Ok, so explain to me how the anti-communists on the site have calculated that people who SUPPORT multiple tax brackets (in other words that those making $150,000 pay more than those who make $100,000, who in turn pay more than those making $75,000 etc.) would want a single bracket for TOCs?
Obviously what is needed instead is either separate TOCs for single season and double season progressives so they don't have to compete with the all-star teams from the OLs or some kind of handicap for lower salary cap teams that have to compete in higher level TOCs.
But to be perfectly honest I could not care less about TOCs. They are a fake competition, totally meaningless. There is nothing above winning a world series in a baseball world in which all teams are playing by the same rules. The time and resources wasted on TOCs amazes me as it is usually totally pointless for most teams to play in them as again, most progs, those teams from lower salary caps etc. have no chance against multi-season, higher cap teams.
Communists do support everyone who is able working, being guaranteed a job, and contributing, enough income for everyone to live decently, no state bureaucracy of any kind since all workplaces are to be run by workers' self-management as cooperatives, turning finance into a public utility like water or electricity, at least until we can do away with money altogether thanks to the general level of productiveness of the workforce, technology and the economy, and they sujpport letting people get treated for illnesses instead of letting them die because they don't have as much money as their bosses who exploit them. Yeah awful group of people.
Oh, and did I mention community ownership of teams. Like the Packers. Good thing they are so awful that no one would want that when they could have the team they love and cheer for as a symbol of civic pride and community feeling be treated as a mere source of profit or a tax write-off by the individual owner whose actual interest in the team or fans' well being is zilch. Not that anyone would ever wreck Brooklyn by moving the Dodgers out of town just cause there was more money to be made.
This has been a public service announcement. :-). For more info see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSDMCE_Y3YQ