina under Perón or the Philippines under Marcos.

And to what manner of man are they appended? Let’s review. He’s a rapist—yes, a judge used that word and said it was accurate, after, remember, another jury of Trump’s peers ruled against him. He’s a massive tax cheat. Six of his political associates, plus Allen Weisselberg (and Cohen, if you want to count him), have been sentenced to prison. Three took plea deals to avoid prison. And now, he’s a convicted felon.

The emperor is stripped barer and barer with each passing month, and the Republican response is to praise his finery more passionately than ever."

6/2/2024 10:26 AM

Banana Republics Starting To Feel Kinda Bad For United States

WORLD — Banana republics from across the globe have begun to feel a bit bad for the United States, and wondering if perhaps they ought to do something to help.

"It's sad. I mean we have sham trials here too, but at least we have bananas," said dictator Omar Carrillo. "I just really feel for them, you know?"

According to sources, several banana republics have begun to express concern that the corruption in America has gotten out of hand. "When we do show trials to destroy opposition candidates, we still charge them with crimes that at least exist. I mean, come on," said General Jose Cavazos. "We also at least pay attention to the statute of limitations and federal jurisdiction when we pretend that justice was done, instead of just smirking at the press and walking away. Even we're not that cruel, right? We at least give our population false hope before we crush them with rampant inflation and lawlessness."

At publishing time, the banana republics had decided to help America by sending troops to help monitor the next elections ballot boxes for fairness, and also a bunch of bananas.

6/3/2024 1:35 PM (edited)
After Seeing How Much Money Trump Raised, Biden Calls Up DA Bragg To Ask If He Can Get Charged With A Felony Or Two

0:04Now playing

JOE BIDEN: "A Billion Three Hundred Million Trillion Three Hundred Million Dollars"

WASHINGTON, D.C. — With his re-election campaign falling behind his opponent in fundraising, and after seeing how much money Donald Trump raised over the weekend, President Joe Biden called up New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg to ask if he could get charged with a felony or two.

The Trump campaign experienced an overwhelming influx of donations in the wake of Trump's conviction on criminal charges in a New York court last week, leading Biden to seek to grow his campaign's coffers by requesting criminal charges of his own.

"Listen up, my negro," Biden reportedly said on the phone with Bragg. "This conviction has been a big boost for Trump. I'm thinking I might be able to get… I could maybe get… I could… I could get… I might have people throwing over a billion three hundred million trillion million dollars at me if I get charged with some felonies. None of this hush-money malarkey. Real serious stuff. You should see the list of stuff I've actually done. It'll curl your nose hairs, pal. Bribery. Murder. Trafficking underage broads. The whole deal. Anyway… give me some of those felony charges, will ya?"

District Attorney Bragg's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the report but a source within the DA's office confirmed that fictional crimes would not have to be created in order to charge members of the Biden family.

At publishing time, the White House had called Bragg again to let him know that a new shipment of Hunter's cocaine would be arriving on the premises soon if that would help in drawing felony charges.

6/3/2024 2:16 PM

you may or may not like Colin Cowherd

i consider him a corporate stooge

he says

If everybody in your circle is a felon, maybe it’s not rigged. Maybe the world isn’t against you. Donald Trump is now a felon. His campaign chairman was a felon. So is his deputy campaign manager, his personal lawyer, his chief strategist, his national security adviser, his trade advisor, his foreign policy adviser, his campaign fixer, and his company CFO. They’re all felons. Judged by the company he keeps, it’s a cabal of convicts

i cannot not attest to his facts: who is, who was, who did. so many advisers! someone did some research for Colin

but that's what ol RYNO slash liberal slash middle o the road Cowherd said

bye bye trump

he will not get time, but he deserves it. i say again, 30 days in the kitch

and then whatever. probation, home detention, oh my goodness a ankle bracelet while he does community service in a sh*thole neighborhood

160 hours serving potatos and gravy to the homeless!

let's see if he can be good for six months

test his mettle
6/4/2024 11:09 AM

Trump Sentenced To Four Years Of Confinement In Small Oval
Room In Washington D.C.

NEW YORK, NY — Following his felony conviction on 34 counts, former President Trump has officially been sentenced to four years of confinement in an oval-shaped cell in the heart of Washington, DC.

"Trump will begin serving his sentence on approximately January 20, 2025," announced news anchor Nichole Wallace. "An entire team of law enforcement officers dubbed 'Secret Service' will monitor Trump for the entire duration of his four-year sentence. In addition to being in an oval cell, Trump will be required to perform community service such as host heads of nations, sign bills into law, and pardon turkeys on Thanksgiving."

Legal experts state that Trump will be allowed to have visitors in the oval-shaped room, as well as access to a phone. "Four years is a long time for what's supposed to be a misdemeanor, but the people have spoken," said legal analyst John Carmichael. "Trump better get used to the idea of four years of hard time in a carpeted, oval room with oddly terrible furniture."

At publishing time, Trump had reportedly also been sentenced to a fine of negative two hundred million dollars in donations.

6/4/2024 12:03 PM
he likes that feng shui yellow

but he himself and his hairness is more of a ginger pumpkin hue

i heard one time he has a shiny gold throne in trump tower

he will look good in a orange jumpsuit
6/4/2024 12:24 PM
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