Some insight into Random AAA from the Live USA Federation League, which uses 12/10 Random. I looked only at hitters from 10 teams (120 players), so obviously it's a fairly small sample size, but the consistency is striking. Data is from the just-started season and the previous two, a range of 6-7 months.
All figures are RL player values, omitting players with multiple matches, from each of the 10 teams' set of Random AAA:
Average Salary Range: $2.01M-$2.56M
Highest Player Salary: $3.26M-$4.77M
Lowest Player Salary: $1.00M-$1.60M
The low salary per team was extremely consistent; 9 of the 10 were from $1,004,397-$1,158,134. The difference in high salary is much greater, but of the 120 players none is as high as $5M.
Avg High Low
$2,010,251 $4,766,443 $1,604,500
$2,031,248 $4,265,671 $1,007,496
$2,099,067 $3,665,910 $1,037,832
$2,215,710 $4,521,564 $1,101,644
$2,219,675 $4,559,491 $1,104,020
$2,230,628 $3,264,631 $1,014,164
$2,349,803 $4,593,071 $1,004,397
$2,374,904 $4,194,009 $1,063,044
$2,377,845 $3,416,061 $1,158,134
$2,555,376 $3,334,273 $1,147,596