trump: Soon to be IMPEACHED Topic

I will be surprised if he is impeached. Then again, I will be more surprised if this "inquiry" turns into an actual vote on the House floor. As with most things Washington these days, this has the feel of a symbolic demonstration rather than a direct action. I've been surprised before so I'm not making a prediction.
9/25/2019 4:41 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 9/25/2019 2:26:00 PM (view original):
I tend to agree with you on the "work ethic" thing, starting at the top. On that values point, all I've got to say is whose values? Yours??
Doubt we'd get much agreement with somehow restoring YOUR concept of values. Ain't you a white man, endorsing your values in a white man's world?
Many of those "values" you cherish so much have been examined by our youth.........and found wanting.
The Comment was about this Country being restored, so NOT my values, your values, or anyone else of today's values; rather the values that have been part of this Country for hundreds of years.

For instance, for hundreds of years, people coming to this Country accepted the fact they would need to learn English to live here. Why has that changed? Would you expect to be able to go live in a foreign Country without learning the Language?

You make very racist assumptions in this comment, that show which of us truly has issues in that area.
9/26/2019 9:39 AM
So, I agree with you (again) on the language issue. And to be precise, NO I wouldn't expect to go live elsewhere without understanding the language and culture! I make no racist assumptions. I just question whether memories of our Country's "values" are being distorted based on the rememberer.

In simpler terms (for those that need things simple) Memories of the past's "values" differ greatly depending on one's position within society at whichever time in our past you are recalling. IF I have correctly determined your basic "identity" I'd have to conclude that you would have very little understanding of what the "value" of being black in certain locales in 1830 REALLY meant. Otherwise you'd be more careful when you hold up OUR "VALUES" we've had for your so-called "hundreds of years". For literally HALF of our History as a Country our VALUES supported the holding of PEOPLE as chattel.

Which 100's of years values are you so God Damn proud of? We ain't the 1st peoples to thirst for freedom. We just had some smart fellers (Not ALL fellers of spotless values) who conspired to, so eloquently, write them down and vote to instill them as LAW (once they added 10 Amendments!!).

Later on, we decided to accept that the LAW applied to folks that weren't male, white, landowners.
Reluctantly, most say.
9/26/2019 11:11 AM
Posted by all3 on 9/26/2019 9:39:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/25/2019 2:26:00 PM (view original):
I tend to agree with you on the "work ethic" thing, starting at the top. On that values point, all I've got to say is whose values? Yours??
Doubt we'd get much agreement with somehow restoring YOUR concept of values. Ain't you a white man, endorsing your values in a white man's world?
Many of those "values" you cherish so much have been examined by our youth.........and found wanting.
The Comment was about this Country being restored, so NOT my values, your values, or anyone else of today's values; rather the values that have been part of this Country for hundreds of years.

For instance, for hundreds of years, people coming to this Country accepted the fact they would need to learn English to live here. Why has that changed? Would you expect to be able to go live in a foreign Country without learning the Language?

You make very racist assumptions in this comment, that show which of us truly has issues in that area.

hundred times yes

i do not need to learn spanish to live in spain

german to live in germany

9/26/2019 11:26 AM
Because I want people to enter this Country legally, learn the language (even if it's technically never been made "official"), and expect to fend for themselves, others call me racist. Because I hate quotas of all kinds for any reason, I am called racist. TO ME, those are total BS reasons to call someone racist. I believe everyone should be treated equal (not discriminated against, but also nothing special), and try to live my life that way. I know that, my friends and family know that, so I don't really care what people looking to argue on the internet think. I don't waste my time trying to convince them of anything, because it will never happen.
9/26/2019 11:30 AM
I don't think I've ever called you a racist, all3, and I don't think you are one.
Can't speak for anyone else, and wouldn't want to.
I also agree that it doesn't matter what a bunch of people on the internet think. They (and I include myself) have very little idea who you are, and what you fell. What matters is what the people who know you think.
9/26/2019 11:39 AM
Posted by all3 on 9/26/2019 9:39:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/25/2019 2:26:00 PM (view original):
I tend to agree with you on the "work ethic" thing, starting at the top. On that values point, all I've got to say is whose values? Yours??
Doubt we'd get much agreement with somehow restoring YOUR concept of values. Ain't you a white man, endorsing your values in a white man's world?
Many of those "values" you cherish so much have been examined by our youth.........and found wanting.
The Comment was about this Country being restored, so NOT my values, your values, or anyone else of today's values; rather the values that have been part of this Country for hundreds of years.

For instance, for hundreds of years, people coming to this Country accepted the fact they would need to learn English to live here. Why has that changed? Would you expect to be able to go live in a foreign Country without learning the Language?

You make very racist assumptions in this comment, that show which of us truly has issues in that area.
The “values” that you say have defined “hundreds of years” included throwing people in boats to come here and act as property of white male landowners. They included whippings to “teach” them English. They included segregation and degradation. They include the hypocrisy of legislation based on religious affiliation. They ALSO include accepting immigrants into our society and treating them with respect.

In short, **** YOU and your adherence to the worst motivations of our ancestors. **** YOU and your crew of disgusting sycophants that continue to excuse the actions of a CRIMINAL. Just **** YOU.
9/26/2019 11:52 AM
More "exemplary" behavior from a Dem. They just don't get it, do they? It truly saddens me that so many people are clueless about their own actions.
9/26/2019 12:00 PM
Posted by all3 on 9/26/2019 11:30:00 AM (view original):
Because I want people to enter this Country legally, learn the language (even if it's technically never been made "official"), and expect to fend for themselves, others call me racist. Because I hate quotas of all kinds for any reason, I am called racist. TO ME, those are total BS reasons to call someone racist. I believe everyone should be treated equal (not discriminated against, but also nothing special), and try to live my life that way. I know that, my friends and family know that, so I don't really care what people looking to argue on the internet think. I don't waste my time trying to convince them of anything, because it will never happen.
I've read and re-read these last 2 pages trying to figure out who (and WHERE) called all3 racist. His comments seem directed at me, yet I know I didn't call anyone a racist. My only point is that it is rather difficult to conclude guys like ME and all3 understand what it REALLY meant to be living Black in our White man's world in 1720 or 1830 in SOME locales. That's what I said, precisely. That concept has the assumption that all3 is a white guy (likely) younger than me. Maybe I'm wrong on that. But I'm not wrong about our people's (our ancestors here in America) values included "possessing" other human beings for the purposes of harnessing their labor as property or "chattel". I stand by my idea that a modern era white man (myself included) doesn't really GET the reality of that "value" being a part of OUR ways.
It has always been so In these United States. This is/has been a white man's world. To deny that is to attempt to live in denial. That river doesn't flow in MY Country, nor is it on my continent. I won't can't be in denial. It ain't me. Babe.

Which is why I question all3's remembrance of good ol American values. And why I say which values are you longing to get back, and from when?
Not everybody's remembrance of 1800ish society round these parts is so fond of certain values we (our PEOPLE) held.

Quite frankly nobody cares whether all3 is a racist, or not. Like me, he's just an internet typer with an opinion.
Usually, a predictably biased one.
9/26/2019 12:17 PM
all3 ignores rational people and focuses on the worst in order to justify his ignorance
9/26/2019 12:32 PM
9/26/2019 2:16 PM
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It is utterly (not udderly - that would involve a cow somehow I think! ) ridiculous that someone would automatically assume you were in favor of slavery because you call for old time values(although I'm pretty sure some people who say that would like slavery back, or at the least to send all people of color back where they came from)
The "old time" value I'd like to see come back is the one where people are willing to take responsibility for their mistakes instead of blaming it on someone else. Many Trump supporters will respond with "but so and so did this" whenever anyone says anything about Trump. Of course it is not just Trump supporters. People in general are not willing to accept responsibility for their actions. In my opinion, that is one of the biggest problems in society today.
9/26/2019 4:10 PM
That's fair enough IMO. But just when did this utopia you refer to exist? To my knowledge we (this Country) have NEVER respected ALL others (certainly not in the 1600's, 1700's 1800's 1900's or until today!!), there have ALWAYS been grifters and freeloaders attempting to get by on others work, and, (to be fair) there have always been con men able to fool the gullible. And the desperate. Folks used to rub mercury all over their body trying to cure gonorrhea and other STD's. The so-called "treatment" was likely worse than the disease as it caused poisoning and made all your teeth fall out A desperate people can be easily bamboozled. Many many of us citizens are DESPERATE for some real political leadership. Many of them voted for this lying scumbag we now have. All good. Mistakes get made.

However, elect him again and I'm tempted to just declare we get what we deserve.
And IMO, following liars, swindlers, and losers, (all in the same person) is a sure path to destruction.
9/26/2019 4:29 PM
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